♬ And… now… it’s… ♬ Springtime For… Chuck!


When things get to be a bit… much… I’m grateful for lots of things –

the power of friendship…
the joy of music…

and the seasonal reminders of beauty that I don’t always take in until Mother Nature shakes me by the shoulders and says, “Notice!”

We live in an established neighborhood with lots of trees, and my hubby is an inveterate gardener. He’s been recuperating the past few weeks from knee-replacement surgery, so he hasn’t been able to do as much in the gardens as usual. Fortunately, Mother Nature has her own thoughts on caretaking. And as I decided to help just a bit, I figured I’d take along my iPad and welcome you to join me on the trip.

Happy Spring, everyone.

A weathered birdhouse surrounded by Dutch irises.

The hostas are also enjoying this cool spell. They like the shaded backyard.
The bearded irises are showstoppers. There have been years where we’ve had dozens at a time but I think I appreciate them more in smaller numbers, surrounded by the green.
To me, peonies provide all the loveliness of roses without being magnets for deer (which do come around occasionally looking for a snack).
This climbing rose has an amazing perfumy scent. It’s the only one we’ve got for that reason.
The hostas, Solomon seal, ferns and Lenten roses may not be as flashy as their iris, peony and daylily cousins, but they last longer and give a soothing, welcoming feel to the front deck.

We have a small, St. Francis garden in the backyard that I retreat to when I need a little unplugged down time.
It provides a great opportunity for calm – when I remind myself to go to it.

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Views: 35

Chuck Small

Journalist-turned-high school counselor. Happily ensconced in Raleigh, N.C., with hubby of 32 years (10 legal).

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Pauly Steyreen
Famed Member
May 5, 2022 9:42 am

Lush! The bearded irises really are something special. Looks like a little paradise.

Famed Member
May 5, 2022 12:33 pm

Ok, I love gardens. The lusher, the better. Places like Longwood Gardens outside Philly, Kew Gardens in London, estates and manor homes in England, Botanic Gardens in DC next to the Capitol building, I am just so happy to be in those environments. Unfortunately I have had to accept the reality though that rather than the green thumb I want, I have a Black Thumb instead, as I have a terrible tendency to kill most things I try to plant in the yard. So I’ve accepted to just enjoy what others are able to do in their yard.

I live on a cul de sac; there’s 6 houses. When we first moved in here, the other 5 homeowners were all retired. So they are the ones that mow every 3 days (we all have acre+ yards, so we are big on our riding mowers, lol) and have these amazing landscaping displays, because that was their hobby. I joked with them they were more than welcome to attend to mine if they got antsy, lol.

Anyway, our next door neighbor, he was out there every day he had so many flower beds across the yard he’d just putter around and tend to. There is this large shaded area that comes up close to our garage, I think he said over the years he planted hundreds upon hundreds of lillies by hand in there – he just kept adding when the bulbs went on clearance at local nurseries. And it was just gorgeous when they were in bloom.

He has since moved to another town, and a younger couple moved in. They were so excited at everything they inherited basically, and did their best to keep up, but whatever secret ingredient the previous owner did to repel the deer from chowing on the lillies…guess he didn’t share that with the new owners. And the local deer know it’s a tasty buffet once they bloom. Everyone’s lillies are perfectly snipped at the base of the bud. So now the new neighbors have been trying each year different ways to retain their lilly swath!!

Kudos to your husband Chuck, he’s got a most delightful garden going for you guys, thank you for sharing – the pics are terrific!

Noble Member
May 8, 2022 12:40 am

Looks lovely! I love irises — the contrast with the different varieties is really nice.

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