The commentariat has spoken…
And the Monday results are in! It was a bit close in a few of the match-ups:
For purposes of this contest, we aren’t actually interested in the talent of the band.
What we’re interested in are the names of the bands. Which one is the coolest? Most original? Funniest? Your favorite?
Here’s the week’s schedule:
Monday: Tournament voting for the first 16 names. Ends at midnight!- Tuesday (today): We’ll have Monday’s results and open voting for the 8 remaining names. Ends at midnight!
- Wednesday: Show Tuesday’s results and open voting for the 4 remaining names. Ends at midnight.
- Thursday: Show Wednesday’s results and open voting for the final 2 remaining names. Ends at midnight.

And, drum roll, please:
Friday: The Big Reveal! The The Coolest Unsung Band Name Ever!
You can choose for each matchup once a day.

And we’ve provided these adorable mini-factoids about each group for your reding pleasure, while you click and vote.
And this is fun: we’re opening up the voting to non-registered viewers at the site.
But because we would love to hear your comments about the contest, please consider registering:
- It’s fun – thousands of great and thoughtful people visit every week
- It’s free – no subscriptions, premiums memberships, or cost to participate.
- It’s secure, and your privacy is respected and maintained
- And you can comment and participate in every article.
Vote today and check back to see how your favorites are doing!
Let the author know that you liked their article with a “Green Thumb” Upvote!
Views: 48
There are some tough ones here. Bastard Sons Of Johnny Cash vs. We Were Promised Jetpacks? Oof.
How was the tie decided, flip of a coin, or did that twenty bucks I slipped you have something to do with it?
While I admit to a strong bias, the tie was settled via the usual fair and equitable way; a random choice by my dog.
It was at 2:30 this morning and we were both half asleep, so there is regrettably no video record.
Good girl, Maple.
Sorry if I sound like an idiot here, but where is the link to vote? I’m clicking all over the place …
Just under the title of the chart, there’s a button that says ******CLICK TO VOTE******. It took me a minute to find, too.
It’s most definitely not you.
The code was being very stubborn and didn’t print the link large enough, but v-dog’s explanation is right.
Thanks – that did it!