In Part Three of his life-milestones series, Contributing Author Chuck Small takes us back to his personal decade that starts in the year of the first cell phone, the debut of MS Word and the final episode of M*A*S*H…
« more...»Contributing Author Jon Deutsch rallies - like a boss - to talk about a song that he was "not super excited to review..." But! Will he have a change of heart??? Let's find out…
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Covered Up By A Cover: 10 Original Songs That Are Overshadowed by a More Famous Version – And Deserve Their Own Love
Great research always references "the source materials." Contributing Author rollerboogie gets it. And he's back: to celebrate some terrific cover songs - and their sometimes greater original versions…
« more...»The excitement builds! Contributing Pollmaster Pauly Steyreen returns for the "Elite 8" playoff round for "The Official Song of the 2000's Decade"…
« more...»Oppressive heat? Terrible humidity? Contributing Author Jon Deutsch scoffs at such trivial impediments. He needs your nominations - voting is open until Thursday…
« more...»In Part Two of his life-milestones series, Contributing Author Chuck Small takes us back to his personal decade that starts in the year of The Exorcist, 69 cent-a-gallon gas, and Watergate…
« more...»Now, it's getting interesting... Contributing Pollmaster Pauly Steyreen returns for the next exciting playoff round for "The Official Song of the 2000's Decade"…
« more...»It's Part 3: the final chapter of Contributing Author Ozmoe's terrific mini-series that features the amazing similarities and odd differences of chart-toppers -and "just-misses" - from both Billboard and Cash Box…
« more...»Almost always, a "Zero-Birthday" will really make you stop and think about... all of it. In this Part One of a new series, Contributing Author Chuck Small generously provides us with a personal inventory of musical and calendar milestones…
« more...»"Reality bites?" Well, maybe just for today... Come have a look and a listen, as we present four creative examples of real songs from completely fictional artists…
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