mt58, thank you for doing this! I have confidence that this site will carry on the TNOCS tradition (respectful of contrary opinions, sharing great obscure music, minimal political discussion, great backstories, etc.) for many years to come.
Feel free to get it up and running way before 2024.
Venmo could have been a quintessential 80s new wave/hair metal mashup group, but instead, it’s how you could get us all to contribute to the “ Fund for Bells & Whistles.”
{Hi, jon. I just coded a feature that should tell you via email that you received a comment reply. Might you be able to let me know if it worked?? And everyone; is this a feature that you’d like to see, or is it annoying? Thank you.}
The ever-thoughtful jondeutsch, with a kind suggestion.
So, you are correct in that I’ll be incurring costs to keep this running. I wanted to ask you all what your thoughts were about this.
The advertising load over at our usual hang, while totally necessary, often makes for a tough reading experience, with crashes, slow loading, and other miscellaneous problems. The mobile user experience, in particular is… not good. So, if I chose to have ads at all, it might just be a simple banner at the top, only loading once upon a page refresh.
Another idea might be to ask for a voluntary donation, say, maybe, $5 per year, so that I can pay for the server time and back-end costs. And I absolutely would not pester anyone for whom the cost would be a problem. The choice, either way, would be 100% confidential.
I would think that having good folks participate and interact would be the primary goal.
Yes! I got the notification in email… and to be honest, this email notification is a yuuuuuge benefit to keeping discussions alive…even after their original “use by” date! So many threads die-on-the-vine at due to the lack of email notifications of replies.
Also, MT, note that every email notification allows me to opt out of notifications, so with user choice, there’s little chance of annoyance. A real community benefit IMHO!
And, to answer your second question: While I cannot speak for everyone, I *bet* I speak for most when I suggest that the answer to the below SAT question is “4”:
voluntary contributions are to ads like…
1. health is to sickness
2. a full-head-of-hair is to male-pattern baldness
3. “Bridge Over Troubled Water” is to “Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini”
4. All of The Above
At 7 o’clock this morning, I started coming up with the idea for the post over at our usual hangout. What started out as a weak little comedy bit has begun to take off.
I appreciate your suggestion, good friend Maddlus. Let me start working on that…
Promoting different media and art could be a thing here if you all think that it’s a good idea. All suggestions for potential content are most welcome.
Saw it over the weekend and loved it. I’d call it must see for punk fans. My wife doesn’t care much for punk and had never heard of Poly Styrene, and she was kind of ‘meh’ about it.
But the story of Poly’s life, told from the perspective of her daughter, was quasi-magical for a fan like me. I was dreaming about Poly Styrene that night.
The hot chocolate is inspired. I’m working on the food and drink button as we speak…
February 6, 2022 9:44 pm
mt58, trying to see if this works from home. Looks the new site is a hit so far. I knew you would have some problems and it looks like some people have come to the rescue.
Happy to give some donations to keep the site alive. Don’t know much about computers ( segues into “don’t know much about history, don’t know much biology “). Whatever I can contribute, give me a shout.
That’s just the nicest thing… thanks so much for the vote of confidence, MookNana!
I’m going to come up with a fair and worthwhile plane this week Stay tuned!
Where’s the order food button?
Bless you, friend Link.
Noted for historical reasons:
You have the Inaugural Comment at
Good on you!
But is there an edit button?
OK, it looks like I’m off to do some coding…
mt58, thank you for doing this! I have confidence that this site will carry on the TNOCS tradition (respectful of contrary opinions, sharing great obscure music, minimal political discussion, great backstories, etc.) for many years to come.
Feel free to get it up and running way before 2024.
God bless you every day, friend middletree!
Hey! Gotta have a back up just in case, with all the bells and whistles and whit!
As he is wont to do, Fishhead has inspired.
On it!
(what else were you expecting?)
Don’t never change, blu_cheez!
Um … Second!!
Oh, damn.
Hey, you’re here! That’s what’s important!
I want to upvote every comment so far.
