Another park, another Sunday
THE DOOBIE BROTHERS: Another Park, Another Sunday
Why is it life turns out that way
Just when you think you got a good thing
It seems to slip away
Songwriter: Tom Johnston
Billboard Hot 100: #32 – June 1974
A big, Friday Hello to all! Welcome to the Weekend Wrap-Up!
“B-7. “That’s, B…7″
“O-66. “O-as-in-Oscar 66.”
“N-33. “We have N-33.”
Oh, sorry, everybody. I picked up a little side hustle. I’m concurrently in a Zoom call with the good residents of Sunset Acres, calling out the numbers for an online session of Classic Retro Bingo.

Once again: it’s 2022.
“Bingo” doesn’t exactly make us think, “Hey, now, there’s some state-of-the-art” gaming...”
Hmm. Yet again, you have made a valid point. And for those of you minding the scoreboard, that makes four weeks in a row that Goodboy has been correct.
I try to have an open mind. OK- I’ll tell you what: We’ll strike up a compromise. I’ll whip up some ad copy.
Something like:
“It’s The Latest Craze! Old-School ‘gaming’ Meets 21st Century Lifestyle and Arts Web-Blogging! ”
Presenting: Bingo!

This. Could. Work.
Maybe we should look into a deal with a game manufacturer?
Silly graphics aside, the real point is: How many of you had any of these wildly random things on your mind over the past couple of weeks? Unless you were cooking up an article for us, I’d wager that the above would just represent a gonzo-style stream-of-consciousness. Really, read a few our loud: It’s a pretty helter-skelter list of stuff.
As I have mentioned to many of you, current internet-conventional-wisdom deems: websites that contain a huge variety of topics are on the decline. Our approach is not exactly what Professor Ermanski espoused in her Marketing 101 class: “Narrowcasting, not broadcasting”, said she, “is the wave of The Future.“
But, my friends, at least for now: somehow, this rando, dartboard approach is sort of working. It’s a big part of the recipe around here. I love the way that we all have arrived at a tacit agreement: We silently concur that a wide variety of topics and the resulting tangential discourse is a beautiful thing. And it seems to slowwwwly be catching on (more about that next week.)
So, a big honkin’ bearhug to you all: our Contributing Authors, Commenters, and Lurkers alike… (who, I am beggin‘ you – please register, write, and comment…)
Thank you for your support, and your kindness to me and to each other. I am less than zero without all of your encouragement and participation. Please tell your friends, as well as anyone who might enjoy what we do here that we welcome them with open arms, enthusiasm… and all the tools that they’ll ever need.
And now, here’s our weekly recap of recent cool stuff that you may have missed…
This Past Week’s New Articles
Monday! Contributing Author Ozmoe did it again, with another slam-dunk chapter in his awesome Summer Song series…
…And we were treated to another installment from Contributing Author Pauly Steyreen about his experiences while representing the USA in Nepal.
Tuesday brought us adventure! A debut of a new series about life abroad and, you know, turtle wrangling, from Contributing Author JJ Live At Leeds…
… along with a fun new article from the beloved – and ever-nostalgic – Contributing Author Chuck Small.
Wednesday! She poured some sugar on us, fo’ sure, with a tale of a joyous concert experience. Thanks to Contributing Author dutchg8r for taking us to the show.
Thursday brought us the first installment in a contemplative and fascinating Summer Mini-Series from Contributing Author Phylum Of Alexandria – let the comments flow!
And on Friday! Hey, look – it’s ChuckTime once again, as he brought us along for another fun visit to his super-secret vault of great old vinyl…
…and, with chainsaw in hand delicately wrapping up the week with Lucky Episode Number 13 of his Instructional Series, it’s our good buddy Bill Bois with education, V-Dog style.
Be sure to hang with us all weekend… drive-by comments here at The Weekend Files, as well as in any of our articles are always welcome.
Thank you in advance for keeping us company – we appreciate you!
Thank you so much for your support and kind comments about the site. I’m impossibly lucky to be able to hang with all of you. Have a great weekend, please be careful, take good care of yourselves and each other…
…and good on you all.

