Everybody loves a good rebuttal. A snappy retort. A spirited give-and-take.
Especially over the past few years.
Taking a firm (and often intractable) position on just about anything seems to have become our new national pastime.
Some would say that this is not a new phenomenon. And they would be correct. Just look at some of the classics:

Beatles vs. Stones

Superman vs. Batman

Mary Ann vs. Mr. Howell

Star vs. Punic

Superman, again; this time, vs. a Cobb salad
OK, so maybe a few of those examples are a result of too much sleep deprivation. So much to do around here…
It’s my own fault for giving Gary the weekend off. Maybe I’ll just give him a quick –

OK. And, also, “eww.”
Anyway, you have to admit: most of those examples are certifiably debatable.
If I really had to…
I wonder if I’m sharp enough that I could change someone’s mind about something?

Fine. I admit it. I’m gettin’ nowhere with the Jessica Alba exclusive.
But without getting all Lincoln-Douglas upside your heads, let me take a stab at something:
I get a lot of email about writing for this site.
Quite often, someone will pitch a terrific idea for an article. Really good stuff that folks will enjoy.
But in the very next sentence, they will immediately start listing reasons why they can’t, won’t, or shouldn’t pursue the thought. Here, with some allegedly funny point-counterpoint, are the three top reasons people avoid taking the plunge.

REBUTTAL: Seriously? That’s the least of the reasons!
Join the club. You know when I started writing online? Four years ago. In an internet comment section.

Astoundingly, Lorne Michaels still hasn’t called.
Have you ever been part of a crowd? Of course you have. And this is a crowdsourced website – which means we lovingly accept content from all of our members.
From the pros to the recreational writers, to the commenters, to the folks who practice their Starbucks order in their head, just to get it right: everyone gets to speak their piece, play along, and hang out.

REBUTTAL: Seriously? Sure ya do!
What is interesting to you? I’ll bet that you have lots to say about things that would interest our readers. For example:
- What song meant the world to you as a kid – but now does nothing for you?
- What song meant nothing to you as a kid – but now holds a special meaning?
- Name a talent that you have, and teach us how to do it.
- What artist really gets to your soul?
- If you could do anything for work, what would you do?
- What would be the first and last sentences in your autobiography?
- What do the people in your life like about you?
- What’s something not-so-great that happened to you, but now actually seems funny?
- How often do you like to be alone?
I could do this all day. Just from the above list: I bet that you have lots to say. Go ahead – pick one and start by just thinking about it.

REBUTTAL: Of course you don’t. But you don’t have to – that’s my gig!
Just send a Word document, Google document, or even just plain text in an email. And that’s it.
I take care of the graphics, layout, help and workshopping with editing (if necessary), and the Chex Party Mix for the whole shebang. It’s my pleasure – and my honor to make your article pop, shine, and get boatloads of awesome comments.
So maybe give it some thought. I’m always here, and I respond to every pitch. A few last thoughts:
- Topics – Music is obviously a big thing at our place. Maybe start there.
- Word count – Generally speaking, the sweet spot is between 800-1000 words. If you have a longer piece, we can always work together to create a mini-series or two-parter.
- Site cost to join as an author/ member: Zero. Nada Never. See: https://tnocs.com/login/ for the fascinating details.
- Privacy Policy: Ironclad. You are safe here. I will NEVER betray your trust or have you privacy compromised.
- OK. Please. Stop. I’m convinced. How do I communicate with you? The address for sending stuff or chatting me up about writing for the site is: submissions@tnocs.com .
OK. Thanks very much for reading.
I’ll be back in a bit. I have a new side hustle going as a Doordash driver! And I just got a notification that I need to deliver a Cobb Salad. See you all later!
(Hmm.. this address looks familiar…)

Have a great weekend, everyone, and please consider popping in over the next 48, for a look, a comment about our great writers’ articles… or just a simple “hello” to tell us ‘what’s up with you.’
I always appreciate how nice you all are for keeping me – and all of our community – such good company.
Please be careful, take good care of yourselves and each other,
…and good on you all.


