It’s Saturday night, and we in the spot
Mark Ronson, feat. Bruno Mars: Uptown Funk
Don’t believe me, just watch
Songwriters: Jeff Bhasker, Mark Ronson, Bruno Mars, Philip Lawrence, Rudolph Taylor, Ronnie Wilson, Devon Gallaspy, Nicholaus Joseph Williams, Lonnie Lee Simmons, Robert E. Wilson, Charles K Wilson
Billboard Hot 100 #1 – January 2015
A big, Friday Hello to all! Welcome to the Weekend Wrap-Up!
Last week, I learned via my inbox that a vast number of exactly two of you were disappointed, when this hebdomadal exercise in mediocrity went missing. In particular, I want to apologize to this person for depriving them of their weekly, alleged-comedy-jokes-bit fix:

Anyway, here’s Gary from IT, with This Week In Website News ™ :

OK, I’ll do my best.
“Hello. I’m Not Gary.” In this week’s news, it’s amazing, but true: together, we have done the impossible:

From what was literally nothing six short months ago, we have created a fun and active community. A place that, and this is the part that is insane, is crowdsourcing its content from comment section writers.
While trying to promote this experiment, I did my homework. I reached out to about 60 different website owners explaining the whole scheme, to see if it was viable, and ask for help.
At one point, I actually found myself smack-dab inside a video call with five other honest-to-goodness website owners. I was stoked; I had no idea how to do any of this. And I now had a chance to learn from some real professionals.
Have you ever been laughed out of a Zoom meeting? It’s like when my dentist gleefully tells me that I need a double extraction and emergency root canal, only less fun.

A guy in the waiting room is making fun of a person wielding a high-speed dental drill ?
Gwen, cancel my appointments, and have Mr. 58 come right in.”
The point is, I’ve never been accused of listening to reason, so why start now? We’re going to keep doing what we do here. Which is to provide a snark-free forum to folks who want to write about things that they like. Give a voice to people who want to give others a little laugh, a good “think,” or otherwise inform or entertain.
I’m having fun. I hope you’re having fun, too. And I hope that you feel the camaraderie.
You all make it a nice place to visit.
The only thing that I might ask is to please help talk-up and promote the site online – and offline, too. The business reality is that I need more traffic, in order to start defraying the costs incurred for the hosting, email, etc. Having more readers and members could fix that problem in a jiffy. So if you all might please channel your inner bellman, and tell folks about, it would be so great.
I have more stuff, but I have to GO INTO ANOTHER 3:00PM FRIDAY MEETING.
You can’t make this stuff up. Gotta run, but thanks for listening.
And, by the way, there was some other mail that came in last week:

It’s Friday! Here’s our weekly recap of recent cool stuff that you may have missed…
This Past Week’s New Articles
On Monday, it was 1972 all over again. And Contributing Author Ozmoe made it hard, with a whole bunch of worthy candidates for the latest installment of his awesome series, “The Songs Of The Summer…”
And on Tuesday: Nobody but Contributing Author Phylum Of Alexandria could come up with a way to compare the similarities of a dance-pop hit with the current State Of The Internet…
If you seek smart and relevant commentary about the world of jazz, you need look no further than to the latest excellent article from Contributing Author minor major 7th …
And, quite nicely bookending our Wednesday reverie was True-Blue and Loyal Contributing Author Chuck Small with a review of a classic K-tel compilation …
There is just nothing cooler than when a commenter moves-on-up to be a Contributing Author. And on Thursday, Aaron3000 made the leap, with the first episode of a three-part Mini Series about his adventures in Karaokeland…
And, wrapping up the week in style: Friday brought us the triumphant return of always-in-tune Contributing Author Bill Bois, with the big honkin’ Season 2 Premiere of Theoretically Speaking: Music Theory For Non-Musicians.
• Hey, we love your company! Be sure to hang with us all weekend here at The Weekend Files, or in any of our articles for your commenting pleasure.
• And remember: please continue to send your ideas for articles to . Everyone is welcome to write an article. Need some encouragement? Hit me up!
Thank you so much for your support and kind comments about the site. I’m impossibly lucky to be able to hang with all of you. Have a great weekend, please be careful, take good care of yourselves and each other…
…and good on you all.

