Do Pop Culture Junkies Dream of Random Celebs? (This One Does!)


Hello, fellow music lovers! It’s been a while!

344 days ago, to be exact.

I’ve had a few false starts by way of new articles here.

But this was one idea that genuinely inspired me:

Recently, on the “Fireflies” post over on the ‘Gum, I went on a slight tangent that involved my history of dreaming about celebrities in random contexts.

A couple of you (shout-out to Dutch and Pauly!) suggested I ought to write an original article to delve more into it. That actually ended up getting the ball rolling—a welcome change, as I’ve been struggling with writer’s block for at least a couple months now.

I dug into my old diaries to figure out how long I’ve been experiencing dreams of this nature.

And, as it turns out… not very long.

All my digging yielded was that I apparently dreamed about my high school crush quite often and wrote about him just as much (ugh, boring!). I know I had a couple of Harry Potter-related dreams in which I imagined the characters looking like the actors, but I feel like that doesn’t count. That feels like its own separate category.

I’ve been fascinated by all things pop culture for as long as I can remember.

But my celebrity gossip vice really intensified when I was nine years old and read an issue of Star magazine at my grandma’s house.

I couldn’t tell you exactly what was on the front cover, but it probably had something to do with the Tom Cruise/Nicole Kidman divorce because I remember being VERY emotionally invested with it.

Yep. February 27, 2001.
And now, let’s all just take a moment to pay proper respect to friend Shadowboxer’s phenomenal skills of recall.

Ever since then, I’ve often grappled with the reasons why I keep coming back to reading about celebrities. I think it’s because they’re responsible for much of the entertainment we consume, and that ignites a certain inherent curiosity about them and their world.

Maybe it does also come from a somewhat voyeuristic place, being on the outside looking in on their bubble and all of the ridiculous things that go on within it. While I’m more interested in future film projects or interviews with my favorites these days, I will admit I’ll still indulge in the gossip.

Because I like to be in the know about these sorts of topics, that obsession (for lack of a better term) has naturally started bleeding into my dreams.

As is often the case with others, I’m sure, most of my dreams will fade as soon as I wake up. Other times, I might get the general gist of what went on in them, but the exact details escape me. However, the ones that have stayed with me longest have strong visuals lingering in my mind. It also helps to be creative and have a very healthy imagination!

So, while I don’t have as many vivid, intriguing celebrity dreams as I thought I did, I still have enough to talk about in an unranked, numbered list:

1. The time I was watching Oppenheimer and seeing in-character Cillian Murphy shove a guy’s face into a pie:  

This was the bizarre dream I mentioned having in the “Fireflies” rteview, so this one is still pretty fresh in my mind!

I’ve been a fan of Cillian Murphy since high school when I watched Red Eye for the first time on TNT.

He has been my favorite actor ever since, and I appreciate his chameleon-like approach to every role he plays (he’s also one of my celeb crushes, but that’s neither here nor there).

Of course, I’m looking forward to the Oppenheimer biopic later this summer, and I’m happy to see that he’s going to be in a starring vehicle of this caliber. I just finished the biography in preparation–I gotta say, it will likely go down as one of my favorite non-fiction books I’ve ever read. Highly recommend.

Anyway, I sometimes have dreams like this, where I don’t know what’s going to be in a given piece of media, but my mind will wildly speculate over the plot.

In the past, that’s often been video games. The real finished product will often be a disappointment compared to what I’ve come up with while asleep.


Sometimes, but more rarely: it’s movies. I can’t quite explain this one. But it is hilarious.

In this scenario, I’m in the theater watching my mind’s skewed version of Oppenheimer on the big screen. There’s a “scene” in the Los Alamos lab in which Oppenheimer (played by Murphy) and a colleague shove another guy’s face into a coconut cream pie that they just set in front of him.

The kicker is: when the guy looks up, his face completely slathered with whipped topping, he’s grinning! I, too, would be happy if Cillian Murphy pied me in the face.

I’m not sure why,

I think it’s because I imagine he’d be one of those who would be charming about it. A roguish prankster, if you will.

