A Weekend Photo Essay: Perfect Pup Pairings


Pork and Pinot.

Camembert and Cabernet.

Vichyssoise and Mountain Dew.

Everyone loves a good pairing: the perfect mutual compliment.

Why not have pairings of music and photos?

And more importantly: why not select the perfect songs to go along with cute photos of my dog?

Here are some pairings to try out, for your viewing and listening pleasure.


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Phylum of Alexandria

Committed music junkie. Recovering academic. Nerd for life.

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Famed Member
November 13, 2022 9:54 am

Neat idea — and good for the dogs to get equal time! Hope you’re enjoying the weekend.

Pauly Steyreen
Famed Member
November 13, 2022 12:31 pm

Your dog seems to be of the Sunday morning persuasion. Content to be lazy…

Lucky dog!

Famed Member
November 13, 2022 1:01 pm

Awww, Furbaby taking it easy….. easy like Sunday morning….

Phylum, does said furbaby have a name?!

And question to folks who are parents – is it more fun to take pictures of your baby, or of your furbaby?!fur baby?!

Can you tell I like the word ‘furbaby’???

Last edited 1 year ago by dutchg8r
Famed Member
November 13, 2022 11:40 pm

I prefer Mystic as well, seems to totally suit her.

Didn’t I just see a news story here in DC about rescue dogs from Korea? Is that something the shelter there does regularly, rescue dogs from overseas? Well, she’s lucky to have found her forever pack halfway around the world. 🙂

Famed Member
November 13, 2022 5:17 pm

I had a Black German Shepherd. I would explain to people that Lucky(it’s the name he was born with; I would never give my dog such a basic name) sleeps in an AKC-approved kennel with a small radio, wind chimes, and on hot nights, an air conditioner on timer. Over time, my neighbors would stay on the same side of the street.

It is true. There are no bad dogs, only bad owners. Fiona Apple has a pit bull. She’s alive. If I recall correctly, she cancelled a tour when her first pit bull passed away.

“Personal Space” is my favorite. You can literally see “help me” in her eyes, “this is too much love, yeah, yeah, I know I’m a good girl.”

Famed Member
November 13, 2022 8:30 pm

My avatar on the mothership is the real Cappie. When mt58 was asking for submissions to accompany his ELO cover, I was trying to send a video of my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Ruby barking at the 2D rabbits in the original Watership Down. A lot of dogs can recognize animals and 3D-animated animals, but Cappie diagnosed the watercolor figures as rabbits(a real testament to the artists; except for the talking, the anthropomorphism is kept to a minimum; they’re not walking around on two legs, and their thoughts are rabbit thoughts) around the 90-second mark. You can see Cappie thinking: Animal? It’s the scene, in which the rabbits cross the road, dodging moving vehicles, when you first hear him bark. Is he worried about the rabbit being hit? I wondered.

Famed Member
November 13, 2022 11:51 pm
Reply to  cappiethedog

I’ve got a picture of our dog attentively watching Westminster Dog Show one year. You could tell he was unsure what to make of it, but he didn’t really ever bark at the tv with that. Now horses? He did NOT like horses in his living room. 😁

Watership Down caused 3 year old me to absolutely freak out in the movie theater. I can’t remember what it was specifically, but I reacted like I did during Black Beauty where the horse was trapped in a fire – I was traumatized. So much so we left the movie only partway through and went to see Superman instead in the next theater. Zod laser zapping the snake to death with his eyes still freaked me out, but I just remember thinking ‘at least it’s not Watership Down’!!!!

Famed Member
November 14, 2022 3:17 am
Reply to  dutchg8r

The filmmaker, Martin Rosen, followed up Watership Down with an animated film about lab animals called The Plague Dogs(also based on a Richard Adams novel). I’ve only seen a blurry version of it on YouTube; somebody filming his television. Take a wild guess as to Rosen’s career. Did he or did he not find people to finance another animated film?

That movie poster. I don’t think parents noticed that the rabbit was in bondage. I saw it on cable. My grandmother wasn’t paying attention. Quite the leap from Scooby Doo.

Famed Member
November 13, 2022 11:57 pm

MrDutch worked hard at mimicking our dogs’ vocalizations. One day he must’ve really nailed it, cause the dog totally gave him a look of – oh my God you understand me! – frozen dumbfounded in place for a few seconds, then leapt up onto him in such an excited state like I’d never seen from the dog before.

We had a bulldog, so much of the communication was in snorts and huffs. 🙂

Famed Member
November 14, 2022 9:37 am

Oh man, last year we had a Robin’s nest on our back porch. Fourth nest of either Robin’s or doves we’ve had over the past few years. I’d look every morning out the kitchen door to check on them, it was a weird sense of calm to watch them. So one morning, within 2 days of the babies about to leave the nest, there’s a bunch of crows around the back porch – and no babies in the nest.

Our side yard had become an Avian CSI crime scene, it was not pretty. Mama Robin was doing her best to try and defend the babies and screeching up a storm, but she was only one bird up against 6 crows. And that was when I realized – whoa, they aren’t kidding when they call a group of crows a murder. Yikes…!

Pauly Steyreen
Famed Member
November 13, 2022 9:20 pm

I’ve been listening to Vashti Bunyan all day. Never heard of her before, but this is exactly the pagan (or pagan-adjacent) vibe I need for my Sunday. Thank you for sharing Phylum!!!

Pauly Steyreen
Famed Member
November 14, 2022 3:48 pm

Listened to several tracks from Comus, but it didn’t move the needle much for me. Sounded like Jethro Tull stuck at a Renaissance Faire, but maybe not quite…

However, I have been listening to Vashti Bunyan all morning and sharing this discovery with my wife and a friend. Thanks again for the recommendation!

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