The Weekend Files: 08.12.2022


There ain’t nothin’ short of dyin’
Half as lonesome as the sound
On the sleepin’ city sidewalks
Sunday mornin’ comin’ down

Johnny Cash: Sunday Mornin’ Comin’ Down
Songwriter: Kris Kristofferson
Billboard Hot 100 #46 – May 1970

A big, Friday Hello to all! Welcome to the Weekend Wrap-Up!

It’s great to be back. I’m sorry for having to bail on last week’s Weekend Files bit.

But as most of you know from experience: real-life is gonna do what real-life is gonna do. It was really a crazy week. I just couldn’t find the time to write up the sept-cyclical and painfully tedious profoundly relevant Friday piece that some of you have come to know and tolerate.

I just hate it when I have to skip a column, and leave all of you in the lurch, staring at nothing but a blank screen.

Um… {kennel} cough, cough…

Aw, I’m just pullin’ your paw, Goodboy! You did great!

You jumped right in with all four legs, like a little boss, and took over in a time of need.

You organized the week’s article wrap-up, and were very kind and supportive to all of our friends. And for all of your hard work, you deserve a special treat!

What’s say you and me head over to the park tomorrow for a little jog, maybe some fetch-the-stick… and then come back home to get you a nice bath!

“Oh. Joy.”
“It would appear that Thomas Aquinas was right all along.”

OK, point taken. We’ll forgo the usual Saturday flea-dip-fest for a couple of days. And although it’s not my particular choice of haute cuisine, we’ll make sure that there’s a drive-up window in your future.

In technical site news: It’s been a minute since we’ve heard from Gary, over in IT.

Hey, Gar! Thanks for coming by.

A little bird told us that you have a Special Announcement ™ !

Yeah. So.
I was told to re-configure the server, and install Comment Emoticons.

OK. Sure. Emoticons. How very ‘state-of-the art.’

OK, I know. It’s not exactly ‘flying taxis.’ But perhaps some of you have been looking for this feature, and effective immediately, its live in the comments. Just look for the yellow smiley face.

Hey, 2003 just called.
They want their Cutting Edge Innovations back.”

C’mon, Gary. It’s Friday. Let’s be nice.

(Looks like someone’s been partaking in a wee bit too much of you-know-what…)

Anyway… Here’s our weekly recap of recent cool stuff that you may have missed…

This Past Week’s New Articles

On Monday, Contributing Author Ozmoe time-travelled back to 1985 with a brand new installment of his awesome Songs Of The Summer…”

… And on Tuesday, it was a tale of the pangs of adolescence – and a renewed appreciation for a certain vintage showstopping tune from friend thegue.

Contributing Author Phylum Of Alexandria came by mid-week, and masterfully wrapped up his Summer Mini Series: Politics in Mind. We appreciated the thoughtful writing, and thank friend PoA for this fascinating look of how we all might better relate to each other, in these difficult times.

He’s the Original Running Man: A tired, yet triumphant JJ Live At Leeds stopped by on Thursday with a 2003 New York Marathon diary…

And wrapping up the week: it’s Contributing Author dutchg8r with a hilarious account of her fan-journey and rabid dedication to Messrs. Taylor, et al. And I’m not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but methinks that there’s a sequel afoot…

• Hey, we love your company! Be sure to hang with us all weekend here at The Weekend Files, or in any of our articles for your commenting pleasure.

And remember: please continue to send your ideas for articles to . Everyone is welcome to write an article. Need some encouragement? Hit me up!

Thank you so much for your support and kind comments about the site. I’m impossibly lucky to be able to hang with all of you. Have a great weekend, please be careful, take good care of yourselves and each other…

…and good on you all.

– mt58


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Your grateful host. Good on you all.

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Famed Member
August 12, 2022 5:06 pm

Lots of good stuff this week, most of which I read in one marathon catch-up upon returning from vacation. I look forward to rejoining the regular chatting this upcoming week (of course, that’s when the 22-23 school year starts, too, so …)

Famed Member
Online Now
August 12, 2022 5:40 pm
Reply to  cstolliver

I’m doing the same thing. Got back home on Tuesday, went straight to the office on Wednesday, and have been playing catch up since. How do I feel about that? Well, since you can’t see my interpretive dance, I’ll try out the new/old emoticons:  🚗  🏠  💼  💻  🗑  🤐 

Phylum of Alexandria
Famed Member
August 12, 2022 7:31 pm
Reply to  Virgindog

  :wpds_smile:   :wpds_neutral:   :wpds_unamused:   :wpds_eek:   :wpds_chuckle:   :wpds_beg:   :wpds_envy:   :wpds_whew:   :wpds_cry:   :wpds_neutral:   :wpds_oops:   :wpds_wink: 

JJ Live At Leeds
Famed Member
August 13, 2022 3:35 am

Like others upstream its holiday time here (on the Welsh coast, from this armchair I can see the sea and the ruins of a castle, not a bad view) so not had much time to check in whats going on – other than the ping of emails to let me know my marathon piece was online. Home tomorrow evening so will be catching up with this weeks events after that.

Another heatwave in the UK this weekend so this morning we’re off to play underground golf in a cavern on the site of a former slate mine 500ft below the surface accessible via Europe’s steepest cable railway. All at the pleasingly constant temperature of 7°C.

I’ll leave you with this friendly local that came to check out our picnic; a sheep with a glorious view.

Last edited 2 years ago by JJ Live At Leeds
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