Just in time to respond to the subpoena from the Burl Ives Estate, it's lovethisconcept, with your First Round Yuletide nominations…
« more...»And The Winner Is…
« more...»The Finals Are Here! - Vote Now…
« more...»It's the penultimate Round 4! - Vote now!…
« more...»We're up to Round 3!! - Vote now!…
« more...»It's Round 2 - Vote now!…
« more...»And away we go! Be sure to vote in Round 1!!…
« more...»Is it for soup? Or just the pure love of the game? No matter - we can all agree: Contributing Author Chuck Small totally deserves a re-rack.…
« more...»Trying to avoid a fatal zugzwang, Contributing Author JJ Live At Leeds will forge on to chase an elusive victory. Especially against the 10-year-olds.…
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