You say you've been relegated to being just a flash-in-the pan? A mere one-trick pony? Well, fear not: For the defense, Contributing Author rollerboogie is on the case…
« more...»Hitting the high notes as always, it's Contributing Author and Honorary Hobbit DJ Professor Dan, with what was happening musically around this time... in 1975…
« more...»Contributing Author and Historian Bill "Virgindog" Bois is back with a new episode of his series that celebrates the innovations that made music better, and the people who created them…
« more...»Join Guest Author Alex Chrisman as he connects the dots - from an iconic entertainer, to Tom Cruise... to Ronald Reagan, to... Steven Segal and Wally George?…
« more...»Ozmoe’s Fantasy Rankings: What If Classic Album Cuts Had Been Included In Billboard Rankings?

Come along with Contributing Author Ozmoe on a fantastic fantasy voyage that asks a fascinating "What if" Billboard chart question…
« more...»He's even got the month of ...March? Look out, kids: It's Contributing Hobo DJ Professor Dan with what was happening musically around this time... in 1965…
« more...»Heavy Metal – Before It Was Heavy Metal Toward the end of the 60s, a louder, more discordant, fuzzed-out electric-guitar dominated propulsion of sound emerged from the haze: The ear-splitting shock wave of what was labeled psychedelic rock, acid rock, or the more nebulous hard rock was a fresh hell…
« more...»It can be a thin line between a "dud" and a "banger." And to further complicate matters, some artists have a sole diamond in their virtual jewelry box of hits. With a list of personal faves amidst the stiffs, here's Contributing Author blu-cheez « more...»
Coonskin cap-clad Contributing Author and DJ Professor Dan has been writing this bit since the wee small hours of the morning - so can all be in-the-know about what was happening musically around this time... in 1955…
« more...»The music! The lights! The exciting performances! The flying bottles of - um... maybe we'd best let our good friend and Contributing Author JJ Live At Leeds take it from here…
« more...»