Here Comes the Weekend.
And not a moment too soon.
Can you even believe it? Today marks an entire week (plus one day) of existence for, The World’s Slowest Rising Website.™ It’s been crazy busy around here, with so much to do to get things set up, that I constantly have this feeling like I’ve forgotten to do something. Well, no biggie. I’m sure that it will come to me eventually.

This column will, as the kids say, “drop” on Friday afternoons. We’ll talk about the week’s hijinks, post a teaser or two about what’s coming up, and open up the comments below just for you, to use the space for conversation about anything that’s on your mind. My virtual senators: the floor is yours. But first, here comes the recap.

The Week’s New Articles:
Contributing author cstolliver took us on a ride to the past, with a great recollection of novelty records. I remembered most of them; how about you? The Wacky Packages Book mention was the icing on the cake. If you missed it, have a look and a smile here.
I’ve said it many times: everyone should have a loyal and stunningly handsome friend like Virgindog. (Disclaimer: two of the words in the previous sentence were a paid-product placement ad by VirginCo, Ltd.) Seriously, the poor guy lets it slip that he’s going to a live show, and a certain someone asks him to work, and write up a concert review. I felt kinda bad… but as you would expect, it was a great piece that you’ll want to read. He did the photos, too. And, probably, the sound check, and ran the merch table in the lobby. The guy’s a beast.
In addition to silliness and fun, one of the things that I had hoped to offer in this new space were some serious and reflective pieces, the kind that we used to see more of over at SG. In her debut, contributing author dutchg8r spoke to us about kindness, empathy and understanding. We appreciate you, friend dutchg8r, and we thank you for sharing your story about life with your awesomely cool husband. I said it before, but it bears repeating: he sure sounds like our kind of guy.
And lastly, yours truly couldn’t sleep on Wednesday night, and wrote an article. I pledge to cut back on the coffee.
Site Stuff:
It was just a barrelful of monkeys late on Thursday night, when I got too cocky and tried some oh-so-clever coding… that promptly destroyed the site for 7 hours. I learned a lot about what I don’t know. Sorry for the downtime. If any of you tried to log in and saw scary, cryptic messages of doom, rest assured that we weren’t being crypto-ransomed. Which is really good, because we’re, you know, totally broke.

And because we’re fiscally challenged, the site now has advertising (ugh…) to help pay for the cloud servers and other cyber expenses. I’m trying to tweak the quantity and placement of the spots. Please let me know your thoughts… are there too many ads… are weird items being served… are you’re OK with it… you hate it… you hate me… Hit me up. I really want to know.
Random notes:
• Any interest in a feature that would email you when new content is posted? Fully opt-in and opt-out, of course. Friend Bayouradio voted “yes” last week; what do you all say?
• Any suggestions for channels? Content? Cool features? General fun and frolicking?
And, as always: I need you! Send your story pitches, finished pieces, or general thoughts on what you might write for a featured article to:
I want this to be your place. Tell me how I can make it better.
Thank you so much for your support and kind comments about the site. I’m impossibly lucky to be able to hang with all of you. Have a great weekend…
.. and good on you all.

Views: 5
The ads are what they are… as long as they don’t slow down or crash the site (no issues with that so far), I can’t complain. Maybe you can add a voluntary “donate” feature to the site like I’ve seen elsewhere (or is there already one that I’ve overlooked?).
Mark me down as a “Yes” for new content notification. (Not that I’m likely to miss checking in on the normal days, but it’s nice to have a reminder…)
I’ve got no suggestions for content, I’m just pleased as punch with what has been contributed already so I’m sure that whatever the creative minds bring to the table will continue to be awesome!
Very kind feedback, Aaron3K.
I’ve worked to make sure that the ads don’t impact the speed and overall responsiveness of the site. I’ll be keeping a good watch over it, for sure.
Ditto what A3k said on all accounts!