Views: 107
I chose Beatles, Superman, Mary Ann, Star, and Cobb, and I realized that in each case I picked either the least psychologically damaged one or a food.
I wonder what Dr. Freud would say.
Anyway, ditto. Writing is good for you, in ways you can’t predict. And so is sharing. Go for it.
Dr. Freud would be busy. I picked the most psychologically damaged in every case except, of course, Mary Ann. Mr. Howell was just the worst.
* Beatles
* Batman, voiced by Will Arnett
* Ginger
* Star, original trilogy only
* Superman, because Superman could make a Cobb salad but a Cobb salad couldn’t make Superman
> …Superman could make a Cobb salad but a Cobb salad couldn’t make Superman
The ever-logical Pei. Well defended!
It is actually rare that someone picks Ginger over MaryAnn. It’s wrong, but I can’t blame you for sticking to your opinion. 🙂
Beatles v Stones: Kinks
Batman v Superman: Promethea
Mary Ann vs Mr. Howell: Tatoo
Star v Punic: Thumb
Don’t Write vs Do Write
Or Do-Right.
When I woke up this morning, I didn’t know that someone was going to say “thumb,” and that it would subsequently make me spit out my mouthful of coffee.
But here we are.
I’ve got the first line of my autobiography;
I was born whether I liked it or not.
Substitute ‘was born’ for ‘died’ and I’ve got the last line too. Just the bits in-between to work out.
Other than that, like the punk ethos in today’s other article from our resident musical history teacher;
Everyone has something to say.
Anyone can be in a band. Or rather anyone can be a writer.
You can do it.
Do It.
I’m not really a musical history teacher, but I’m giving this comment an A+ anyway.
I was saying “Let me outta here” before I was even born. It’s such a gamble when you get a face.
Probably the best lyric of a punk song, ever.
The hell… There was NO Chex Party Mix supplied when I submitted my article. Where can I file a formal complaint?
Note to self:
A satiated Aaron is a happy Aaron.
I.O.U 1.
The cost of shipping them across the Atlantic to me ruined tnocs finances.
I’m going rouge and choosing a Waldorf Salad.
[Insert Statler put-down here]
It is awesome to hear folks are continuing to be interested in writing for our little Cheers bar corner of the world. Take it from me – you don’t have to be a stellar communicator or experienced writer to share with us. I mean, honestly, have you read my posts? 😉
Go for it!!!!
Mary Ann vs Mr Howell? I thought it was Ginger vs Mary Ann was the rivalry I always paid attention to…
Until a few years ago, when I realized Mrs Howell is in my age group.
Tempus fugit.
Carol Brady vs. Lovey Howell:
No, no, no. It’s Carol Brady vs. Shirley Partridge.
And Shirley wins that one only because “The Brady Bunch Variety Hour” was a thing.
I can’t look at my blog. Cringe. I think my first post was about Julia Holter’s Aviary. I wrote about how it reminded me of Tori Amos’ Boys for Pele. Holter was coming off her breakthrough album Have You in My Wilderness? and followed it up with an album with no pop hooks. Mojo went against the grain and chose Holter over the consensus best album: Kendrick Lamar’s To Pimp a Butterfly. It’s not a great idea to criticize an album that everybody apparently loved.
Stones, Batman, Mary Ann, Star, Christopher Reeve as Superman(otherwise, Cobb salad).
Sorry,mt58 for not posting for the past few days, but we are in the middle of our end of the season for basketball and the oncoming playoffs.
I’ve been reading the great postings but just havent had time to post.
I’ve got several ideas to write about and I will present them when I have the time.
A tip of the hat to those who have posted and good on you all!
Every year, teams from the continent play in the Iolani Basketball Tournament. High school basketball is boring as heck here because we don’t use a shot clock. Once and awhile, you got the occasional upset because the local teams would stall, so you’d see scores like 43-39. Well, that all changed in recent years. To attract the same elite programs, the organizers installed the clock. So the host school lost to Montverde(they’re always here) 97-34.
If I’m not mistaken, we’re the only state who plays pre-Villanova beating Georgetown in the NCAAs style basketball.
Good luck to your school, DanceFever.
You forgot Stuffing vs. Potatoes. For which:
Wait a minute, if Irishbear is here does that mean a welcome to the club assignment is required?
Ooh, ooh, yes!
Yes! And that assignment is an article! Or a recurring column would be welcome too… 😉
Welcome, IrishbearTX! Great having you here.
Most unexpected, exciting things to happen to me this weekend:
Ancestry.com, f***ing families up with DNA testing since 2012!
This HAS to be the subject of a future post of yours.
I think Irish Bear would do a better job of explaining it, but I could give it a try…
OK, OK…I meant you’re second point. 🙂
thegue: “I have just learned of a profound and life changing fact. It will change and impact everything for the rest of my days.”
Me: “Cool. Maybe we’ll get an article out of it.”
I’m the worst.
“Badlands” vs. “Born to Run”.
Other than Superman vs Cobb Salad, this graphic made me laugh the most. And THEN I saw that irish contributed it, and now I’m happy.
I am as far as you can get from being a writer, but I have posted things here. The great thing is that you don’t have to worry about criticism of your actual presentation. People here respond to your ideas and meaning. Generously, kindly, and respectfully. I have an article in process right now, and thinking about another.
I have to write another article whenever I run out of Chex mix.
Irish is in the house! Can Bixmeister be far behind? Welcome good friend.
And Cappie, we do have a 35 second shot clock, new this year, but we still have scores like 33-23 for a full game. It’s high school ball and that’s why I love it!
There was a kid named Derek Low; he had everything you would want in a point guard. In my mind, if there was a shot-clock, it could’ve put him on a path to the NBA.
When it came time to choosing a school, it came down to Washington State or Gonzaga. He chose WSU, under Tony Bennett, son of Dick, who played a ball-control style of basketball. Like father, like son. As a senior, he led the Cougars to the Sweet Sixteen. They fell to North Carolina.
Low missed playing with Klay Thompson by one season. But it was with the kid from Hawaii, Washington State had it’s greatest success. As a junior, WSU made the NCAAs for the first time since 1993. The Cougars haven’t been back.
I have this nagging feeling, though, about Low’s career that if he had chosen Gonzaga, he’d be some NBA team’s backup. The Zags play at a faster pace. Maybe, just maybe, Mark Few’s style would’ve taken Derek Low’s game to another level.
I’ve been away too long and way overdue for an article, which I will remedy soon.
And between Mary Ann and Mr. Howell, I’ll go with Mrs. Howell. In real life Natalie Schafer was nearly 14 years older than Jim Backus and she did that “You Need Us” number on the show looking very hot and spry opposite women nearly half her age.
You have to love a guy who remembers “The Honeybees!”