I’m stunned at the response that my dumb Friday bit has generated. Clearly, I underestimated the demand for an ancillary TNOCS-style hangout. No wonder they never let me work on marketing initiatives at the new job.
In addition to commenting here, over a dozen of you have PM’ed me, re: features, ideas for content, and general nice hellos. I’m ready to listen to all of it, and although I’m a mediocre coder, I will work on it all.
For example, I’d always thought that over at the ‘gum, it would be neat if there were some indication that somebody responded to an initial comment or a reply. I cooked up something this morning, and friend jondeutch was kind enough to confirm that it seems to be working. I’ve included an opt-out to this feature, in case some of you would prefer not to be alerted whenever any of your way-cool stuff has gained a response. It’s your choice.

jon also had an interesting take on the “economics,” which was very kind to even have on the radar. See his post over at “Inaugural Day Comments,” and please chime in, maybe back over here under this post, if you have any thoughts.
I’m going to slay this dragon one little step at time. My goal is continuous improvement, and on a very regular basis. Hang in with me, and I’ll get to work.
Thanks, everyone, for the exceptional gift of your participation.
Good on you all.
Views: 14
Awesome work Mt. I think one little step at a time is absolutely the right way to go. I’m sure everyone appreciates the time and effort you’ve put in already. While there’s plenty of ideas out there we don’t want Mt burn out trying to put together an all singing all dancing site asap. On the financial side, one banner ad like was mentioned in the comments doesn’t seem too much of an imposition to me but at the same time I’d be happy to pitch in with an annual subscription (not sure how it would work for those of us outside the US and if exchange rates, etc would impact). In summary, I’m easy – like a Sunday morning. Or Sunday evening as it is here.
Once again, kudos to you Mt and thank you!
Great that you’ve joined in, JJ! Much appreciation for the kind words.
I’ll continue to solicit ideas for functionality, as well as content. (I’ll likely be putting out the call for contributors within a day or two.)
In re: the banner ad, et al; thank you for your input, JJ. Would really like to hear lots of opinions on this…
This is great, mt. I’m glad the mothership is doing so well that they applaud your efforts as well. I’ll be around!
Hey, Archie,
That’s fantastic that you found us. Very glad that you’ll be on board!