At a rock-solid 120 beats per minute, it's our very own Contributing Author and Tony Manero dead-ringer Bill "Virgindog" Bois, with the first of a two-parter in this episode of Theoretically Speaking: Music Theory For Non-Musicians. Bonus points and respect for the Supreme Court reference micro-protest…
Voting now underway! …
« more...»Voting for Round 2 of the Top Holliday Song nominations is complete. Stay tuned for Round 3!…
« more...»Here's Contributing Author and renowned prog-ressive Bill "Virgindog" Bois, with forty tons worth of polyrhymic and lyrical excellence in this episode of Theoretically Speaking: Music Theory For Non-Musicians. Bonus points for the ball clicker reference…
« more...»Standing by with her spiffy holiday-themed steno pad in hand, it's lovethisconcept, ready for your Round 2 Top Holliday Song nominations…
« more...»Just in time to respond to the subpoena from the Burl Ives Estate, it's lovethisconcept, with your First Round Yuletide nominations…
« more...»Theoretically Speaking S3 | E3: What Makes Psychedelia, Psychedelia? … part 2
From Carnaby Street to Haight-Ashbury, you'll not find a hipper hippie than our own Contributing Author Bill "Virgindog" Bois. In this episode of Theoretically Speaking: Music Theory For Non-Musicians, Bill wraps up the unique genre of psychedelia.
Bonus points for the electric jug reference…
Well, sure - maybe Contributing Author JJ Live At Leeds is a little bit older, a little bit deafer, and could use the occasional afternoon nap. But make no mistake: When it comes to fondness for live show memories, nobody is a greater nostalgist…
« more...»Word to your mother: Contributing Author Ozmoe is here to bring the meta, with a timely review of the reviewer.…
« more...»Energized by your hearty response to the Halloween Spooky Song Contest, it's Contributing Author lovethisconcept, who's back - this time with a Yuletide poll…
« more...»