
A TNOCS Collaboration: Your Singonyms!


Over the past two weeks ,we explained the amazing concept of Singonyms…

… and as we are wont to do around here, we immediately put out the call for your brilliant creations!

And you did not disappoint!

The creative urge has been apparent with a plethora / abundance / surfeit of entries.

As your bodies recover from the plethora / abundance / surfeit of Thanksgiving Turkey and mashed potato, keep your mind active with these. Whether you can unravel the source material or not, there’s plenty to enjoy in the fruits of the TNOCS collective labour.

Let’s see how many you can deduce without peeking. We’ll start with an appetizer of sorts; two imminently guessable Singonyms from yours truly:

The collective are not requiring of tuition
The collective are not requiring of coercive persuasion
Keep sneering derision out of the learning environment
Pedagogue, stop interfering with those children

Excuse me, pedagogue, stop interfering with those children

To sum it up, this is a further element in the construction of a partition
To sum it up, they are a further element in the construction of a partition

Give up?

Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick In The Wall, Pt 2”

Too easy? Try this one:

Should an unnatural doohickey
Be present within the locale
What number will one dial?
Should that be abnormal
With an unpleasant appearance
What number will one dial?
One does not submit to fear of a ghoul

Give up?

Ray Parker Jr.’s “Ghostbusters”

OK, now that you’re warmed up, let’s go to the collective – and bring out the big guns:

The second person singular is the solar emanation of my existence,
It’s the reason the speaker will continually be present.

The lone receiver of this intention is like a fruit stuck in my ocular cavity,
As if the recipient of this thought has taken up permanent residence in my upper torso.

Give up?

Stevie Wonder’s “You Are The Sunshine Of My Life”

Crafted By:

Both Grouse

A newer model than I
Is she twisted in the loins like I am?
Would she perform mouth sex on you while watching a live performance?
Does she speak well and true?
Would she produce your offspring?
I am confident that she would raise children in a satisfying manner

Because the emotional bonding you provided and that we shared
Was inadequate for you to expose your thoughts and feelings
And every moment that you mention her legal first and surname
Is she made aware that you impressed upon me
That we would remain embraced until you passed away?
Until you passed away – but still you walk the Earth in good health!

I am present to help you recall
Of the clutter that remained when you departed
It is inequitable to keep from me
The torturous grudge I carry
You, you, you should really be more aware

Give up?

Alanis Morissette’s You Oughta Know

Crafted By:


According to you, I’m the young man capable of doing everything
But I have to say I’m unsure I understand each step that comes next

You tell me, no problem, embrace
Hey, I’m uncertain this is my correct next step
Hey, no problem, embrace
It’s fine for us to be together every hour, light or dark
Till the dawn, till the dawn
Let’s return to your place
‘Cause I’m not finished as evening goes by  

Give up?

John Cougar Mellencamp’s “Ain’t Even Done With The Night”

Crafted By:

Chuck Small

Present and radiating heat in this moment
If I were to turn my gaze, it is possible that you would have vanished.

In this current chapter of our lives
purpose descends into small slivers, exiting our existence.
This is the intent of my journey from a distant place, to be with you, where you dwell.

Indeed, that which I have spoken of desiring floods into my very thoughts in your presence-
Ecstasy that numbers seven twice fold, along with the resolve to be happy,
Everything that has been declared to be quite-
Emotional, mild breeze, as a gust moving about my being afresh.

Affectionate woman, tender and kind individual.
Emotional, mild breeze, as a gust moving about my being afresh.
Affectionate woman, tender and kind individual.

Give up?

Bob Welsh’s “Sentimental Lady”

Crafted By:


I’m habituated to your clockwork repetition
How you covet a life free from manacles
M’am, stop shilly-shallying around and do it
It’s your prerogative to be resolute and
Be the instrument of instinct
Although there are some sounds you can’t improvise
Like a banshee ensnared in her own echo chamber

And the pulsation informs your manic state
When you recognize the quietude of a won petition
That can’t be found
That can’t be salvaged
That can’t exist

A pealing is impossible without teardrops
Doers know what love does is an undoing
Hey, rotters have flavor with the shelf life of a flavor
The tears you drink like an enema for the soul

Give up?

Fleetwood Mac’s “Dreams”

Crafted By:


However, I am not insane, I am only a tiny bit sick
I am aware that at this moment you are unable to recognize it
In spite of that, remain for a period and possibly afterwards you will look at
Another section of myself
I am not insane, I am only a tiny bit imperfect
I am aware that at this moment you cannot bring about attention
Nevertheless, before long you will have me in your brain
And the way I was

Give up?

Matchbox Twenty’s “Unwell”

Crafted By:


I once hoodwinked the emotions of people
Who quickly replied to me
Then I encountered a young woman
And understood I’d tumble

Pitiful tiny twit
I used to be a boob
Yep, miserable lightweight idiot
I was a moron, affirmative

Give up?

Ricky Nelson’s “Poor Little Fool”

Crafted By:


Affirm, that’s my stool sample

Every lady should walk with heavy steps as I do
I’ve had several experiences on that oval pathway
Therefore things won’t proceed as you expect
The reason is, that I am not a lady that shouts in response

I am not a gal that calls out a reply
I declare ownership of this feces
I concede proprietorship of this scat
I confess control of this manure
I acknowledge that this dung is mine.

Give up?

Gwen Stefani’s “Hollaback Girl”

Crafted By:

Link Crawford

Alas, winter makes for trembling
I fly a leaflet to yonder hovel
Ill-starred events on the foyer
I became as a statue still
Did I weep? I have no recollection
Told of his mistress alone
And yet, I was profoundly moved
When the song to heaven ascends

Farewell, lady New World baked dessert
Did ride my mount to the berm
The berm was without moisture
Country folk imbibed domestic spirits
And voiced as one
‘Now yours truly will the Styx ford
Anon this flesh will cease to be

Give up?

