Bouncers bouncing through the night
Trying to stop or start a fight
I sit and watch the flashing lights
Moving legs in footless tightsI go out on Friday night and I come home on Saturday morning
And cruise the CVS Pain Relief aisle on Saturday afternoon.
mt58, et al
Welcome, good friends, to another Friday at! Here’s hoping that you had a productive and cool week, and perhaps made a significant addition to your list of life’s major milestones.

Thanks for visiting this week! The data aggregation department at Labs™ informs us – (ok, so it’s really just me on an iPhone 4, hanging around a donut shop parking lot)… that many of you pop in and out several times during the week… which is just the vibe that we wanted! Come by. Click around. Leave a comment. Go throw in a load of laundry. Come back later to see who’s around. Just like real life! I’m telling you, the more I see, the more I really think that this whole internet thing could catch on.

I’m glad that every day, more good folks are discovering this place. If you’re new-ish here, this is the spot where we have a virtual beverage together, and open up the comment section below for your hopes, dreams and creative snack ideas. Please jump in with both feet, and enjoy chatting about whatever you’d like, all weekend long. We never close.
But first… if you missed it…
This Past Week’s New Articles
Bill “Virgindog” Bois was our genial guide on a tour of a very cool regional guitar show. He had emailed me (subliminal plug for story ideas: to ask if a “Photo Essay”-type article would be a good idea. I think that it came out great! – informative, interesting to non-musicians and players alike, and written in the comfortable style that he’s very well known for. It was a great example of what we’re all looking to see here. Thanks, V-Dog. And, good news: we’re working on a GoFundMe page to help you acquire a certain four stringed thingy. It’s the least that we can do.

Also to be found in the “I’m going with my real-life name” department, Contributing author Chuck”TAFKAC” Small had a great piece about “Tales from The City,” telling tales about both the novel and the TV series, and how it all sorta dovetails into his reality. We had Sir Ian McKellen, Olympia Dukakis, and Laura Linney in the house. Pretty neat. Chuck is a great writer, and knows how to keep the reader engaged. After reading his piece, I’ll bet that many of us will checking out Armistead Maupin. From the local library, that is. And a final thought, Chuck: I’m lovin’ the nametag. Exactly like you: Very cool.
Contributing author JJ Live At Leeds had a funny follow-up hit to his excellent inaugural post, and told us a tale about his esteemed equestrian talents and pursuits. OK, JJ, it may have been in a “one-and-done” situation, but we sure got a cowboy-boot kick out of your story, podner. And, thusly inspired, I have begun lobbying the UK Lake District Association for special discounted rates for our UK Meetup! (Hey, anything is possible, right?)

In his debut, Contributing author Both Grouse brought us along to the Big Ears Music Festival. We all have a common love for live music, but the passion and analysis that friend BG brings is off the charts. I learned so much about musicians that I had never heard about before.. and isn’t the “sonic exploration” what it’s all about? BG was gracious enough to make this our first “mini-series,” and we’ll be treated to next installment next week. Speaking for all of us, I’m sure: our big ears can’t wait.

Site Stuff:
A few site notes for you:
- Contributing Author and all-around great human Lovethisconcept had a great suggestion earlier today. Any links inside an article will now open up in a separate browser tab. I have to roll this out one article at at time, but this week’s stuff should be working. Thanks for a neat idea.
- Now, here’s one that might be fun. When someone comes online, a little popup will appear in the lower left corner with their most recent comment. I tested the devil out of this thing before launching, and I think it’s ready for prime-time. Let me know if you like it.

