Hello! And if you’re new here and visiting from Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, or any other corner of the interwebs, welcome to tnocs.com!
I’m mt58, the creator and owner of the site. We celebrate music, art, casual conversation and comments, and your own unique perspective on the weird world around us.
From comedy to serious contemplation and everything in between, all of our articles are all written by good folks just like you. Just about anything goes, so if you have something to say, just hit me up and we’ll work get your ideas published.
I’m not sure how it happened so quickly, but we’re coming up on a full year of hangin’ out with each other here.
A special shoutout to our consummate IT professional, who keeps things ticking and clicking. Can you believe it, Gary? A whole year! Time sure flies when you’re having fun!

That’s showing the ol’ team spirit, Gar! I couldn’t agree more!
Anyway, if you’ve been here with us for any of the past 51 weeks, I’d love to hear your thoughts about the fun we’ve had during our twelve-month maiden voyage.
If you have a moment and can drop a line before Friday to submissions@tnocs.com, I’ll put together a virtual memory book (or something-ish) and have it up and ready for March 16. We’ll have a surprise or two ready for you! And remember:
Whether you’re new here, or a long-time participant, we all appreciate your good company.
Thanks for reading!
Good on you all.

Views: 105
Everyday when I clock in at Ye Olde Software Mill, I check for emergencies. There usually aren’t any. Then I read The Number Ones over at the mothership and update the spreadsheet. But then tnocs.com is my first stop. There’s always something interesting happening here.
All of that before getting coffee. That’s how good this place is.
I’ll save my I-love-you-guys for next week on the real anniversary, but I love you guys.
Back atcha slick!
If mt58 is the Dean of TNOCS, then you’re everybody’s favorite professor, V-dog!
Someone can come up with a better metaphor and fit us into cute but relevant roles in that universe… Column idea!!!
Whatever that universe may be, I am the lady gremlin inside of it!
Lady Gremlin needs some sensible pumps… that footwear choice looks uncomfortable.
Is this a fan fiction gremlin, or a gremlin from the sequel, which I haven’t seen? It’s not from the Joe Dante original. I would remember this.
Maybe SheGremlin-fetish world is around the internet corner from Warped Mr Blobbyland?? 🙃
It’s from the sequel. It’s one of my favorite sequel films ever, but not because it’s faithful to the spirit of the original. Quite the opposite; it’s a zany new twist on the original. Kind of like jumping from Season 1 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer to Season 6.
All I can say mt is there better be a Mr Blobby sighting to help celebrate our birthday. Or our anniversary. Birthiversary?
Mr Blobby, the sad middle aged years…..
That didn’t work, let’s try again.
Dear Lord that is horrifying…
There appears to be a special corner of the internet devoted to horrifying blobby depictions. No doubt a response to disturbed childhoods being subjected to the horror of the real blobby.
I think that’s just a result of Lady Gremlin taking senor Blobbo on a bender.
We have packed a whole lot of information, opinions, camaraderie, and all around fun into just one year. I’m loving the direction this has taken and looking forward to next year! Perhaps VDog will work his way to Zouk and Zydeco. Or maybe that will take a few more years. Either way, I’m in for the ride.
It’ll be a while before I get to the Z’s. I haven’t even gotten to Apala, let alone Bullerengue.
No rush. We’ll be here.
The site has been a blast so far, and (I know: first-world problems) navigating the comment space is so much more pleasant than back on the mothership.
I’ve truly enjoyed coming here, and will get around to actually finishing an article soon(ish).
Agreed. MT has outdone himself. The comments are easy to navigate, and the occasional glitch is dealt with immediately. Looking forward to reading your article.
I’ve contributed a couple of blogs on here, and the reactions to them have been a blast, as has been checking out fellow members’ entries too. It’s been a fun, often funny first year, and I’m looking forward to contributing a few more articles as we roll into Year Two.
Fun stuff. Smaller group, so I felt more comfortable writing in a quirkier style when commenting on your summer songs. There’s no downvotes anymore, but whenever I’d go into performance art mode, I’d get downvoted by a mob.
Same thing with the Halloween songs, lovethisconcept. That was a blast, too.
Thank you, to both.
Thank you, mt58.
To paraphrase a great quote, “What hath mt58 wrought!”.
Coming up on one year for this site and it just seems like yesterday
a certain someone ventured forth and created this supreme site.
It’s been a joy to share all your stories, travels, adventures and most of all
your love of music.
Thanks, mt58 and thanks to all our contributors.
You make the world a better place!