This is it.
We’re down to two.
Today, we start the solemn task of naming our imaginary band. The pressure’s on.
I’m writing this in advance, of course. But it looks like my beloved Clang Thwack is not going to make the cut. It ran a valiant race and will accept the people’s voice.
(Shhh: No, Billie Joe, we’re not taking this to the Supreme Court.)

With a just a day and a half of voting left, Clang Thwack is only two votes behind Savage Rabbit. It might stage a last minute rally and pull ahead. Still, if Savage Rabbit wins, I’ll support it.

Just remember: I’m always watching.
In the other semifinal race, Subtle Mullet is way ahead of Bodega Sushi, which had been an early favorite.

Both are good names but we’ve had the sense to choose the one that won’t upset our audience members with sensitive stomachs.
Besides, subtlety is always a plus.
On a related topic, a friend of mine texted an interesting tidbit this morning:

So: not only does this allow us to create, for the first time ever, the sentence:
“My business goose requires grief bacon…”
…it gives us two new band names for the next time we do this.
If there is a next time.

Good Riddance.
Keep tuning into to find out.
And join us here on WEDNESDAY:
For the big reveal and wrap party! And now, may the best (or worst) name win.
Voting is open NOW!
As always, pick your favorite in each pair and may the best, or worst, name win.

(Occasionally the server tally code misbehaves, and you might at first see “zeros” in the voting. Just refresh the page, and the vote counts will render.)
A handy little clock is provided below.
Who will be the winner?
Vote and help decide!
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Views: 89
Some new suggestions:
Depeche Moog
Donald Fagen For President
Beyond fff
Bonus points for completely correct enunciation, as implied in the punny and funny first suggestion.
Somewhere, Bob Moog is nodding his head in approval.
I find it intriguing as to which SCOTUS judge was replaced by Justice Billie Joe.
Glad I wasn’t the only nerd-brain who immediately tried to identify who that judge was….
Roger, Roger!
Over, Unger.
What’s the clearance, Clarence?
“Listen kid, I’m out there in the Court every day busting my butt….”
“I think you’re the greatest.”
“But my dad says you don’t work hard enough on matters of equality, women’s rights, gender issues, and impartiality, due to your innate corruptive and self-enriching nature.”
<editorial mode>
The choice was staring me right in the face. No one deserves a bounce from the bench as much as Clarence.
</editorial mode>
There is someone trailing him by just Alito bit…
Counting Crows.
I support Mr. Armstrong for the Supreme Court.
a.k.a. “Green Day” O’Connor.
This is one of those rare finals where I’m completely impartial either way, just as long as we have a good game.
Or we have peace and harmony and come out the others side with the “Savage Mullet” supergroup.
Who have great big pointy teeth and ex-cellent hair.
Savage Mullet is great! Likewise, Subtle Bunny has a nice ring to it.
In my fantasy world, Subtle Bunny is a Black Sabbath tribute band,
while Savage Mullet covers Yacht Rock hits.
Jefferson Airplane –> Jefferson Starship –> Starship
I might need more coffee, but is this is sort of a precedence?
The Subtle Savages and Rabbit Mullet work for me as well.
You could mix and match any number of our imaginary band names to come up with more.
Thwack Rabbit (Elmer Fudd’s favourite)
Secular Moose
Gourmet Pleasures
Lips Like Cher
Insect Riddled Meth Addicts
That last one may be as much a cry for help as a band name.
A Savage Rabbit
A Subtle Mullet