"Yes, it’s pretty cringey in 2024. But as a 10-year-old, I kinda dug it."
How's that for a teaser? it's Contributing Author Chuck Small, returning once again to help jog your memory and help you to recall... Who sang that ? Get ready for Volume 6…
Contributing Author and Twitch Broadcaster DJ Professor Dan is back to share what was happening musically in this very month, 70 years ago…
« more...»Join our friend, the ever-eidetic Contributing Author Phylum Of Alexandria for Part Four of his lifelong musical journey in: "The Memory Mixes"…
« more...»Ignoring the lyrics and dutifully humming along, it's Contributing Author Chuck Small, returning once again to help jog your memory and help you to recall... Who sang that ? Get ready for Volume 5…
« more...»What’s the only thing that Contributing Author and Master of Pondery rollerboogie likes more than a tight, four-part harmony? A musical discussion, of course! His ever-enquiring mind wants to know…
« more...»Attention all detail-obsessive vinyl record fans: Break out those Dollar Store readers! Because it’s time to join Contributing Author JJ Live At Leeds to discover what curiosities reside at the edge of the run-out groove…
« more...»Join our friend and ever-eidetic Contributing Author Phylum Of Alexandria for Part Three of his lifelong musical journey in: "The Memory Mixes"…
« more...»Twanging, Stirring, Thundering And Shaking: My Favorite Exotic Percussion Instruments – Part Two
Returning like the thunder(stick) for an encore: it's Contributing Author Both Grouse, with a rhythmic sequel about things that go bump (and shake and twang and clack) in the night…
« more...»Contributing Author and Windy City born Chuck Small is here to help jog your memory and help you to recall... Who sang that ? Get ready for Volume 4…
« more...»Casey just got New Year's Day off.: Because not one of these 20 great records ever made the Top 40. There are some real surprises here - so let the head-shaking commence…
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