Contributing Author rollerboogie celebrates the fact the he's always got his mind on his music and his music on his mind…
« more...»"I for one would rather have a conservative movement shaped by leaders who embrace a positive vision of the nation than those who look back to some mythic past."
It's Part Ten of the mini-series from friend and Contributing Author Phylum Of Alexandria…
Whether it be reviewing an old record, talkin' current events, or taking a garden tour: we're always glad to spend time with our friend and Contributing Author Chuck Small, who's here to share the story of a faithful anniversary…
« more...»"We can only act in the moment, and hope that our actions will make some difference. Should a similar moment of decision come, will you stand up and be counted?"
It's Part Nine of the mini-series from friend and Contributing Author Phylum Of Alexandria…
"We keep looking for the next piece of information, the next step forward in the story…and yet nothing reliable comes. All we get is futility, incoherence, and dread."
It's Part Eight of the mini-series from friend and Contributing Author Phylum Of Alexandria…
FREE4ALL, Chapter 7: Ken or Edward
"(E)very person’s soul has the light of a star within them, and as such they are the legitimate center of their own solar system. "
It's Part Seven of the mini-series from friend and Contributing Author Phylum Of Alexandria…
One thing is certain: the upcoming 2024 U.S. election is going to be an exhausting test of our collective patience. Making an early start towards a goal of constructive sanity is our good friend and Contributing Author Chuck Small…
« more...»"A poor man from the country gives voice to his troubles in the blues, then he transforms his blues into something cathartic and fun, finding dignity and community in the process. "
It's Part Six of the mini-series from friend and Contributing Author Phylum Of Alexandria…
"Please learn from the story of the girl and her slow, oblivious boy.
A personal reflection of trying to make up for mistakes made, direct from the good heart of Contributing Author Phylum Of Alexandria - in this final chapter of "Japan: Lost And Found"…
And we say, it's alright: Let's have a big welcome for our newest Contributing Author John "Archie Leech" Burger, here to talk about his experiences while viewing this past Monday's solar eclipse.…
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