Few things in life are as satisfying as cracking open a fresh nut - or as maddening as finding one that refuses to open. With a selenium-rich scoop on the drupes, it's (Contributing Author)
We're feline good today! Sorry, just kitten around. And before I commit another verbal cat-astrophe, let's welcome Guest Author and Cat Training Expert Aspen White, who has some musical suggestions to help Mr. Whiskers find his groove…
« more...»Living In The United States: A Four Year Plan For Physical and Mental Survival

In an opinion piece, Contributing Author Chuck Small takes a break from music, and with the help of some serious students, configures a four-year plan…
« more...»Contributing Author and historian Bill Bois tells the story of how a misspelled surname became a household word for collective resistance against injustice…
« more...»Contributing Author thegue tosses out the first ceremonial pitch in a prelude to a new occasional series…
« more...»"What about dystopian fiction at the start of the 70s?" Now, there's a point to ponder- and who better than to provide three fascinating examples than Contributiong Author Phylum Of Alexandria.…
« more...»Posing an open question to himself, here's Contributing Author Stobgopper, with thoughtful reflection on the "sweet science"…
« more...»Contributing Author rollerboogie remembers a spirited debate about a certain lad from Liverpool, and how he misses the friend who settled the matter…
« more...»Our friend and Contributing Author Chuck Small, shares thoughts about unity, courage, dignity, and taking a stand - via his own unique vision of sartorial eloquence…
« more...»A person’s cubicle is their castle, amirite? But there’s a change a-coming at the office.
Contributing Author dutchg8r is standing by the water cooler with her report…
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