Something Interesting On Your Mind?

Write For!


Welcome! is a great and supportive online community of thoughtful people, just like you.

We’re all about music, pop culture, art, literature, entertainment… and anything that makes up our lives’ journey. Our Contributing Authors and commenters are folks from every walk of life. They represent readers from 31 countries. And they’d love to see you join us for the fun!

I get a lot of email about writing for this site.

Quite often, someone will pitch a terrific idea for an article – something that our audience will enjoy reading.

But in the very next sentence, they will start listing reasons why they can’t, won’t, or shouldn’t pursue the thought.

Here, with some (allegedly) funny point-counterpoint, are the three top reasons people avoid taking the plunge.


REBUTTALSeriously? That’s the least of the reasons!

Not a certified wordsmith? Join the club. You know when I started writing online? Four years ago. In an internet comment section.

My joke about Edgar Winter’s Frankenstein record.
Astoundingly, Lorne Michaels still hasn’t called.

Have you ever been part of a crowd? Of course you have. And this is a crowdsourced website – which means we lovingly accept content from all of our members.

From the pros to the recreational writers, to the commenters, to the folks who practice their Starbucks order in their head, just to get it right: everyone gets to speak their piece, play along, and hang out.


REBUTTAL Sure you do!

What is interesting to you? I’ll bet that you have lots to say about things that would interest our readers. For example:

  • What song meant the world to you as a kid – but now does nothing for you?
  • What song meant nothing to you as a kid – but now holds a special meaning?
  • Name a talent that you have, and teach us how to do it.
  • What artist really gets to your soul?
  • If you could do anything for work, what would you do?
  • What would be the first and last sentences in your autobiography?
  • What do the people in your life like about you?
  • What’s something not-so-great that happened to you, but now actually seems funny?
  • How often do you like to be alone?

I could do this all day. Just from the above list: I bet that you have lots to say. Go ahead, pick one – or come up with a prompt of your own – and start by just thinking about it. Your words will flow!


REBUTTALOf course you don’t. But you don’t have to – that’s my job!

Just send a Word document, Google document, or even just plain text in an email. And that’s it.

I take care of all of the graphics and layout. And if you should need help workshopping the topic, or with editing, or just want to chat about your idea, I’m here.

It’s my pleasure and my honor to make your article pop, shine, and get boatloads of awesome, friendly, and supportive comments.

So give it some thought. I respond to every pitch. A few FAQs:

  • What topics do you want to see? – Music is obviously a big thing at our place. Any music. Any era. Maybe start there.
  • How many words should my article contain? – Generally speaking, the sweet spot for a word count is between 800-1000 words, but we often have both longer and shorter pieces that are a “hit.”. If you have a longer piece, we can always work together to create a mini-series or two-parter.
  • What does it cost to join as an author/ member: Zero. No cost to join up.
  • Why do I have to register? We ask you to register so that you can be “certified” as an author, and make and reply to comments. You can do so here.
  • What do you do with my personal information? What’s your privacy policy: Ironclad. You are safe here. We will NEVER betray your trust or have your privacy compromised.
  • OK. Please. Stop. I’m convinced! How do I communicate to ask about writing an article? The address for sending stuff or chatting me up about writing for the site is: .

If it’s important or interesting to you, then it’s important to us. Our next fun article could be from you!


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Your grateful host. Good on you all.

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