Hello, music fans! I’m back, ready to accept your challenge, and come up with a brand new Friday Flash Review!

You all know the drill:
mt58 randomly selects a genre, category, or some other musical common denominator for you all to think on… and then I talk about the song that you choose.
OK, mt, what’s up for this Friday?
mt? Hello?
“Sorry, Jon. I was just catching up on my email:”

“Hmm. Sounds like I need to take another look at Stitch Fix. But in the meantime, let’s get serious this time, and go with:”
The absolute best, deep cut Simon & Garfunkel song.

OK, we have a category!
Which Simon & Garfunkel recording will it be?”
In the comments below: nominate ONE favorite that you’d like to see in a Flash Review. Definitely chat and reply with each other about the choices, but remember:
The comment with the most upvotes get the nod.
See you Friday!
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Views: 83
I’m not sure how deep this cut is, but I’ve always loved “America.” Oddly, I heard Yes’s cover version of it first, and that’s worth a listen too, if you’re not familiar with it.
“America” captures both the vastness of the U.S. and how easy it is to feel isolated and lonely in a country of millions. It’s brilliant songwriting.
I see Zooey Deschanel in hair rollers.
Not my favorite S&G song — and also not a deep cut. But the one that’s closest to a headbanger…
I humbly submit “I Am a Rock”
I only know the hits, but am looking forward to learning about a lesser known gem.
Like Phylum, I don’t know much deep S&G, but I’ll nominate this LP cut from Bridge Over Troubled Water (one of the few albums I know by heart front to back):
Also, this one, which is probably more well-known nowadays thanks to a film of the same name:
I remember when 2 films named after Simon & Garfunkel songs came out within like a month of each other (this and “The Only Living Boy in New York”).
Whoops. We nominated the same song. What an amazing film.
Not we, I mean, I nominated the same song. I’ll show myself out now.
I nominate “My Little Town”:
Yeah, that’s an overlooked, underplayed hit if there ever was one. I strongly approve of this choice.
I was 5 when “Bookends” came out, so lots of those tracks have an appeal to me from heavy rotation in the house, but let’s go with “At the Zoo.”
I heard “Baby Driver” at the end of Edgar Wright’s Baby Driver. I never heard it before. But if a song appears in a film that grossed $226.9M, is it still a deep cut? This, of course, is a prime example of the “Tiny Dancer” paradox.
Looking at the other nominations so far and they’re all great.
It’s a reminder that I haven’t listened to my S&G box set in a very long time. I had planned on doing some work today but now I’ve got a need to listen to S&G.
First heard this in Garden State so I don’t know if being on a film soundtrack rules it out as a deep cut but it was never a single (other than wiki reckoning it got to #6 in Indonesia. Big shout out to all the readers in Jakarta!).
Ranks highly in my favourite songs of all time so I have to nominate it; The Only Living Boy In New York.
Isn’t “Shut Up, Paul”, featuring just Art doing acapella harmonies, a pretty rare outtake?
A Simple Desultory Phillipic (Or how I was Robert MacNamara’d into Submission)
S&G attempt to take the piss out of Bob Dylan.
Do they succeed? That’s up to you.
Voting as closed! Thanks all! Wish me luck getting something written up in time for Friday. It’s been a week.
*as=is 🙂