What makes for The Perfect Song?


The oldest icebreaker in the book for music geeks is probably: “What are your favorite songs? But have you ever given thought to what you’d name as your Perfect Songs?

So I started to ponder that difference, and thought it’d make for an interesting topic here on tnocs Island.

Gilligan's Island
Don’t panic. The Professor says that he can make an internet router out of a coconut.

In my opinion, a favorite is simply a go-to track, and if you’re like me, they’re probably categorized in a certain way. You’ve got your Favorite “I Feel Sucky Today” song, “I Need a Pick Me Up Boost”, “I Want to Drive Fast”, “I Need to Scream”, “I’m So Happy I Could Ugly Cry”, “Today is My Day,” etc. They may even be by your favorite artist, and chances are they are a favorite artist, because they have a variety of song selections that fall nicely into multiple Favorite Categories of yours.

For me, they are not one and the same. And it was rather amusing to me when I realized that while watching a particular movie the other night, as it features a song that while it may not necessarily an all time favorite of mine, it’s absolutely perfect – in every way.

But a Perfect Song? That’s very different. Those are songs that give you All The Feels.

For me, those songs can be defined as songs that make my soul soar. Do you get that feeling as well? It’s almost like an out of body experience where you’re gliding free – the ultimate escapism, a natural high if you will. But it’s so perfect, you can’t put it on repeat, as that would ruin the whole vibe. As I thought about it, I realized there’s really only a handful of songs for me that I would classify as perfect, that give me that giddy rush of loving the fact I’m alive at that moment to experience it.

Which, given my tendency to react to most situations with a shrug because my emotional wiring is as active as a 25 year old car battery, is a pretty big deal for me.

perfect battery
Fun fact: dutchg8r also comes with a lifetime warranty.

So, here’s my list of Perfect Songs – so speaketh The Dutch. (Don’t worry – There’s not a single George Michael or Duran tune in the list!)

1. “Purple Rain” by Prince. So this is what I was watching the other night (I saw it was on HBO Max, I’d never seen it in its entirety before, now I know why I never bothered to watch it before, lol). “Purple Rain” is A Perfect Song in that I just want to soak in the song, and I don’t want it to end. The full 9 minute version is not long enough; honestly, I could listen to it for an hour. It’s poetic hope from a place of sadness, and the music matches the tone of the lyrics perfectly. The rendition Prince did of Purple Rain during the Super Bowl is quite possibly THE greatest live performance ever, I wanted to cry it was so amazing to watch.

2. “Be My Baby” by The Ronettes. This was the first song to ever grab me and have the hairs on my arm stand up. I’ve rarely heard anyone sing so sincerely on a record as Ronnie Spector did in that song. The longing, the urge, the lust, all in a minor key of wonderment music. Then ‘Moonlighting’ goes and uses it to soundtrack Dave and Maddie finally caving in to each other, and my little ol’ 13 year old heart nearly burst, I was so happy.

3. “Learning to Fly” by Pink Floyd. Look, it’s even right there in the title!!! This song truly makes me want to fly, like I’m in a glider just floating over the terrain, removed from everything and just at peace with the universe. There’s no sensation to compare with that…

4. “Everlong” by The Foo Fighters. Whether it’s acoustic or the balls to the walls rock out version, “Everlong” is divine. (I prefer the fast and furious full on version) Similar theme to ‘Purple Rain’ and ‘Be My Baby’, of this desire to find hope in the tumultuous chaos of love.

5. “Dreams” by Fleetwood Mac. This is like a volcanic hot spring of a song I just want to immerse myself in and stay until my fingers and toes get all pruney. To me, it’s a wistful – ‘whatever dude, go do your thing, hope you wake up to what we’ve got going here before too long though.’ The intimacy of the recording and the production is just so rich.