Obviously, this will not be a scene in the actual movie, but it would be crazy if it was. I think I’ll probably be too busy comparing it to the woefully underseen WGN show Manhattan (RIP) and saying that the show did it better. It’s just this feeling I’ve got.

2. The time I went on a date with Bill Hader:

I think I was slightly too young to appreciate it at the time, but considering all the distinct eras of SNL, I’d say the Samberg/Hader/Wiig/Sudeikis era is one of my favorites.

The humor was often zany, and all of these players just went for it every time. Not every joke or sketch landed, but that was OK, the commitment was always there. Bill Hader was my favorite out of all of them, partially because watching him break was always fun, partially because of the array of impressions he had at his disposal.

I thought he was easily the most naturally talented of this era, and I’ve been stoked to see that his career post-SNL has really taken off. And yes, he’s another celeb crush (you might be sensing a pattern…)

I had this dream a few months ago, and there wasn’t a ton of details in it, more of a brief snippet. But a memorable one. In this one, I’m at my current age with 2005 Bill Hader when he had the floppy hairstyle that I swear so many men and boys had back then. You know the one, where it’s an overall shaggy cut with bangs draped over one eye.

We’re apparently on a date, because we’re holding hands and about to cross the street on the way to an SNL afterparty. He takes this time to give me a peck on the lips (I think?), and that’s about it.

Sorry, can’t tell you where the party was or who was even there.

I know: missed opportunity.

3. The time Pedro Pascal gave me bad financial advice (with bonus Jon Favreau!):

Pedro Pascal has become quite the household name this year.

The Mandolorian was getting him to that point. But this year’s The Last of Us truly cemented his status. And I found his SNL episode to be the most enjoyable one I’ve seen in years. Through the power of pop culture osmosis, I’d first heard of him when he played Oberyn Martell on Game of Thrones due to the gruesome death his character experienced (don’t think I need to give any of you the details, most of you might already be aware).

I later saw a clip of the GoT panel at Comic Con the following year, and I found him rather charming there. In general, he seems like a gem of a human being in interviews, which have been a decent source of entertainment for me these past few months.

Around the time of this dream, I’d been binge-watching Narcos and was more than halfway through the series.

That could be why I had Pascal on the brain, but it could have been a whole multitude of reasons.

Like I said, this guy has had an excellent year, career-wise.

But: could he give me thoughtful banking advice? Or was it going to be as chaotic as his Starbucks order that went viral?

In the dream scenario, I’m FaceTiming him from an unknown location, though I see that he’s in his trailer. Jon Favreau is sitting just behind him for some reason (probably because I’d watched their LAD Bible Snack Wars interview a few nights before).

He’s telling me I should withdraw $10,000 from my savings account every year for ten years and go crazy with some of it.

And I that I could play the stock market with the rest.

He insists it’s worked for him, and he’s only 42 (that was my brain assuming he was that old, I was genuinely shocked to learn he’s actually pushing 50!).

Favreau is nodding his head in agreement, he’s not even saying anything!

I tell him:

“That’s easy for you to say, you have Disney money!”

Pascal shrugs, while Favreau is nodding even more enthusiastically.

Then, I say:

“I’m going to be overdrawing on my account, I’m going to be broke!”

I think he says something to the effect that I won’t go broke, and if anything, I’ll end up making more money than I had to begin with. I angrily cut off the FaceTime call, and the dream ends.

I doubt I’ll meet any of these people. But if I somehow ever met him, I’d like to find a way to organically tell him about the dream where he tried to bankrupt me. Maybe that would be too weird a subject to broach, but it’s just that random and funny that I should have a dream that’s both nonsensical and mundane at the same time.

Of all things to dream about involving a celebrity!

All I know is: I probably shouldn’t make him my financial advisor any time soon.

4. The time I went to summer camp:

There is one dream I didn’t have that I’m almost envious of.

I have a friend who once had a dream that various rock musicians were waging a war of biblical proportions. Literally! His favorite guitarist at the time was supposed to be a stand-in for Jesus, and some vocalist (don’t recall who) was supposed to be the devil. It’s been years, but I remember almost being doubled over laughing when he shared all these vivid, ridiculous details.