Views: 120
I was just thinking that yesterday mt, how awesome this happy little corner of the digital world has evolved the past several months. Varied topics make for fascinating reads, and every day I feel like I’m strolling into the most intellectual party with folks willing to talk about anything and keep it a cordial knowledge transfer rather than a brow-beating “I am right and you are wrong!” discussion.
High fives all around to everyone, fist bumps, bro-hugs, whatever floats your boat. And a toast to our host with the most, mt.
If anyone needs me, I’ll be over here contemplating what flavor jello shot would taste best when slurped off Phil Collen’s abs.
(The correct answer is – like it matters, I’m doing body shots off Phil Collen’s abs, hello… 😁)
I misread that as Phil Collins’ abs. And now that I’ve planted that image in your head my work here is done.
“I’ve got dad bod hugging round my abs tonight…oh Lord…”
[Casually strolls in, drops a link, winds up staring at video on repeat…..]
He must work out.
I feel like I have to do an apology a la Monty Python and The Holy Grail opening credits –
“Pseudo-normal Dutch would like to apologize for the crassness of ShallowDutch and for making any of my male buds here uncomfortable with her carrying on about DefLep’s Phil Collen. She has been told to go ride a moose to sit with Ralph the Wonder Llama in the meantime.”
Damn you JJ!!!!
Bingo! 12 different ways.
Yahtzee! Oh, wrong game…
Got an interesting email yesterday morning, which sent me down a memory hole:
“You have received a virtual gift for your 20 anniversary in LiveJournal
On this day, in 2002 you have registered in LiveJournal! Share this news with your friends!”
Now, I vaguely remember having a LiveJournal, but couldn’t remember what I’d written in it. Turns out I wrote ten entries in 2002 and another fifteen in 2005. Below is one of the shorter, less personal entries. Most of the rest are much longer, and help fill in some key dates (and events) that I’d forgotten, so thank you to whatever grammar-challenged internet quirk decided to urge me to celebrate an otherwise meaningless anniversary! I know a few folks here have blogs, but did anyone else have a LiveJournal (or still do)?
I normally scroll straight past the ads without looking but the Japanese Manga comics ad has me intrigued. No idea what the heck is going on but the plot point they’ve chosen to draw people in with appears to centre on a radish. Or at least it features several cartoon panels with characters saying ‘radish’ and no obvious explanation why. Truly I have entered another dimension.
TNOCS has been a welcome escape this week from everyday life with ill relatives and lots of stress associated. Fortunately I’m stocked up with more travel exploits already written up and ready to go as not had the time or impetus to get on with writing anything. Here’s to a hopefully better week to come.
Hey, y’all! Popping in on my lunch break to say that I hope everyone’s been having a great weekend so far!
Myself, I have to intermittently work in 100+ degree humidity today. Wish me well!
I don’t know about the rest of you TNOCSers (TNOCSians? TNOCSites? TNOCSoids? We need to make a determination on this), but I am so psyched about us completing the virtual 20th century by this time next week in the Number Ones column. The main reason is a few compilations I’ll share come Friday’s post. Can’t say more than that, don’t want to spoil the surprise!
We have been officially “teased!” Looking forward to it!
And, how about “tnocians?” Has a certain flair to it…
With Comic-Con wrapping up in San Diego, quick round table question for everyone –
What character would you attend Comic-Con dressed as?
I’d probably WANT to go as Nebula, but wind up as an Ewok instead. Or be really lazy and be a Jawa. 😁
I am slightly uninitiated. Does this include any kind of fictional fantasy character, or just those related to comics?
I’m guessing it’s the former rather than the latter. In that case, I’m thinking maybe something where I could get to be a snappy dresser:
Gomez Addams.
Shadow!!! Where is our resident Morticia?! 😀
Yeah, as I understand it the options are wide open, from any sci-fi to Marvel to DC comics, so the Addams’ would fit in perfectly in the mix.
(I’ve always told myself if I ever get to the annual ESRI User Conference in San Diego for our digital cartography software, I’m staying a few extra days to just experience Comic-Con. The ESRI UC is always the week before Comic-Con in the same venue)
Well, as I said in the other comment, I’m a bit short to be Morticia lol. She’s always been portrayed as statuesque and even in heels, I would not be! I’m about average height but am pretty petite.
I was going to say Gomez is short in the original comic strip, yet tall actors have tended to play him! Google tells me Raul Julia was 6’1″. John Astin was quite tall on the show, too.
And this is where I say we were robbed of Oscar Isaac as live-action Gomez. Shame it was only an animated version.
Let’s go with the original…
I would cosplay as Morticia, but I’m too short! 😭 A long black dress would swallow me whole. I could probably go as Wednesday, though–I already have dark hair and have been confused for a teenager multiple times.
Actually, a customer has told me I look like Lydia from Beetlejuice (so I guess my celebrity lookalike would be Winona Ryder…but only at certain angles), so that’d be a fun idea. I also think I’d look kind of cute as Aerith from Final Fantasy VII.
Well, now we have a quorum! A tnocs Costume Party / Cosplay Extravaganza!
A Hit Photo Essay article, if ever I’ve heard one!
I would dress as Lukas Haas in Mars Attacks.
Because he was cosplaying me back in 1996…right down to the Alien Sex Fiend shirt!
I’m not going to try to out-obscure you. I’ll just go with Hellboy.
I would probably do something like Sam or Dean Winchester. Slap on some flannel and some boots, and off we go.
My daughter, however, really gets into cosplay. She has gone to New York Comic-Con as the Sentient Glow Cloud from “Welcome to Nightvale” and as Princess Leia from 1950’s earth (think poodle skirt, but with R2-D2) to name just a couple.