6. “Angels” by Robbie Williams. Doesn’t get much more gorgeous than this. It’s the perfect ideal of a relationship – unconditional love from a partner. The song structure is sublime, the build up is breathtaking, the ending is this cathartic release of pain, joy, hope, and love.

7. “Fragile” by Sting. Simple, quiet, devastating, sobering – it’s the kind of reality check we need every now and then to reset our egos, and remind us just how Fragile we are as humans.

8. “Hysteria” by Def Leppard. The exception to my so-called rule of Perfect Songs, “Hysteria” happens to also be my all time favorite song. It’s everything – steady, gliding beat, vocal harmonies, guitar harmonies out the ying-yang (I believe I’ve heard Phil Collen say there are over 40 different guitar tracks throughout ‘Hysteria’, its an entire orchestra of electric guitars!), a tale of how the chemistry with another person just makes you so blissful and delirious you NEED to expose your very soul to them, life just could not be any better. You’re not only flying, you’re dancing in perfect choreographed time like you’re Fred and Ginger in the clouds.

Ecstasy doesn’t even begin to describe it.

I’m very curious to hear what other people define as a Perfect Song – is there a general trend? Is it specific to the individual? Maybe the definition of what makes a song Perfect to you is totally different than my viewpoint?!

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Obnoxious Smurf that tells lame jokes and is too sarcastic for her own good.

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Phylum of Alexandria
Famed Member
May 5, 2022 8:48 am

Interesting to think about! It’s in my training and trade to pick nits, so I tend not to think in terms of what’s perfect or not (as shortcomings are possible to find in anything if you are trying to find them!). But you seem to be getting at something that’s perfectly transcendent for you, taking you to absolute sublimity. And once you’ve reached that state, you’re in no mind to think in terms of limitations or faults.

And I certainly have my songs that take me to that higher plane, or maybe one of many different higher planes. A few months ago, inspired by a TNOCS comment (from dothestrand I believe), I made a list of my top 500 most favoritest songs.


Most if not all of these have a transcendent power for me. It’d be interesting to think about why, but I have not done so at this point! I just went with my gut.

Famed Member
May 5, 2022 9:05 am

What a great topic to cover, and it helps explain my own feelings about songs.

  1. “Everlong” is my favorite song from the 1990s – it clicks all the right buttons, and it MIGHT be a perfect song, BUT…
  2. If there were ONE song I was allowed to bring onto a deserted island, and only one, it would be “This Must Be the Place” by Talking Heads
  3. It’s funny, because it’s never been a FAVORITE song of mine. I mean, I love the song, but it’s never been the ONE.
  4. Tom’s write up of it (and the request) just reinforced my opinion of it:


JJ Live At Leeds
Famed Member
May 5, 2022 2:45 pm
Reply to  thegue

This Must Be The Place is a great choice. Last summer the Radio 1 DJ Nick Grimshaw left the station after many years. We were on holiday and in the car as he hosted his last show with the radio on. I wouldn’t say he was anywhere near my favourite DJ and didn’t often listen but he ended by giving a really lovely speech about how being at Radio 1 was pretty much his childhood dream come true, how it became his home and how his parents had encouraged him. And then he played This Must Be The Place which is as far from the present day Radio 1 playlist as you can imagine and I had a double take reaction of ‘is this really being played on primetime radio in 2021?’ but in that moment with his heartfelt words it had never sounded more perfect. Given that this is someone I wasn’t really interested in those few minutes of radio had quite the impact.

Famed Member
Online Now
May 5, 2022 9:49 am
Reply to  dutchg8r

I serve at the pleasure of our writers, friend dutch.
Thank you, and thanks to everyone here. More gushing on Friday in my “Weekend Files” bit.

Famed Member
May 5, 2022 11:01 am

I mentioned this recently at the mothership, but one song (as opposed to record) I think is perfect is “Will You (Still) Love Me Tomorrow?” The Shirelles’ original can’t be topped, but there are at least six others I have in my collection (Dave Mason, Carole King, Roberta Flack, The Bee Gees, Amy Winehouse and Leslie Grace) and each has something distinctive that makes it impressive.

