People wear tuxedos and evening gowns at the Oscars and Tonys and so on, and I’ll save that sort of fancy attire for announcing the winner.
This is only the semifinals, and I write this while wearing a sports coat from Goodwill that almost – but not quite matches the slacks from Southern Thrift. Can’t get much more semiformal than that.
What you’re wearing at the moment is, um, fine.
No, really. It’s OK.

As for the results: as I write this, it’s still 36 hours before the Quarterfinals close. And anything could happen. But we have three almost-certainties- and a real nail biter:
Savage Rabbit, Subtle Mullet, and Bodega Sushi look like they’re hopping, cutting, and rolling to the next round.

Surprisingly, Toucan Cher, who was an early favorite…

…lost to Savage Rabbit.
This is a blow to fans of both Cher and Froot Loops.

However, it wasn’t up against just a harmless little bunny. That’s one foul-tempered rodent.
While I joke about it here, there’s a history of monster bunnies in folklore.

Let’s talk about the fourth contest, and, ooh boy, it’s a close one:
As of this writing, and really, all week long, Lips Like Chicken and Clang Thwack are in a dead heat, with one briefly taking the lead and then the other, but they’ve been tied a lot of the time, too.
Clang Thwack is, of course, my personal favorite. If it doesn’t pull through, you may see someone who looks a lot like me up on up on Choctaw Ridge, and me and Billie Joe throwing somethin’ off the Tallahatchie Bridge. And when it lands, it’ll make a clang thwack sound.

So, there are only four contenders left.
Vote carefully, vote wisely, but vote early and as often as the system lets you. I’m arranging to borrow the big board from Steve Kornacki.

So see you here next week: For the Finals!
And… If you’re reading this: voting is open NOW!
As always, pick your favorite in each pair and may the best, or worst, name win.

(Occasionally the server tally code misbehaves, and you might at first see “zeros” in the voting. Just refresh the page, and the vote counts will render.)
This voting round ends: This coming THURSDAY at 11:59PM – US EST (3:59AM Friday GMT.)
A handy little clock is provided below.
Who will be the winner?
Vote and help decide!
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Views: 85
Wake Me Up When October Ends sounds like the perfect album name.
For what band? For __________, of course.
Using my genres below, I’d have to go with Subtle Mullet
Ok I think its well nigh time we assign genres to these band names…
Clang Thwack – band of people playing improvised musical instruments (e.g. saw, jug, washboard, etc)
Savage Rabbit – death metal band comprised of fearsome little people
Subtle Mullet – lesbian queercore / folk mix
Bodega Sushi – Bronx-based rap posse
Hadn’t thought this far ahead, but these are good. And I want to be in all of them (though I don’t qualify for a couple).
I thought of spunky indie pop rock with Clang Thwack, though it might be because it makes me think of Kim Deal’s latter-day song for the Pixies, “Bam Thwok.”
Similarly, Bodega Sushi makes me think of Leftover Salmon, so my brain goes to jam band.
I think Savage Rabbit could be a decent indie rapper name too. Maybe from the UK.
Subtle Mullet to me sounds like a more hipster Barenaked Ladies, or a slightly more commercial Ween.
Or Weezer on a bad hair day.
I think mine were too on-the-nose, and yours are more plausible. I would LOVE to see a death metal band comprised of fearsome little people though!!!
I could see Bodega Sushi being a Beastie Boys album track so not a million miles away.
In my mind, Subtle Mullet can only be an 80s cover band that plies their wares in various northwest suburban bars, with the Cubs game on a giant screen behind them.
Savage Rabbit is a Japanese power trio, all 18 year old girls, that plays their brand of cheery pop-punk with just the right amount of spunk and grit.
I can see it. Young Japanese women who despise the whole cute aesthetic(Hello, Kitty), but end up coming across as cute without meaning to. I’ve seen Otoboke Beaver in person. They really mean it, man. But you can’t help but smile.
Clang Thwack might have missed a trick in not adding a Zap on the end, any homebrew fans out there?
And on the alcoholic theme Savage Rabbit are branching out. Anyone in the Costa Mesa locale? Only a 3 star rating though, needs improvement.
Wow! I had no idea.
Well, I’m off to the beer store. Be back soon.
mt, was that picture of a rabbit with a blood-smeared mouth from “Night of the Lepus”, the classic low-budget horror film about giant mutated rabbits on a killing spree? (featuring Janet Leigh in one of her finest performances)
Day of the Animals is a B-movie knockoff of The Birds. This must be how the Zucker Brothers got the idea to cast Leslie Nielsen in Airplane. I’ve seen Night of the Lepus. Janet Leigh gets to be great without it overshadowing her iconic roles as an A-list actor. When Sir Alec Guinness picked up the script for Star Wars, poor guy had no idea that his legacy was going to change.
I think Leonard Nimoy liked being Spock. Alan Rickman, in my opinion, is spoofing Guinness in the great Galaxy Quest. I have a hard time picturing Sir Alec Guinness being in a good mood at Comic-Con.
When I was a kid, I came up with a name for a death metal band.
Fetal Pig.
No idea why I thought that up, or why, after all these years, I still remember it.
You weren’t the only one that thought of it….
… and…
Was there a connection with school maybe? We had to dissect them in high school biology. (the teacher said mine looked like it had been put through a blender. I did not do well in that class.)
Fare thee well, Lips Like Chicken. I will hold a Viking funeral in your honor (as soon as I can find a boat to set on fire).
Is it just me or does Billie Joe Armstrong resemble Gary Numan if you squint?
(sigh) I bid adieu to Secular Saint. I liked Secular Saint because it sounded like a Mark E. Smith solo project.
That looks like a real rabbit. And he looks savage. Hazel was a band. Hazel looks ready to take down General Woundwort.
Oh, Steve Kornacki. You promised us a clear path to victory for Monkey Puppet. Boo!
I’ve been listening to a lot of late-period Echo and the Bunnymen. Ian McCullough sounds exactly the same. Some of these eighties era bands are putting out great stuff, but they’re not fashionable anymore, and get no coverage. Lips Like Chicken is starting to grow on me. rollerboogie had a point. Would I really want to be in a band called Bodega Sushi? Lips Like Chicken sounds cooler. Bodega Sushi makes me laugh because it reminds me of the sushi restaurant in Aki Kaurismaki’s The Other Side of Hope. I think the Finnish restaurant owner uses whitefish instead of tuna. It’s the concept of surprising sushi.
I hereby switch my support for Lips Like Sushi.