However, while I’ve never had this kind of symbolic dream, I had one in high school that had similar levels of weirdness. I have never gone to summer camp in my life.

Summer school – where it was a program with fun educational activities and not a punishment – I had attended when I was younger. But, I never went through the experience – and for some, a rite of passage – of being shipped off to a camp in the woods for a month.

Instead, my brain took me there one night and decided to add celebrity counselors too… because of course it did!

In the dream, I see that it’s not the typical layout of cabins, but more expensive, with an all-purpose building and paved pathways. After all, there wouldn’t be celebrities involved unless there was a steep price tag. There are still the usual camp activities like kayaking, with a certain celebrity heading up the proceedings. It’s one I find much more odious these days but was quite enamored with when I was a teen.

I don’t even want to mention his name, because that’s how unpleasant talking about him is these days.

Let’s just say his name rhymes with Ronny Strep.

He is a lousy counselor here anyway. The kayak we kids are in springs a leak, and what does our fearless leader do? He jumps in the lake and swims away from us! He doesn’t try calling for help or anything. We basically have to find our way out ourselves. In retrospect, it could have been my psyche making a commentary on his true personality. Maybe I should have listened to it… I could have saved some money not watching a terrible 2012 vampire movie in the theater.

There’s another celeb counselor I encounter who’s much cooler:

Queen Latifah.

I pass by her and other kids in the all-purpose building (with an interior that looks suspiciously like the front foyer of my high school). These kids are shooting hoops, and she’s right there with them.

She’s being very encouraging, patting some of them on the back when they’ve made a basket, and she just seems overall happy to be here.

What’s funny is that, apparently, she was just in that Netflix basketball movie with Adam Sandler, Hustle, from last year! But, before you get too excited about me being prophetic, I think basketball plays a role in a movie I haven’t seen but know she’s in, Just Wright. It would have already been released on DVD by the time I had this dream, so that dim awareness probably factored in. Still, if she’s anything less than a kind person in real life as she was in my dream, I’d be truly disappointed!

There might have been other celebrity camp counselors in this dream, but those were the two that definitely stood out the most.

5. The time I had a Before Sunrise experience in John Lennon’s childhood home:

I’m going to be a bit more on the selfish side with this one. This is yet another dream I had a few months ago but one that left a powerful impression on me.

For that reason, because I have so many emotions tied up in it, I won’t be sharing the full “story” of it. I like to keep some things to myself, and this was one I deemed good enough to write all about in my journal.

I might be erring on the side of superstitious as well.

Because who knows? I might end up enjoying an experience like this one in my real life some day. It could happen. Doesn’t mean it will, but hey, maybe the door’s open! I hesitated even sharing this one, but I couldn’t think of any other celebrity-adjacent dreams I’ve had that have lingered in my mind. I will say it’s by far one of the most visceral dreams I’ve ever had.

This one stemmed from my love of the Get Back documentary that I finally got to watch this past December because my local library had acquired DVD copies.

I’d expected to maybe watch the first installment over that weekend and then space out my viewings over the week I had all parts checked out.

But, because I am a crazy person (jk), I wound up watching all eight hours of it in one weekend!

I found it fascinatingly hypnotic. I remember having lunch with a friend, getting some Christmas shopping done, then immediately resuming my watch when I got home. I don’t know how Peter Jackson did it, but he and his team edited the footage together in such a way that I was never bored.

And I thought it was wholesome, so much more than the 1970 Let It Be doc would have you believe about those recording sessions. It was fun to watch The Beatles just hang out, go through the often messy process of songwriting, and engage in jam sessions.

Yes, there’s that moment when George felt artistically alienated and quit the band, but that is a footnote in everything else that goes on. Get Back now has probably gone on to be one of my favorite music documentaries of all time, I loved it that much.

Naturally, this bled into a dream I had around three weeks later. I see this relatively small, cozy white house from its exterior with a green lawn.

I go in and see this music memorabilia in various rooms, mainly instruments and pictures of the Fab Four from the early 60s. This leads me to believe I’ve somehow ended up in Liverpool visiting one of the Beatles’ childhood homes.

