If you want to know ’bout the mad punk rockers
If you want to know how to play guitar
If you want to know ’bout any other suckers
You can read it in the Sunday papers
UK single release: February 1979; did not chart
A big, Friday, Hello to all! Welcome to the tnocs.com Weekend Wrap-Up!
Some of you might be aware that historically, I’ve been all about the side hustle. Whether it’s playing in a band, consulting, coding, or something else altogether, there’s nothing like a part-time gig to help pay for things that seemingly overnight, have become wildly expensive.
But if running this website counts, that means I already have two jobs, and I’m not sure that I have the bandwidth for another. Now, foolish me: I thought that this was obvious, but someone who shall go nameless had a “great idea,” and somehow managed to sign up yours truly for an “informational meeting.”

It’s my own fault. I need to be better at setting boundaries. While I do a little research, please have a look at the Highlights Of The Week®, in a weird, sideways-heart bullet point style:
❥ Six new articles! We are approaching relevance! If you’ve been reading our awesome writer’s stuff and thought, “Hey, whaddabout me? I bet that I could write up something….” well… we agree! Hit me up to chat directly at submissions@tnocs.com with your articles and ideas. You, too, dear reader,could have Up Front bragging rights!
❥ A great week for new members! Nothing make me smile more. Welcome and thanks to our old and new friends for joining in the fun… and please tell your friends!
❥ Speaking of: thanks in general to all, and in particular to this guy for name-dropping and referring tnocs.com to the world in general. Facebook, IG, Twitter, and other online and real-world referrals are greatly appreciated.
❥ As always, please enjoy using using the “The Weekend Files” comment section below for anything that you want to chat about at any hour of the day. Snack recommendations are welcome.
And now, here’s our weekly recap of recent cool stuff that you may have missed…
This Past Week’s New Articles
He’s back! We were treated to Contributing Author Ozmoe’s delightful third installment of his cool series on Monday. The comment section was abuzz! Although, as of this writing, Ray Stevens had yet to chime in. We’ll keep the light on, Ethel.
You gotta have heart. And Contributing Author JJ Live At Leeds surely fills that description. His Tuesday article on the many reasons to look on the happy side was a real pick-me-up. It was great (and funny) advice from our friend, whose positivity shines as it makes its way across the pond. Thanks, JJ. We’re lucky that you’re here for us.
What an strange, sometimes sad, and often hard 2 1/2 years it’s been. Contributing Author Chuck Small reflected on the subject in his usual warm and thoughtful way. Know this, Chuck: albeit virtual, you were on the receiving end of a lot of hugs in gratitude for your sweet Wednesday piece. Thank you, and good on you.
Sometimes, you just need a good booster shot of nostalgia. And stepping up in her usual hilarious way on Thursday was Contributing Author dutchg8r, with a nice piece about her musical roots. Dad rock meets Ariel? Who knew how much fun that would be! Sidenote: Before this article published, I never knew that I needed a spin-off series called “Young Dutchling.” But I definitely do. Hint, hint…
Contributing Author Bill Bois explained the relationship of the major and the minor in Friday’s Theoretically Speaking: Music Theory For Non-Musicians article. Well, “explained” is a bit of an understatement… Let me fix that: he illustrated, gave examples, was specifc, and approached this week’s topic with his ongoing positive style. We’re lucky to have our good V-dog for a teacher – and a friend.
And yours truly couldn’t sleep last night, so I wrote a thing.
- Want to see your byline Up Front? So do we! Please write for us! Old comment section veterans and newcomers are all welcome to join in the reverie.
We want to hear what’s on your mind. If you have an idea or just want to chat about stuff, PM me anytime at submissions@tnocs.com .
• Any suggestions for channels? Content? Cool features? General mayhem?
I want this to be your place. Tell me how to make it better.
Thank you so much for your support and kind comments about the site. I’m impossibly lucky to be able to hang with all of you. Have a great weekend, please be careful, take good care of yourselves and each other…
…and good on you all.

Views: 68
Hi All,
These are dark days indeed for those of us in America.
I’ll take a cue from JJ and try to think of reasons to be, well, if not cheerful, at least appreciative.
A good job that pays well and doesn’t exploit me.
A wonderful wife and close friends with whom I can weather this.
The inspiring example of this wonderful woman, to never be complacent:
The many coming opportunities to take action and show where I stand.
The ability to unite in spirit with many great souls all over the world (that’s you guys!)
Have a great weekend everybody!
Fellow Americans, do what it takes to get this grief and despair out. Then get busy….
“Young Dutchling” sounds like some snotty punk kid in wooden shoes. 😉
I definitely did always have a very independent personality. I mean, when you live it, it seems perfectly normal. There probably are some interesting tales to fuel a spinoff….
M in the formerly adjacent cube is basically me in 25 years, we are very kindred spirits. We were always chatting over our cube wall. She would love to make fun of her husband of 40+ years, venting when he’d call newly into his retirement phase of his life and have a 10 minute conversation with her about ingredients in fajitas for tonight’s dinner or something banal like that. I made the comment one day it sounded like a sitcom everytime she spoke about him; I dubbed it the “Poor Bob” show.
Awww, mt58….why’d you have to include onions on today’s menu?
It’s rare I miss a day on here, but yesterday was the last day of school, then I rushed off to pick up Mrs Thegue and took to a Broadway show and night in NYC for her birthday. I get back tonight to see this.
Love our community, and the artistic talent within it. Keep up the great work!