The Weekend Files: 06.17.2022


Friday night arrives without a suitcase
Sunday morning creeping like a nun
Monday’s child has learned to tie his bootlace
See how they run

– BILLBOARD US #4, 1968

A big, Friday, How you doin’? to all! Welcome to the Weekend Wrap-Up!

It’s a busy Dads And Grads season, and your time is valuable. So please know that during these hectic days, we are honored to have your company here at The Weekend Files. Speaking of the end-of-school year, I’m proud to announce… that someone… has graduated with Honors A Certificate Of Participation from the local city pound’s Four-Legger Training Camp! As a well deserved reward, a festive Saturday backyard celebration is in the works!

Just as long as we don’t invite that awful Bella from down the street.
She’s one of the mean girls. You might say that she’s a real bi-“

Whoa, whoa, whoa – we get it. Clearly, we still need to work on our language. While I investigate the reasons that might be encouraging this indelicate attitude, please have a look at the news of the week, in a weird ship’s-wheel-thingy-bullet-point style:

Six new articles, including two great continuing series, debut Contributing Authors, and general good fun. Yikes. If we keep this up, the place could start looking like an actual website. But remember, kids…

☸ …We can always use more of your great stuff. If you’ve thought about writing for us, take the plunge and hit me up to chat directly at with your articles and ideas. Nothin’ cooler than showing your friends ‘n fam your byline, Up Front, Baby!

Like any small business or venture, it’s always all about word-of-mouth and referrals. On bended knee: thank you all so much for name-dropping and referring to your online and real-world friends.

As always, please enjoy using using the “The Weekend Files” comment section below for anything that you want to chat about, 24/7. We’re honored to fuel your virtual campfire. BYOGC.

And now, here’s our weekly recap of recent cool stuff that you may have missed…

This Past Week’s New Articles

Curator and Contributing Author Ozmoe’s delightful second episode of his cool series dropped on Monday. Music and Summer Fun have always gone hand in hand, and we’re having a blast each week, as we time-travel to a new year. Thanks for inviting us along for the great ride, friend. See you at the pool on Monday.

Tuesday afternoon at the gallery: Contributing Author Phylum Of Alexandria offered some reflection on art and creativity in film. More good advice from our friend, whose guidance will make for a great mini-arts festival. I’m going to watch one of the films tonight; we thank you in advance for all of the great recommendations.

I marvel at the consistent creativity and imagination of our writers. A starter-pack look at a jazz legend’s catalog would have been “cool” enough. But, Contributing Author minor major 7th provided a truly original way of imparting his vast knowledge on the subject. This was so much fun to read and listen to, for the jazz (and animal) lover in all of us. Well done!

We love music; any kind of music. And Contributing Author thegue set the eclectic bar high with a fun piece about his liveshow experiences. Just when you think that you’ve heard it all, you get treated to learning about different artists and venues, past and present. We always love the stories and good humor that you bring. Thanks, friend, for getting us the waycool virtual backstage pass.

So there I was, thinking that having a case of “the bends” was a bad thing. Au contraire. Contributing Author Bill Bois explained the hows, the whys, the whimseys and the whammies in Friday’s Theoretically Speaking: Music Theory For Non-Musicians article. Yet again, I come away having learned something new. Cranking out these kinds of detailed lessons on a weekly basis is a lot of work, and we all appreciate the effort. Good on you, good dog.

And also on Friday, we were treated to a nice debut article from our newest Contributing Author, bcm4648. Just in time for Sunday, our friend provided a nice point of view, Dad-style, about generations, and the musical eras that define – and can sometimes separate.

But take heart, good friends. As the kids get older, they usually come around. Your ‘Mom-Tunes,’ and your ‘Dad-Rock’ music? You just never know… those playlists could very well be what makes for the ‘ties that bind’ in the oncoming years.

And, wishing for a Happy Father’s Day to all of the good dads… and also to those who stepped up to be the Father figure in their young people’s lives. Good on you all.

  • Want to see your byline Up Front? So do we! Please write for us! Old comment section veterans and newcomers are all welcome to join in the reverie.
    We want to hear what’s on your mind. If you have an idea or just want to chat about stuff, PM me anytime at .

• Any suggestions for channels? Content? Cool features? General mayhem?

I want this to be your place. Tell me how to make it better.

Thank you so much for your support and kind comments about the site. I’m impossibly lucky to be able to hang with all of you. Have a great weekend, please be careful, take good care of yourselves and each other…

…and good on you all.

– mt58


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Your grateful host. Good on you all.

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Phylum of Alexandria
Famed Member
June 17, 2022 2:06 pm

I’m kind of drawing a blank on future articles to write, but if anyone’s got any suggestions I can maybe give it a whirl!

Currently writing a new entry for my blog that is eating up most of my brain.

Phylum of Alexandria
Famed Member
June 21, 2022 9:40 am
Reply to  mt58
Famed Member
June 18, 2022 12:21 am

So I found the lyrics for Soul Glo. It’s not so dissimilar to when I first learned what Michael Stipe was mumbling about on Murmur. “They called the clip a two-headed cow.” Really? Stating the obvious, it would seem Bad Brains was an influence. Thanks. This band is my life, for the moment. I was listening to the new Sharon Van Etten for the past two weeks. Soul Glo is a nice change of pace.

Famed Member
June 18, 2022 12:22 am
Reply to  cappiethedog

Oh, wait. There’s your next column. Misunderstanding lyrics.

Phylum of Alexandria
Famed Member
June 19, 2022 7:13 am
Reply to  cappiethedog

Nice, I’ll see what I can do with that. Thanks!

Yeah, Soul Glo is like Bad Brains meets The Birthday Party and Death Grips. Definitely one of the most exciting bands I’ve heard in a long time.

Famed Member
Online Now
June 17, 2022 2:24 pm

It’s been a really good week. Nice job, contributors!

I’m going to spend part of my weekend practicing for my first rehearsal in months.

JJ Live At Leeds
Famed Member
June 17, 2022 4:39 pm

Another great week at TNOCS. And a big weekend; Fathers Day plus Paul Mccartney’s 80th. Another stat to make one feel old. I remember as a teenager the TV channel; ITV showing various Macca related content under the heading McCartney At 50. That was the first time I saw the movies Hard Days Night and Help. Recorded them on vhs and watched them many times. Yellow Submarine was on too, I’d seen that one before but taped it too and watched that over and over. Possibly holds my personal record for film I’ve seen the most.

I’ve gone through different stages, as a teenager John was my favourite then it was George but now it can only ever be Paul. Not everything he’s done has worked but overall he’s a genius. I was asked recently who my idol is and couldn’t think but if anyone is I reckon it’s Paul. McCartney III was a joyous lockdown surprise, all the more precious for not knowing if it’ll be his last. Hopefully there’s a bit more to come yet.

And then last weekend while at a festival came across an act I’d not heard before but was my highlight of the day and have spent the week catching up on everything he’s ever done; Pictish Trail. Scottish singer songwriter putting out a mix of folky indie electronica. An entertaining stage prescence as well with plenty of engaging and humorous between song chat.

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