I’m not sure whose, but I somehow narrow it down between Paul and John (because I remember reading somewhere they’d torn down either George’s or Ringo’s, it might have been the latter, so that would have ruled them out).

What makes me think it’s John’s house is that an old 70s interview with him is playing on an older box TV in the bedroom.

Everything is laid out very nicely by the way, much like how you’d expect a quaint English house to look. While I’m in this room, I spot this guy who had been watching the interview but then spots me and smiles.

Accurate to how I’d probably act in real life in a situation like this, I’m too shy to do anything and back out as quickly as I’d come in. I look around the downstairs part, the living room, dining room, etc. before making my way back upstairs again. I literally bump into the guy, we laugh it off, and then we proceed to get to know each other as we wander the house together.

Somehow, we’re the only two people at this obvious tourist attraction for music nerds. I have no idea why, it just pans out that way!

The rest of the dream, where I’m going to be more withholding, is essentially me having this Before Sunrise experience in which I’m having a deep conversation with a cute British guy. He might be an actor I’ve seen in a few things, but I didn’t know then…

…and still don’t have a clue now. I don’t do a great job recognizing him in the dream either, he feels completely unfamiliar to me.

But – I know I end up liking him right away and am amazed at how quickly we develop a solid dynamic. It feels quite intimate in that way, on an emotional level.

So I’m going to shush up now before I reveal anymore, but… needless to say, I got a thrill out of it.

I later looked up John Lennon’s childhood home to see what it looks like.

And you want to know something really wild? I don’t think my my subconscious did a half-bad job at guessing its appearance:

It’s also apparently an Airbnb now!

And that’s all of the celebrity dreams that I can remember.

Some fairly odd ones in that set, but I gotta love my brain for coming up with some rather imaginative storylines. That’s not even counting the blips where I’ve thought I’ve “met” other actors/musicians but couldn’t get enough of a read on who they were supposed to be.

I vaguely remember the outline of one where we’re apparently chatting in a desert. Yeah, no idea. I think I might have had already seen Dune Part 1 at that point—either that or I was getting hyped for it.

As for real-life celebrity encounters?

I have never come across any myself.

I do know someone who met Sean Astin at a con panel once, and I was happy that. They had a photo to share on social media.

From how this friend told it in their post, he was a very lovely person to meet. I wouldn’t have expected anything less.

Then, a few months ago, Will Ferrell was spotted at two different cities in my area. He went to a restaurant and a karaoke bar respectively.

It made the local news! It was part of some travel docuseries he was doing that’s supposed to be on Hulu at some point.

I might not have been in either of those cities the day he was there, but I can’t help but be tickled that Will Ferrell was 30-40 minutes away from my town at one time.

Even funnier, Henry Winkler was at a speaking engagement at a city even further away but still in the region just a few days later. Great things were said about both men, by the way.

So, have you had any zany dreams about celebrities, TNOCS? Or perhaps any memorable celebrity encounters?

Heck, you’re more than welcome to share any stories about an autograph you might have gotten.

Feel free to comment below! And thank you for reading.

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Famed Member
Online Now
June 14, 2023 7:03 am

What a fantastic article, shadow! Clearly worth the time it took for you to process those dreams. So much fun.

And, mt, I know you had fun pairing those pictures and tracking down that tabloid. Nice job.

My dreams don’t often have celebrities in it, but several times I dreamed I was a character in Pine Valley on “All My Children” (not Chuck Tyler, as that would be too on-the-nose) and involved in all of the shenanigans. Most of those dreams happened years after AMC went off the air, so it wasn’t my subconscious warning me about too much screen time. 🙂

Famed Member
Online Now
June 14, 2023 8:29 am

Usually I am in the back seat of a car that I am supposed to be driving and I can’t reach the brake pedal.