Thumb icons were extra money.
But I’ll see what I can do.
Save your money. You’ve done enough already.
Venmo could have been a quintessential 80s new wave/hair metal mashup group, but instead, it’s how you could get us all to contribute to the “ Fund for Bells & Whistles.”
{Hi, jon. I just coded a feature that should tell you via email that you received a comment reply. Might you be able to let me know if it worked?? And everyone; is this a feature that you’d like to see, or is it annoying? Thank you.}
The ever-thoughtful jondeutsch, with a kind suggestion.
So, you are correct in that I’ll be incurring costs to keep this running. I wanted to ask you all what your thoughts were about this.
The advertising load over at our usual hang, while totally necessary, often makes for a tough reading experience, with crashes, slow loading, and other miscellaneous problems. The mobile user experience, in particular is… not good. So, if I chose to have ads at all, it might just be a simple banner at the top, only loading once upon a page refresh.
Another idea might be to ask for a voluntary donation, say, maybe, $5 per year, so that I can pay for the server time and back-end costs. And I absolutely would not pester anyone for whom the cost would be a problem. The choice, either way, would be 100% confidential.
I would think that having good folks participate and interact would be the primary goal.
Yes! I got the notification in email… and to be honest, this email notification is a yuuuuuge benefit to keeping discussions alive…even after their original “use by” date! So many threads die-on-the-vine at due to the lack of email notifications of replies.
Also, MT, note that every email notification allows me to opt out of notifications, so with user choice, there’s little chance of annoyance. A real community benefit IMHO!
And, to answer your second question: While I cannot speak for everyone, I *bet* I speak for most when I suggest that the answer to the below SAT question is “4”:
voluntary contributions are to ads like…
1. health is to sickness
2. a full-head-of-hair is to male-pattern baldness
3. “Bridge Over Troubled Water” is to “Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini”
4. All of The Above
I’m in. What’s the Venmo address?
It’s so humbling that anyone would even consider this, v-dog. Thank you.
Cut and pasted from a reply to MookNana: I’m going to come up with a fair and worthwhile plane this week Stay tuned!
I would be perfectly willing to make a donation. Considering all of the work and expense involved, that is the least I could do.
Late to the party as always but I remembered to bring my dancing shoes! Kudos, mt, another fine mess you’ve got us into.
Late to the party??
First of all: it isn’t a party until you show up.
Second: You are here on the inaugural day! Can’t do much better than that!
But but but – where’s the VIDEOS section, a repository of the master works you have so generously bestowed upon us, so we can re-watch at leisure?
This is getting pretty funny.
At 7 o’clock this morning, I started coming up with the idea for the post over at our usual hangout. What started out as a weak little comedy bit has begun to take off.
I appreciate your suggestion, good friend Maddlus. Let me start working on that…
But but But But…where are the Big Butts that I like (I cannot lie)??
Simone, bringing the spirit of Sir Mix!
Where are the polls??? I was told there would be polls….
Thanks again, mt58. You have manifested my need for a post TNOs group therapy site.
Hey, friend gobiv,
It’s actually a good idea.
It’s just the first day of this otherwise weak comedy bit, and already we have lots of great suggestions.
I’m not the world’s best coder, but I’ll give this and any other suggestions a whirl.
Seriously, if anyone has any other ideas of things that might be interesting or fun, please post or reply.
On a serious note:
I appreciate all of you. Thank you very much.
I’m sure the ursine one will join us a little later, but let me be the first from the later side of TNOCS to thank you for this inspired idea.
Humbled that you took the time to come over an say hello on day #1.
Good on you, friend cst!
mt, you’re a genius!
OK, Stob: this had me falling out of my chair.
Someone explain to our newer freinds why “harmonica” is a hilarious reference.
(Actually asking for some help, here, to test my code and see if anyone other than myself can reply… TIA…)
Thanks, mt, for you know what…
Nice place! If anyone wants to help me put up these Boston posters there’s a sixer of Stroh’s in my TransAm with their name on it.
