- Frozen Moses
- Thee Michelle Gun Elephant
- Limited Express (Has Gone?)
- Various Artists
- Sorry
- Picasso Trigger
- Sandy Duncan’s Eye
- Someone Still Loves You, Boris Yeltsin
- We Were Promised Jetpacks
- The Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash
- Phil and the Blanks
- Nerf Herder
- Gang Green
- Screamin’ Cheetah Wheelies
- Pussycat Doghouse
The results are in!
The commentariat has spoken – and the winner is:

Congratulations to our winner!
Thanks to all for playing along, and for a fun week!
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Views: 59
This was fun. I love these bracket challenges. Congratulations to Moses, despite his frigidity.
Maybe the warm reception at TNOCS will help him thaw.
Congrats Frozen Moses! I want one of those t-shirts. Great contest, ltc!
Thank you so much! Of course, the real credit goes to MT who took my idea and ran with it in the visuals, brackets, etc.
And I also want one of those t-shirts.
I looked up our 2nd place finalists and they’re pretty good!
Yes, very reminiscent of some of the ’00s indie post punk stuff that I remember from that time. These guys are solid and this song has over 30 million views on Spotify, so maybe not as obscure of a band as we thought.
Along with my nominee (Picasso Trigger), I was hoping Nerf Herder would make it. I’m wondering how many of you recognized that band name as a Star Wars reference?
[nerdy voice]
Oh, yes.
Frozen Moses have their own merch on ebay. Or maybe I’ve got the wrong end of the stick and shaken it with great abandon.