I’m sure that I’ve had a few celebrity dreams over the years, but I can’t recall any off the top of my head. I did have a dream with Tom Breihan a couple of years ago. He and I both happened to be getting lunch in the cafeteria of my kids’ middle school (where even I hadn’t set foot in 5+ years). His height made him easy to recognize. I introduced myself, he knew my name and was cordial, but that’s about as involved as it got. 🙂

Famed Member
June 15, 2023 11:40 pm
Reply to  LinkCrawford

The back seat of a car trying to grab control of the wheel as it heads fast down a hill has given me almost as many nightmares as the scenario where it’s the last day of class and we’re doing finals and I haven’t attended school that entire semester until that day.

Famed Member
Online Now
June 16, 2023 11:31 am
Reply to  Ozmoe

Oh, man, I hate that one, too…

Pauly Steyreen
Famed Member
June 14, 2023 10:24 am

That story was awesome, shadow… enough detail to stick in your head but lots of room for your imagination to fill in the details. Thank you for sharing!!!

I’m sure I’ve had celebrity dreams at some point, but none I can recall. The closest thing I have to a recurring dream is the ability to jump and coast through the air for a long time, almost like I’m flying. That “superpower” comes back to me from time to time in my dreams, and it’s always a great feeling! It’s like a constrained sort of freedom… not as free as flying but very fun and liberating nonetheless.

Also, I’ve mentioned before that I always have a song stuck in my head. It’s more a blessing than a curse since it’s pretty much always a song I like. Well, those songs very commonly bleed into my dreams too… just like a soundtrack. They’re stuck in my head in my dreams just like irl. I don’t remember the details of my dream last night, but “The Beginning” and “Dreamcatching” by Magdalena Bay were playing on repeat throughout.

JJ Live At Leeds
Famed Member
June 14, 2023 10:29 am

Some great and memorable dreams there, thanks for sharing. Makes night time so much more fun when your subconscious goes into overdrive.

Went to school with someone who claimed that he was able to control his dreams in that he was alert enough to recognise he was dreaming and would bring it to a stop as he knew it wasn’t real so there was no point continuing. Which seemed a pretty joyless approach to me.

I have a bizarre dream life. Some mornings I wake up entertained but wondering where that came from.

There’s been plenty of celebrities but the details tend to fade quite quickly once I’ve woken up. I used to have recurring dreams about an English TV personality, Noel Edmonds. Dutch is gonna love this as he’s the man responsible for Mr Blobby. I didn’t even like him that much and the dreams happened after I’d stopped watching anything he did. Noel was also known for flying helicopters and that’s generally what happened in my dreams; Noel taking me for a ride in one.

One dream I was part of Sonic Youth onstage playing a huge arena as part of a Democratic fundraiser. I’m English, I’m not exactly a massive fan of Sonic Youth and I have no musical ability but I created a whole song in my dream that I had never heard before. I can now believe Paul McCartney dreamt up Yesterday.

For general weirdness there’s the one where I was in the Arctic playing cricket with polar bears but rather than using cricket bats we were swinging penguins round by the feet to hit the ball.

Pauly Steyreen
Famed Member
June 14, 2023 11:00 am

🤣🤣🤣 that image of the polar bears using penguins as cricket bats got me!!!

Famed Member
June 20, 2023 3:04 pm

Too bad it wasn’t a dream about you and Mr Blobby having Tea on a canal boat. Or something completely normal like that…

Famed Member
June 14, 2023 1:52 pm

I have had a few celebrity dreams, but none of them would make any sense to anyone else. But I keep waiting to dream about Cillian Murphy or Tom Hiddleston considering how many times I have gone to sleep listening to their voices. Don’t know how many of you use the Calm app, but Tom Hiddleston telling a Winnie the Pooh story is one of the great things in life. Same with Cillian Murphy describing a train trip through Ireland featuring the landscape that C.S. Lewis used as a basis for the Narnia books.

Although when I really need to relax and clear my mind for sleep, nobody beats the random guy describing all of the breeds of sheep in Scotland.

Famed Member
June 15, 2023 9:08 am
Reply to  shadowboxer122

It really is delightful. He doesn’t really do voices, but he changes inflection slightly for each character.

Famed Member
June 20, 2023 3:10 pm

Wait, Calm is like a meditative Audiobook?? I had no idea. I thought it was just a variety of white noises.