Well, now we’re talkin’.
Welcome, friend Bayouradio!
Everybody, watch my namesake’s film, just launched this week!
Thank you for the film link, Pauly.
Promoting different media and art could be a thing here if you all think that it’s a good idea. All suggestions for potential content are most welcome.
Don’t plan on making it a habit, mt58, but the synchronicity was too good to pass up…
This looks really good, Pauly. I’m looking forward to seeing it!
Saw it over the weekend and loved it. I’d call it must see for punk fans. My wife doesn’t care much for punk and had never heard of Poly Styrene, and she was kind of ‘meh’ about it.
But the story of Poly’s life, told from the perspective of her daughter, was quasi-magical for a fan like me. I was dreaming about Poly Styrene that night.
I’m here and I’m… well you know.
Always glad to be amongst friends.
Elated to see you here, Bix.
Always glad to be amongst friends
What our guy said.
I’m here and I’m…
Well you know the rest. Glad you set this up MT
I have No-Pest strips and Off! in the trunk. Tell me I won’t need them.
No need here, my friend. This is going to be a 100% gnat-free zone.
Love it!
Is this where I leave the housewarming gifts?
[knock knock]
“Who’s There?”
Oh fer crying out loud, I thought my initial comment got lost in the internet ether…
sigh. Sorry! Don’t kick me out already for being obnoxious!
[waves to everyone, sets up a Moonpod over in the corner for future comfort]
Nah, no worries; you’re good.
Thanks for setting up this oasis, mt58.
You’re the best! Enjoy your weekend.
So glad to see you here, friend Washington-k!
hmmmm, always late to the party, but glad to be here among the bunch!
Going to a show today, let’s hope we get a good one.
No such thing as being late! Just very glad that you are here.
Be sure to tell us all about the show!
well, i jinxed myself and almost didn’t get in!
but in the end i talked with somebody from production and got to take the photos i was sent to do.
That is a good idea for this site. Concert reviews for current tours.
actually it is
Wanna write up our first concert review, and include the photos? I’d make it a featured piece, and folks could comment…
Hit me up at
Exactly the suggestions that I was looking for, in re: content. Good on you for the idea. See my reply to theozcorp below!
For once I have nothing to say, except thanks for the genuine laughter all of these comments brought me on this cold, COLD Sunday morning!
Now, where’s the hot chocolate?
And a good welcome to you, thegue!
The hot chocolate is inspired. I’m working on the food and drink button as we speak…
mt58, trying to see if this works from home. Looks the new site is a hit so far. I knew you would have some problems and it looks like some people have come to the rescue.
Happy to give some donations to keep the site alive. Don’t know much about computers ( segues into “don’t know much about history, don’t know much biology “). Whatever I can contribute, give me a shout.
Hey, DanceFever,
Glad to have you here, and thank you for the kind words and support!
Thanks so much to the mayor of TNOCS for making sure we have a sandbox to continue playing in. You’re the best, mt58!!!
Please, PLEASE pass the hat. It’s enough that you did this, I’m more than happy to kick in for ongoing costs and the Order Food button.
That’s just the nicest thing… thanks so much for the vote of confidence, MookNana!
I’m going to come up with a fair and worthwhile plane this week Stay tuned!
this happened to me over the weekend.
Very nice.
There’s an idea for content: A Travelogue Section.
So cool, Pauly.
If you have a chance, see my post from today.
Would you be interested in writing a review of the film as a feature?
Yes I would. Sign me up partner. I’ll try to get it to you by the end of the week. How would I go about posting / submitting it?
That’s great!
See my PM to you with details.
Fantastic to see this happening!
And fantastic that you came on over, Analogbrat. We’re glad to see you!
Hi there, I’m almost like a month later, but anyway: how can I help you MT?
Hello y hola, Edith G!

Welcome! Would you like to write some things for our new place? I’m looking for articles to post and feature, for all to read and enjoy.
If you might be interested, let me know via email at . Thank you !