Views: 83
“Hebdomadal” means weekly? I had to look it up. I thought that was something that came with naan and chutney.
Thanks for a good week, everyone!
I looked it up too. And now I get the Charlie Hebdo title. Well, half of it.
Happy Friday!
‘Hebdomadal’ sounds like a diagnosis one would get after trying to reach for something on the top shelf that’s just out of reach but you try anyway and pull something…
Mt, you’re a rock star among mere mortals. I didn’t ask about last week’s absence of The Weekend Files because I imagine you are overworked and exhausted, and you don’t need any excuse. You can skip a week for very good reasons or no reason at all.
My family and I all have COVID. I think my son got it on the plane back from Luxembourg, then my wife and I soon followed. Son is basically better now, Mrs. Pauly and I are in the doldrums. Hopefully we’re about to be on the upswing.
Take Care. Hope you feel better soon!
Thanks broski!
Good grief!
So sorry to hear that the family is afflicted.
But the good news is that Clan Steyreen is made of pure energy- you will all kick this thing to the curb.
Seriously: get some good rest, and give yourself time to recover. We’re rooting for you.
If there’s a bright side to that, I guess it’s that y’all didn’t get sick until after you got home!
Hope you guys recover quickly and uneventfully, pauly.
Hope you and your family feel better soon!
Sunday update: wife and I have improved considerably (not symptom free but getting there). Son is completely better and testing negative. However, Mrs. Pauly and I have considerably diminished senses of taste and smell for the time being.
Still, glad to be through the worst of it. Thanks for the well wishes and good vibes y’all!
I really got whacked with this about six weeks ago. Double vaxxed and double boosted, and it still didn’t matter; I got it.
Anyway, here’s what you already know: rest, rest, rest. You gotta to get your strength back, and it might take time.
For what it’s worth, taste and smell were gonzo for me, for about three weeks post Covid, but they bounced back.
Hang in there.
Thanks brother! We’re just psyched to be improving without needing to be hospitalized. It’s a moral victory at least. Yes lots of rest is in order.
I figure if my sense of taste is out of whack, it may encourage me not to eat so much, not a bad side effect. Let’s see how that pans out. Lol!
Take care and be good to yourself brother. Talk later!
I certainly noticed a hoodie shaped hole in the online landscape last weekend. Good to have you back and, as ever, huge gratitude for all the work you put in to keep this altogether. Hope the 3pm Friday meetings don’t get too much, its really not the way to lead into the weekend. Once knew a manager who scheduled a 4pm Friday team meeting every week, fortunately for me it wasn’t my team. He explained his reasoning that they were scheduled to work til 5pm so he didn’t want them feeling they could wind down into the weekend and it kept them on their toes. Which ignored the fact that by pulling them into an hour long meeting to end the week meant they weren’t actually doing any work. All about the power to mess with people.
This weeks major takeaway is that we watched Minions: Rise of Gru (don’t judge me) and while the film has already left my memory the soundtrack was pretty awesome. First time I’d heard the Diana Ross / Tame Impala collaboration (together at last!) and quite frankly its a joyously funky summer anthem. The rest of the soundtrack has some great covers like St. Vincent doing Funkytown, Weyes Blood doing You’re No Good and a left field choice of Hong Kong pop star G.E.M. doing Bang Bang in a mix of English and Mandarin / Cantonese – forgive me I’m a little rusty on my Chinese languages so can’t quite make out which it is. Whatever the language its a great version.
This weekend its all about roller coasters. Two days at Alton Towers theme park Sunday/Monday. One of the benefits of having children, I get to play on the rides as well.
Thanks for the kind words, and back at you, JJ.
It sounds like you have a family-fun packed weekend in store. Here’s hoping that you and all of our good friends have a great one.
Mt, you’re allowed to have a weekend to yourself! You already do too much for us guests here – indeed, the hostest with the mostest.
I’m going to keep plugging away at my latest article this weekend (can’t imagine what THAT topic will be…. 🙃) and celebrating a massive accomplishment that officially kicks in tomorrow –
So after only being a federal employee for 5 years, I had reached the point where I could no longer be promoted by my managers. If I wanted to continue moving up, there actually had to be a position opening posted for that higher grade level through USAJobs, and I had to apply for it. And those are very, very, very seldom posted. Well, after only 18 months as a fed a few years back, I was hand picked to be part of a brand new team that got created during a reorganization to support our group’s automated production process. 10 guys, all Level 14’s (the grade level you have to apply for and go through the interview process et al) who’d been feds at least 15 years …. and me. It became a running joke I’d always pester my boss about – so, when do I get my 14?! I’m doing the same level of work as them, they all acknowledged it too, so did my manager, but political theater is alive and well throughout the federal workforce too, and it took 3 years to finally convince the upper management they needed to restock their SME’s in our division.
They finally posted the openings in January of this year. I had my interview in March. They announced a few promotions finally in May. And as of last week, 3 more were officially announced as being promoted to Grade 14’s, including yours truly. Starting tomorrow, at the start of the new pay period, I can at last say I have really made something of my career, and reached the pinnacle in the federal workforce.
Team Dutch effort, as the Mr has been there with me the entire way, and I freely acknowledge his half of the hard work we’ve done to get to this point. So yeah, it’s been a surreal past 2 weeks. 🙂
This is the nicest thing I’ve read all day. So happy to hear of your hard earned success!
Congrats on the 14. That’s excellent news!
Great work Dutch (& Mr Dutch)!
That’s awesome, congratulations on the promotion, Dutch!
Nom, nom, nom…. Eating her way up the ladder! Go Team Dutch!
(Edit: Ok, I probably should’ve watched more than just the first 30 seconds before I posted that video… but, hey, level up!)
Welcome back MT!!!
😊 thank you!!
My ten-year high school reunion’s tonight! I’ll admit, I’m a bit nervous, but I think everything will go well. It’ll be nice to have some social time for once, considering I’ve been so chained to my job lately…OK, not lately, “pretty much all summer” would be more accurate. I rewatched Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion last night in preparation lol.
That’s a big deal!
Will need a full report, of course…😊
I hope to be able to deliver. Unfortunately, my friend who I was originally going to meet over there just had to cancel…So consider “a bit nervous” upgraded to “almost terrified” tbh!
I totally vote for shadow to write about the reunion experience!!!! No doubt it’ll prompt many memories for the rest of us as well.
Don’t worry shadow, everyone else is feeling the same way you do going into this evening, you all will get over it within the first 10 minutes of getting there.
And Romy and Michelle is much less stressful than Gross Pointe Blank’s reunion. Unless that’s why you’re going to your reunion, so you can write it off as a ‘work’ trip?! 😉
Well, update, it went better than I expected! I got an early day tomorrow, sadly, so couldn’t stay for longer than two-and-a-half hours. But, I’m currently buzzed and happy.
That’s awesome!!! Glad to hear you had fun.
Booksmart is great, but it’s hard to beat the comic duo of Mira Sorvino and the great Lisa Kudrow. Sorvino deserves so much better. Makes me mad.
Ten-year reunion? My word I feel so old right now…
Anyway, hope you kids have fun tonight! 🙂