Question – if us Americans find particular Scottish/Irish/Posh Brit accents soothing, what do the Brits find soothing?

A Texan accent?

Bronx accent?

Crocodile Dundee??!!

Famed Member
Online Now
June 14, 2023 2:13 pm

Can’t say I’ve ever dreamed about a celebrity, but given how few dreams I remember, who knows?

I do dream about people I know and I know a few with a certain level of celebrity. The only one that comes to mind right now is Shaun Murphy. She was the Stoney half of Stoney & Meatloaf before Meatloaf went solo. I think I dreamed about talking with her about a song she sings, but I did that in real life, too, so again, who knows?

Logan Taylor
Trusted Member
Logan Taylor
June 14, 2023 3:11 pm

Great read! I think the Pedro dream might be the funniest thing I’ve read today.

If I’ve had celebrity dreams, they’ve faded from memory. I usually dream of real-life people or people I’ve completely made up. One of my most vivid dreams I’ve had might be the one involving an owl that was “cut” to look like a horror movie trailer. Guess that counts as a nightmare?

Famed Member
June 20, 2023 3:15 pm
Reply to  shadowboxer122

Speaking of collapsed overpasses, anyone else catch this brilliant set-up? Apparently Xfinity Live sports venue in Philly is showing the live I-95 rebuild stream 24/7 in their bars. I can’t tell you how hard I laughed seeing this…

Last edited 1 year ago by dutchg8r
Famed Member
June 14, 2023 6:07 pm

It’s prom night; the same prom night. I recognized the setup of the tables. It was at a hotel. The table held eight. The dream wasn’t so lucid that I could recreate my friends and their dates, but it’s them. I didn’t bring a Great Dane to prom, but for some reason, a Great Dane is sitting next to me. I never owned a Great Dane.

It would be a better story if the Great Dane told me that Elizabeth Pena was asking about me. But it was my friend. That’s when I take a plate of food and wear it like a hat. I leave the table. And that’s when I wake up. I presume I was going to the bathroom.

This was an absolute delight to read, shadowboxer.

Phylum of Alexandria
Famed Member
June 15, 2023 6:54 am

Great piece, shadowboxer! I love reading about dreams. I just got back from Paris and saw a few excellent surrealist and Dada exhibitions, so perhaps my dreams will be a little extra freaky for a bit. If so, I’m guessing not many celebrities would want to join in, save for David Lynch of course.

Famed Member
June 15, 2023 7:28 am

Welcome back! Hope it was a good trip!

Famed Member
June 15, 2023 2:40 pm

Not dream, but I have imagined being at the Palais when Virginie Ledoyen announced Dancer in the Dark as the winner of the 2000 Palm d’or. Roger Ebert described the scene as a melee without punches. As you know, it was a very polarizing film. According to Ebert, people were booing each other. My fantasy about that night, my fan fiction, and this is the latest chapter, concerns Wong Kar Wai. As Lars Von Trier accepts the award, he smacks his forehead. Maggie Cheung starts humming “The Long Run”. “I hate the Eagles,” Wong mutters in Cantonese. In the Mood for Love probably should have won. It’s #5 on the latest Sight and Sound Greatest Films of All Time poll.

A lot of slow news days while you were away.

“Hope it was a good trip!”

Phylum of Alexandria
Famed Member
June 15, 2023 4:22 pm
Reply to  cappiethedog

Maybe hindsight bias is clouding my memory, but was Dancer in the Dark really polarizing when it came out? If so, what descriptor would be appropriate for something like Antichrist? There some imagery I hope never ends up in my dreams. Charlotte Gainsbourg is welcome of course, but only if she leaves the power tools at home.

Famed Member
June 15, 2023 5:16 pm

A general audience struggled with the look of digital video. That was enough for people to walk out. Dancer in the Dark actually made it into theaters. Some people had the advantage of having seen the Dogme 95 films. And then there was the music. I witnessed a mass exodus in the middle of “Cvalda”. People unfamiliar with that whole anti-Hollywood ethos didn’t realize that Dancer in the Dark was a summer movie, by comparison. When an “art film” gets a wider release than usual, you end up with two types of moviegoers. For instance, Harmony Korine’s Springbreakers. I remember wanting to advise people to see something else. It’s not going to be American Pie. The WTF moment for everybody came during the Britney Spears scene. I saw Gummo. I was prepared.