And here’s a cut and paste from last week: I promise not to just include stuff for the sake of including stuff. Sometimes in a comment-driven web platform, too many bells and whistles detract from the experience. Please hit me up with your thoughts. I will always pay attention to what you all would like to see (or not see.)
• Any suggestions for channels? Content? Cool features? General fun and frolicking?
• I really do want to keep growing the site. Any mentions about our hangout on social media or other such places are greatly appreciated.
And, as always: I need you! Please write for us. Send your story pitches, finished pieces, or just PM me to talk to me a about your general thoughts on what you might concoct for a featured article to:
I want this to be your place. Tell me how I can make it better.
Thank you so much for your support and kind comments about the site. I’m impossibly lucky to be able to hang with all of you. Have a great weekend…
.. and good on you all.

Views: 61
I gotta be careful about my comments now. Or else my “most recent” comment that pops up when I’m online will be an impassioned defense of some version of Communism or context-free roast of the Gin Blossoms. (Not that context is all the relevant in the latter case.) 😜
No worries, Pauly. Always commenting in context is highly overrated. Wayne Gretzky is the all-time NHL scoring leader with 2857 points.
The GoFundMe idea is very kind of you, however you can also Venmo me directly at And after the bass is mine, maybe we can get together and buy JJ a pony.
The other thing that happened this week is sort of buried in the comments, but we may have a tnocs meetup in Nashville or Knoxville or somewhere thereabouts. Stay tuned, as we’re only throwing ideas around right now and we’re artists. That means we’ll procrastinate.
Anyway, it was another fun week here. I’m impressed with the site and content. There’s some smart and kind people here. Well done, everyone!
A pony? Now that I might be able to manage, preferably a really small one so my feet still reach the ground. It’ll also help keep the lawn in shape, less mowing for me. Count me in.
As much as I would love to rub actual shoulders with fellow TNOCSters, I’ll bet that I wouldn’t join in. Well…I mean it depends. I would feel bad for missing a gathering, and totally jealous when I would see the pictures that come from all of my virtual friends having fun together, but…I’m just such a stick in the mud. If the gathering were when the sun was up I would like it better. If it were at a loud bar till 2 in the am, that’s probably not my scene. I’m not trying to discourage a probably inevitable meeting. Not at all. But just kinda lamenting that my personality is such that I doubt I would make it.
Not to mention the whole distance thing. Whose idea was it to put the West so far away?
I’ve toyed with the idea of hosting a TNOCS wrap party once Tom catches up with current time. If we were to have such a party, whether here in Nashville or elsewhere, it couldn’t be a one night thing because people travel from all over. I’d rent a venue one night for a jam session and awards show (“And the award for Best Non-Sequitur goes to….”), but during the day I’d lead a tour through the honky tonks, the National Museum of African American Music, the Musician’s Hall of Fame, and maybe the Ryman or Opry or Country Music Hall of Fame. There’d be plenty to do that’s not in a loud bar at 2 in the am.
Have I mentioned I lead a rich fantasy life?
The formerly adjacent cube of Tom may not be formerly adjacent for much longer. That is a foreshadowing exclusive for
So there is a 90% chance that we will end up back in the Cincinnati area this summer. But I wont be positive for a few more weeks. We shall see. But Cincy to TN isn’t really very far.
Your secret’s safe with us. On the internet.
Idaho’s loss is Ohio’s gain.
When I started reading your comment, I thought the reveal would be that budget cuts required you and Tom would be in the SAME cube. 🤯
I’m already fantasizing about that jam session!
I’m going to have to learn “Backstabbers.”
You do “Backstabbers” and I’ll work up my Biz Markie “Just a Friend” impersonation!
OK, all together, everyone:
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ “OH BG PLEEEEASE….”♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
“You say I’m just a fiend… err, friend…”
Or is it fiend?
Not been around much as its been holiday time for the J family. Out in the glorious and rugged English Peak District landscape, the weather ranged from adequate to abysmal featuring torrential rain, gales, hail and the occasional brief sighting of the sun. Had to backtrack on the big plans we had for the week but we didn’t let it ruin our holiday, still better than working!
Had a skim read through while I was away but now time for a proper read through of the weeks’ content.
Oh look, now we’re home the sun is out, the sky is a perfect blue. What wonderful timing!