Famed Member
Online Now
May 5, 2022 11:27 am

I’m on vacation and just asked my compatriots for their prefect songs. Ms. Virgindog selected Pink Floyd’s, “Shine On, You Crazy Diamond.” Our friend, who you might remember at the little girl from The Cure video, said the allegretto movement from Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7. Her boyfriend picked “Hurting” but Jamiroquai, and I have to go with The Who’s “Won’t Get Fooled Again.”

JJ Live At Leeds
Famed Member
May 5, 2022 2:31 pm

Great selection Dutch. The question of perfect song is pretty much unanswerable for me. There’s just so many, my mind usually goes blank and can’t cope with the task whenever I’m asked my favourite anything. I could do like Phylum and compile my top 500 but I think my brain would explode with the exertion of it or at best I wouldn’t sleep for a week as I dredged through the deepest recesses of my mind to remember them all.

For starters, these are the ones that spring immediately to mind but this is a mere starter, there’s so many more…

Dexy’s Midnight Runners – Come On Eileen
Bikini Kill – Rebel Girl
Wreckless Eric – Whole Wide World
Tears For Fears – Sowing the Seeds of Love
Chemical Brothers – Setting Sun
Ride – Polar Bear
Belle and Sebastian – Piazza: New York Catcher
Bruce Springsteen – Born To Run
Lizzo – Good as Hell
Maximo Park – Graffiti
Mazzy Star – Fade Into You
Marianne Faithful – Broken English
Creedence Clearwater Revival – Fortunate Son

minor major 7th
Noble Member
May 5, 2022 8:40 pm

A great article.
Off the top of my head:

1. Strange Meadow Lark – Dave Brubeck
2. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat – Charles Mingus
3. So What – Miles Davis
4. See No Evil – Television
5. Movin’ on Up – Primal Scream
6. Summer’s Cauldron – XTC
7. Sign o Times – Prince
8. Someone Great – LCD Soundsystem
9. Check the Ryhme – Tribe called Quest
10. Midlife Crisis – Faith no More

Noble Member
May 9, 2022 12:12 am

I will second Goodbye Pork Pie Hat. That piece is just amazing.

Famed Member
May 5, 2022 10:24 pm

This is tough… I certainly have my favorites, but to pick a “perfect” song is hard, especially since I’ve never been great at trying to explain why I feel the way I do about certain songs (probably for the same reason I hated English Lit back in school…I enjoy reading, just don’t ask me to analyze what I read!). Off the top of my head, I’d have to go with “Everybody Wants to Rule the World”. Everything about it just works, from the way the intro builds, to the burst of harmonies in the bridge, and then when you get to what in most songs would be the final chorus, it throws in a couple more sections that are different enough so that it doesn’t feel repetitive. Each time I listen I’m able to hear something new I haven’t picked up on before (which is pretty amazing for a #1 smash that I’ve probably heard a thousand times over the last 37 years). So yeah, that counts as perfection for me.

Pauly Steyreen
Famed Member
May 6, 2022 1:20 pm

My mind went a million different places at once. But I don’t have time to be long-winded, so I will share a song that always picks me up. It is quite possibly perfect:


Edith G
Famed Member
Edith G
May 12, 2022 11:59 pm

Dutch you made a great list, excellent article.

Famed Member
Online Now
May 13, 2022 12:25 am
Reply to  Edith G

Edith G! Hola y Welcome! 🙂

Famed Member
September 26, 2022 4:45 pm

I assume you’ve heard the 20 min. version of “Purple Rain”?

Famed Member
September 26, 2022 4:49 pm

One of the best part of both “Dreams” and “Go Your Own Way” is the whole “I wrote a song about you that’s not nice, and you need to do background vocals for it” aspect. The rubbing-it-in part? *chef’s-kiss*

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