We have a winner!
And it was a landslide !

Savage Rabbit has bested Subtle Mullet by three to one.
That’s quite an upset that I didn’t see coming.

Of course, I’m signing all my social media posts with “#JusticeForClangThwack” which shows you what my predictive abilities are like.
And that I don’t hold a grudge.

Now, assume the position.
I have to admit though: Savage Rabbit is a really good name.
With all those “a” sounds, it just rolls off the tongue. “Saa-vaage Raa-bit.” Good choice, everyone.
(Now, I don’t want to start any rumors, but if that savage of a rabbit threatened any of you prior to voting, let me know and I’ll tip off the RICO squad.)

So, Savage Rabbit it is.
Now that our band has a name, who has a garage we can practice in? Also, what genre are we? May I suggest Neo-Honky-Tonk EDM? Or maybe Industrial Ambient Flamenco?
And.. ahem… well, folks, this is embarrassing:

I’ve just been informed that there’s already a band called The Savage Rabbits.

They’re from Enniskillen, Northern Ireland. And they sound pretty good.
Is their name too similar, or is ‘Savage Rabbit’ different enough to risk a lawsuit?
OK, so before we head offstage… Any last words, Billie Joe?

“Nope. I’m still stinging from being bounced out the very first round of that stupid 2000s bracket. Like some kind of a cheap also-ran.”
“You can just forget it. I’m not gonna say it…”
Aw, c’,mon. You know you want to…

“But just this once:”

So that’s a wrap! Or…
Maybe… we should just start all over again!
I’ll see you here when I have 64 new band names. Thanks for participating, everyone!
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Views: 133
I voted for Savage Rabbit in the finals, but I think all the other names it beat (besides Toucan Cher, which is AWFUL) are better than it.
Toucan Cher initially did pretty well, so I wouldn’t say its awful. Now, Insect Riddled Stump? THAT’S AWFUL.
There was a cover band in Philly named Taken, so named because every other idea for a band name was…yeah.
If the lawyers are unhappy, a slight adjustment should do the trick. Mad Bunny, here we come!
Who knows, maybe they threatened every other band named “Taken” with “I will find you and I will kill you.”
Bhad Bhunnie. Close enough to two famous musicians’ names without being the same as either of them!
Somewhat maybe kind of related:
I always thought that if I were in such a position of authority, I would name a high school sports team, “The Visitors.”
I feel that there would be a morale boost from seeing your actual team name on the scoreboard at the away games.
Road record: improved.
mt, still waiting on an answer to my question as to whether or not that bunny photo is a still from the classic horror flick “Night of the Lepus”
I’m afraid it’s even worse:
Rather than being a savage rabbit now I see that it’s screaming in terror!
savage indeed, but not the rabbit
That’s giving off “Watership Down” vibes **shudder**
In the 80s, there was a band in Boston called Sorry. They’d start their shows by saying, “Hi, we’re Sorry.”
You just made these guys a little bit more sorry.
Which I guess works out for them?
I guess there’s two Sorrys. Why not? There’s Savage Rabbit and The Savage Rabbits.
The Mexican band Kinky starts their sets by yelling “We are Kinky!”
Liam Neeson would like a word.
This band was around well before Liam Neeson’s film, though they likely lack the lapins sauvages he has for lawyers.
There was a local bar band here for awhile that called themselves Free Beer.
My favorite ironic band name:
I haven’t seen it used by anyone yet. Or maybe I have…?
Congratulations to the bad bunny.
Interview with The Savage Rabbits, including the obvious question, the origin of that name; ‘it was just something that felt right one day.’
Disappointing lack of back story but as the poll shows, they chose wisely.
Nice catch. I guess I’ll have to vet future names more thoroughly.
“A Night of Savage Entertainment–Savage Rabbit and Savage Garden. Tickets on sale now at Ticketmaster.” Someone make this tour happen stat!
Ultimately, I chose the name that would sound best getting yelled out over a PA system, and Savage Rabbit was it. Congrats, from Team Lips Like Chicken.
I wrote to The Savage Rabbits to let them know about our little contest here. They were surprised but happy, and they sent a link to their music for those of you who have Spotify: https://spotify.link/cIZKjdHa2Db
Baking Brad. The Battle of the Sommeliers. Encased in Carbonite. Chris Martin’s Brother Who Bullied Him Incessantly. Tag, You’re It. Choco Tots. Mansplain and the Leg Spreaders. Maulwart. Diogenes in Silk.
I went for Subtle Mullet. I’m also disappointed the members of Savage Rabbit weren’t inspired by Watership Down.
Finally, but not leastly, great job, Bill!
I think our winning band should just follow Def Leppard’s lead, and become Savige Wabbit.
A surprise ending! That was amazing! I’m already excited about the next round.