Getting his kicks above the waistline, sunshine, it's Contributing Author DJ Professor Dan, who delivers a solid-as-a-rock report on what was happening musically around this time... in 1985…
« more...»You're gonna be our number one…
« more...»Time-tripping back 51 (!) years, it's Contributing Author rollerboogie,with a fair and balanced summation of one of the more controversial 12-month periods in 20th century pop music…
« more...»We can all agree that Contributing Author Chuck Small is anything but a "random" music fan. Nonetheless, Chuck is back with the first of a two-parter that delightfully deploys a uniquely arbitrary method of curation. for a fun and eclectic sonic result…
« more...»Tangled up in proto-disco with a pair of Bobs, it's Contributing Author DJ Professor Dan, who's out on the avenuuuue with what was happening musically around this time... in 1975…
« more...»With something for everyone: a Saturday sampler of this week's notable music news headlines…
« more...»Without the electric guitar, popular music as we know it would be inconceivable. In his continuing series about musical innovators, Contributing Author Bill Bois takes a look at the instrument and inventor that changed the world…
« more...»They say it's his birthday - and Contributing Author Ozmoe is gonna have a good time - celebrating with great tunes from 1965…
« more...»Meetings Of A (Musical) Mind: Records I Got Into After Crossing Paths With The Performers
Our Zelig-like Contributing Author rollerboogie sure gets around, and is here to share seven tales of chance musical encounters that resulted in a deeper, delightful playlist for all…
« more...»For one last spin: let's join Contributing Author Chuck Small for the finale of his epic series that that spanned three decades and jogged our memories as he helped us to recall... ... Who sang that ? …
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