Welcome, everyone!
Editor’s note…
I hope you’ve enjoyed our holiday songs tournament as much as I have. It’s been so much fun learning about all of the many different songs that are near and dear to all of you.
And, of course: Let’s send a big holiday thanks to Lovethisconcept for her tireless work in this project!
For the next hour-ish, Bill Bois and LTC have graciously agreed to run tonight’s Live Group Chat. We couldn’t have two better co-hosts.

Please join them… and everybody have an eggnog for me! -mt58
*remember: Login or Register to see the live chat!
[rumbletalk-chat hash=”HlO0l!Ps”]
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Views: 110
Bummed I missed it chums! Merry Xmas and Happy New Year y’all!!!
SMU ruined a Rick Pitino vs. my alma mater matchup. Pitino coached five games here. Before Wikipedia, nobody knew. I didn’t know.
Merry Christmas to you too Cappie! And to everyone in the TNOCS family. 🎄
Little Drummer Boy didn’t make it but never mind; its not the winning its the taking part. Hope everyone is safe and warm and has a merry Xmas!
Stay warm. MX(& MC) and HNY.
This is an amazing online community.
“I never thought it was such a bad little tree. It’s not bad at all, really. Maybe it just needs a little love.”
Merry Christmas, tnocs! 🎄🥶
Merry Christmas one and all in our tnocs.com corner of the digital world!! Been a awesome year hanging with everyone.
And congrats to Nat ‘King of Christmas Songs’ Cole. 🧑🎄
I’m sorry that I missed this last chat. I hope everybody has had a merry Christmas and I wish you all a safe and warmer New Year..
Edith. Same for you and your family. We were hoping you would check in.
We are trying to reach Brigit. Do you have any connection?