
A TNOCS Collaborative Callout: Singonyms Goes Interactive!


Back by popular demand, it’s the return of Singonyms!

We’re opening it up to the TNOCS collective to show off your extensive / formidable / first class / stellar vocabularies.

Or to borrow from the superior minds of Roget / Merriam-Webster / your partner.

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to undertake a complete rewrite of the words of a song while retaining the same meaning. Leaving the rest of us to guess the source material.

There’s no rules, but a few pointers may be helpful.

  • Any song, any genre, any era; the choice is yours.
  • Just try not to make it too obscure. You may be of the opinion that the B-side to “You Can Call Me Al” is a hidden gem that deserves a wider audience but this isn’t the forum. Give us a fighting chance.

Ideally keep it to no more than a verse and chorus. Or if it doesn’t adhere to a standard verse / chorus format keep it to a reasonable length excerpt.

Or going the other way: there’s no limitation on how short an extract you want to befuddle us with.

The mission is to change it entirely but don’t get too hung up on perfection.

From experience I can tell you that replacing all the ‘A’, ‘I’ and ‘you’s can be particularly challenging. I can’t say 100% that there wasn’t the odd ‘I’ that I left in place so we won’t hold it against you if the occasional word slips through unchanged.

For me, a song with character and distinctive words and images worked best… but whatever works for you. I steered clear of generic love song territory but if you can make that work more power to you.

“”You’re about to be the host for my next big project…”

With the entirety of musical history to choose from the chances of two people taking on the same song should be slim…

…Though it’s entirely possible that all you Limp Bizkit obsessives go for the same option.

“Fake Money.”
“There. What was so hard about that?”

In which case it’s first come first served and we’ll do our best to let anyone submitting the same song know so you can have another go should you wish.

How to submit your work of art:

mt58 has a little fun planned for this one, so don’t post your entry in the comments below, but instead, send via email to submissions@tnocs.com with “Singonyms” in the subject line. He’ll do the rest.

Have fun, folks. The deadline for your dazzling entries is Wednesday, November 27…

And the guessing will commence next Friday, November 29!

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Views: 64

JJ Live At Leeds

From across the ocean, a middle aged man, a man without a plan, a man full of memories, a man like JJ.

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Famed Member
November 24, 2024 11:03 am

This ought to be a fun way to spend Black Friday … since there’s no way I’ll be where lots of Americans spend that day.

Famed Member
Online Now
November 24, 2024 1:42 pm

We have a fun little twist planned for everybody’s submissions on Friday!

Keep them coming: submissions@tnocs.com

Edith G
Famed Member
Edith G
November 25, 2024 5:27 pm

You have a lot of talent for this JJ, but man I don’t what I could do with something like this. I hope to have ideas before the deadline.

Famed Member
Online Now
November 26, 2024 11:15 am


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