Coming in a close second to wanting to learn to work the saxophone:
I always wanted to be a good drummer.

With the possible exception of the Photon-ajuitar, the drums might be the most physically challenging of all musical instruments.
Beating the hell out of taught, stretched plastic skins is a delight for most little kids. And these many, many many years later: the appeal is still there.
Although I have no illusions of prowess on a Slingerland kit, I do have a sort of pride for something slightly percussive-adjacent:
I’m often able to audibly identify a song just from hearing its naked drum track.
And if I can do it, I’ll bet that you’ll be great at it too. Here are some famous pop hits that showcase equally famous drums-only introductions.
See how many you can identify.








How’d you fare?
Tell us in the comments!

Views: 56
‘Show your musical prowess in the comments?’
Show us your cloth eared ineptitude would be a better reflection of my score. I got 2 of them – 2 & 6.
In my defence, I barely know three of them. While the prosecution would point out that I know the other three very well so what have you got to say about that? I’ve got nothing.
I was convinced no.5 was Mony Mony.
This was fun. Despite my failure.
Good sport for trying.
If we do this again, JJ, I’ll make it more UK accessible A Mr. Blobby track, perhaps…
Bucks Fizz
I got 5!
I feel like I’ve won something.
You like me! You really like me!
I should have ordered branded merch cowbells as a prize. Missed opportunity!
5 out of 8, as per usual with any of these quizzes. Guessing “We Got the Beat” every time I don’t know for sure is not a good strategy.
I’d try to think of more drum related puns, but mt has nearly exhausted them all. Better to just enjoy the ride…
…as long as you don’t crash.
I’ve got no skin in the game.
Bass-icly, none of us do.
Well, you got me beat.
This whole thread is a kit-tastrophy
Really? I think it’s a banger.
I’m just going to head out.
No! You should stick with it.
Q: What did the drummer name his three daughters?
A: Anna One, Anna Two, Anna Three
ba doom tss
I got 7.5 out of 8. The half point is because my brain was thinking the correct song for the second sample but my mouth said something else. It was a different song by the same band from the same period and both songs hit #1, so I’ll be nice to myself and add .5.
This was fun!
I got seven
Sweet! I got all but #5. I guess I know the live version of that one rather than the studio version.
Very fun idea for a quiz! I will say that I knew most of them within the first second. So to me this felt a little easy. Maybe it’s the kind of thing where you either know it or you don’t…there’s not a lot of figuring out?
I got 4 in total. I was sure #4 was “Simulation Swarm” by Big Thief, though that would be an unusual entry amidst all the other classic rock.
8 for 8, baby!! WHOO!
Great band!
Got 5 out of 8 this time (missed 3, 5 and 8). That’s better than I’ve been doing on the other quizzes, so I’ll take it!
I did much better than I thought that I would. This was really fun.
5 for 8. I can live with that. Great quiz, by the way.