Our good friend and dependable UK correspondent JJ Live At Leeds is back with a resident's perspective about what the passing of The Queen means to his countrymen…
At tnocs.com, we try to present a wide variety of interesting subjects. With something new for us to ponder, it's Contributing Author Phylum Of Alexandria with the introduction to his new series, "Question Mark"…
To say the least, it's been a busy week in the UK. Contributing Author JJ Live At Leeds is here to explain and sort out one particular development in the Nation of Shopkeepers…
Contributing Author Edith G just came back from an awards show viewing party. And although the snacks were first-rate, let's just say: she is otherwise not amused…
What could a simple pop song - and the incoherence and distractions of everyday media - possibly have in common? We'd likely never put this puzzle together on our own. But Contributing Author Phylum Of Alexandria has a theory…
Contributing Author thegue. has been thinking about the current American political landscape, and proposes a few simple ways to begin addressing the problems…