He’s tanned. He’s rested. He’s ready. Our loyal scribe Jon is back!
And he accepts your challenge to create a brand new Friday Flash Review!

You all know the drill:
Your humble website runner randomly selects a genre, category, or some other musical common denominator for you all to think on… and then Jon will talk about the song that you choose.
OK, so what’s up for this Friday? Let’s go with:
“Your favorite grunge song.”
And so we have a category!
In the comments below: nominate ONE favorite that you’d like to see in the next Friday Flash Review. Definitely chat and reply with each other about the choices, but remember:
The comment with the most upvotes gets the nod for Jon’s FFR!
Come see what Jon has ready on Friday, June 7!
Let the author know that you liked their article with a “Green Thumb” Upvote!
Views: 74
This is a tough one, but I’ll go with the first one that comes to mind. Lithium by Nirvana. It executes the quiet-loud-quiet pattern to perfection, the bass guitar lines are amazing and the chord changes just really grab me every time. The whole band is on fire on the chorus. It’s perfect and it sums up grunge for me every time I hear it. This song is how I prefer to remember Kurt.
^^ THIS ^^
by mudhoney
Far too many choices, but I’ll suggest “Nearly Lost You” by Screaming Trees.
I second this. Screaming Trees get left out of the conversation too often.
Y’all are making my day! I came here specifically to request “Nearly Lost You” even though I doubted it would get any votes. I liked a lot of the grunge bands but Screaming Trees is the only one I make time to listen to these days.
I’ll avoid the parochial choice of Brit representatives Bush. Mainly because they weren’t that good.
Instead, I’ll go for L7: Pretend We’re Dead
Gotta go with some early Soundgarden. I was split between “Rusty Cage” and “Outshined,” but definitely going for the former (in case anybody’s nostalgia for Johnny Cash’s version helps juice the outcome).
“Plush” by Stone Temple Pilots. How generic is that?
Voting closes at 5PM ET today!
Remember: If you don’t vote, you may end up with the candidate you don’t like!
Hmm… You ought to put that on a billboard or something…