Don McLean’s“American Pie”

Crafted By:


I hallucinate regarding a Yuletide devoid of color.
Many such have occurred in the past to my certain knowledge.
In this location the crowns of large flora shine
And the offspring of homo sapiens exercise their auditory sense
To perceive the peal of an enclosed spherical metal ball in the frozen precipitation.

I hallucinate regarding a Yuletide devoid of color
Accompanying each announcement of holiday good wishes that I commit to paper.
Wishing that all might enjoy twenty-four periods of jollity and brilliance
And that they might also enjoy only Yuletides devoid of color.

Give up?

Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas”

Crafted By:


The woman I fancy engages in a sexually suggestive and yet strangely distant dance
The woman I fancy engages in a sexually suggestive and yet strangely distant dance
The woman I fancy engages in a sexually suggestive and yet strangely distant dance
The woman I fancy engages in a sexually suggestive and yet strangely distant dance
The woman I fancy engages in a sexually suggestive and yet strangely distant dance

I witnessed this woman ambling along a thoroughfare
It’s as if I’d never viewed her before
A good-looking, petite female, upright, amazingly unaccompanied
“Good day, petite female, may I bring you to my abode?”
I didn’t observe her, no no at no time did I observe her

(5X) The woman I fancy engages in a sexually suggestive and yet strangely distant dance
Spoken: Let us expand our horizons and venture forth
{delightfully amateurish surf-esque guitar solo}

I witnessed this woman ambling along a thoroughfare
It’s as if I’d never viewed her before
A good-looking, petite female, upright, amazingly unaccompanied
“Good day, petite female, may I bring you to my abode?”
I didn’t observe her, no no at no time did I observe her
Spoken: It’s time to place it perfectly on the outer edge of home plate at knee level

(5X) The woman I fancy engages in a sexually suggestive and yet strangely distant dance
Spoken: Let us dazzle them with our finest effort
The woman I fancy engages in a sexually suggestive and yet strangely distant dance

Give up?

Tommy James And The Shondell’s “Hanky Panky”

Crafted By:


Someone realizes about someone else’s thoughts
And realizes that it can be difficult from time to time
Though that person could have an opportunity to discover something

Ok someone believes we’ll achieve it
Trust it could be good this occasion
Ok someone believes we’ll achieve it
Trust it could be good this occasion
Ok someone believes we’ll achieve it
Trust it could be good
Due to this it’s not past time, past time for someone

Give up?

Christopher Cross’ “All Right”

Crafted By:

Edith G

And, a bonus quickie…

Rise and dance

Give up?

Silver Convention’s“Get Up And Boogie”

Crafted By:


And to wrap it all up: Confirming that “parallel thinking” is indeed a “thing:Three independent submissions…

  • From rollerboogie: “Distilled “beverage made from the blue agave plant”
  • From Virgindog: “Agave!”
  • And from mt58: “Clooney’s Casamigos Specialty!”
Give up?

The Champs’ “Tequila!”

Great work, everyone! Thanks for playing!

With gratitude,

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Views: 113

JJ Live At Leeds

From across the ocean, a middle aged man, a man without a plan, a man full of memories, a man like JJ.

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Famed Member
November 28, 2024 11:23 pm

Ugh, this was rough. I missed on 6 of these, 2 of which I didn’t know the song, and one I barely knew. I did get stobgopper’s bonus quickie, and that is too funny that 3 of us had the same idea.
We def need to do this again down the line. It was humbling, but fun!

Famed Member
November 29, 2024 4:05 am

OOF. There were more songs that I barely remember at all (5) than songs that I actually guessed right (4).

That leaves #5 and #9, both of which are amazing but only #5 gave me that “WOW” revelation once I found out what it was. So that’s my favorite.

Famed Member
Online Now
November 29, 2024 7:40 am

Hats off to everyone! These are all great and really hard. For some reason I have to ask, is it too early for tequila?

Famed Member
November 29, 2024 9:44 am
Reply to  Virgindog

Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo, CAPSIZE!

Famed Member
November 29, 2024 8:11 am

I must still be in a post-Thanksgiving food stupor. There were several I didn’t get that I ought to have gotten (including 10 and the bonus!).

Great job, everyone! Lots of fun.

Famed Member
Online Now
November 29, 2024 11:19 am

I did OK on this one! I got all but 4 of the ones that I didn’t submit.

On #4, I even briefly thought of the title of that song, which I love, but now realize that I know virtually none of the lyrics to it. I missed it.

I also missed #7, 11, and 12. My favorite was the bonus quickie, which I immediately recognized. Made me laugh. 🙂

A good time!

Famed Member
November 29, 2024 1:02 pm

This was fun! I didn’t get as many as I though that I would. Loved trying to guess who did each one. I didn’t get any of those right. but they all fit when I saw the answer.

Edith G
Famed Member
Edith G
November 29, 2024 5:02 pm

First of all, happy belated thanksgiving. I only guessed #2 and #6.

Good choices people, and it was fun.

Famed Member
November 30, 2024 12:39 am

Hey, Happy Thanksgiving +1, everybody! What great work. I started well, but things got much more difficult quickly. And ‘Hollaback Girl’ was a most inspired choice.

Famed Member
Online Now
November 30, 2024 11:20 am
Reply to  stobgopper

There is more talk of excrement in that song than an issue of the Journal of Gastroenterology.

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