Oh, god. Antichrist. I’m pretty unshockable. The scene you’re referring to was a bit much. When the economy was better, I tried to complete the Criterion Collection. I gave up. I subscribe to the streaming service. Antichrist and The Big Chill were always last on my list.

Glad you’re back, Phylum.

Famed Member
June 16, 2023 7:08 pm

Do not have any celeb dreams to recall, but one of my favorite IRL celeb stories didn’t directly happen to me.

I was grabbing lunch with some friends at the “Rock and Roll” Denny’s in Hollywood (it’s right near the Hollywood Palladium, and not far from the Fonda and what was formerly known as The Palace – all hallowed L.A. music clubs) – this was in the early 90s.

At the next booth were some girls in their early 20s (so, my age), and they were visiting the city from somewhere in Kansas. They were in full “OMG – we’re in HOLLYWOOD!!” mode and we started chatting them up. A friend of ours was throwing a party in the Hollywood hills that night (no glamour there – that’s just where he lived), and we gave the girls the address.

They show up, and are talking non-stop about the one celeb they would DIE to see, and it was an actor from a nighttime soap opera whose name I can’t remember. About an hour later, THE ACTOR SHOWS UP AT THE PARTY.

I’ve got no idea how this happened, but the pure, unfiltered joy these girls had talking to him and taking pictures is burned in my memory. Super nice guy (the actor) – pretty sure my friend got him good and stoned as a thank you.

Famed Member
June 17, 2023 11:10 pm
Reply to  blu_cheez

Buffy has a sister! Just like that. Out of thin air. That was jarring. I think Joss Whedon got the idea from Dallas, when Bobby Ewing turns out to be alive; no setup, no nothing. Boom. Patrick Duffy is back! It was all a dream.

Phylum of Alexandria
Famed Member
June 18, 2023 1:26 pm
Reply to  blu_cheez

Rock n Roll Denny’s > Rock n Roll McDonalds?

Phylum of Alexandria
Famed Member
June 17, 2023 5:22 pm

No celebrities involved, but last night I dreamed that I rediscovered some old paintings and drawings I had made (much better than I can actually do). And suddenly I heard a song playing. It was like a Christian Contemporary folk pop song, done close to the style of The Carpenters.

This was the stanza that looped in my head before I woke:

Not for the softness of birds,
Not for the carols they sing,
Not for the fistness of words,
Not for the shadows that spring, Lord, just

Let it out…
Let it out…

I have to figure out what the heck a fistness is, but I like it! Also, maybe my subconscious is telling me that I need to get my art on.

Last edited 1 year ago by Phylum of Alexandria
Famed Member
June 20, 2023 11:13 am

Aww, so happy we could encourage you to break through your writers block, shadow!! And I’m so happy we got to read the full Pablo Pascal Financial Advice dream session, that was gold. 😄

I’ve mentioned before how usually if I remember my dreams, it’s one where I’ve stumbled into a used record store and I’m finding all kinds of George Michael and Duran collectibles I know don’t actually exist but they do for me in my dream. Or I’m frantically trying to score tickets to a surprise Duran gig somewhere (those dreams occur often in fact, always different venues, and I’m always getting there late, like I’m sneaking in for free after halftime at a Penn State football game).

Otherwise, hardly any celebrities ever make an appearance in my dreams that I can remember. I had a dream recently that was so bonkers I still remember it; I apparently called out in my sleep “You gotta be F’in kidding me”. MrDutch wakes me up cause he thinks I’m having a nightmare. I tell him – no, I was just in disbelief over seeing this large duck/goose wearing a top hat, monocle, tux tails, talking like a slick mobster and weilding a machete. No idea how this duck could hold the machete, much less be spinning it. I think my response was to people running in fear from this thing, and I was like, seriously? It’s a duck, people.

A duck, with a top hat. And a machete. Like, big deal. 🙃

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