No, it’s not some kind of a weird Panera product placement.
I mean, don’t get me wrong – we’d love to have them as a sponsor.
But there’s a whole lot of contractual stuff that would have to be hammered out. Something that would require a studied judicial review from our newly established legal department.
And, hey, look: right on cue, it’s Jayden, The Second-Year Law Student Intern. What say you, future counsellor? Any thoughts?

Umm… certainly an unconventional way to beg for advertising business… Who was it again that recommended you for this position???

That’s just great. We really need to find a better method of recruiting. An influx of Nepo babies can’t be far behind.
Problematic litigation aside, let’s get to the matter at hand. A simple homework assignment for y’all:
We have a Brand New Contributing Author who has graciously volunteered to create a Spontaneous Flash Review of a popular song. Their secret identity will be revealed soon…
Until this very moment, they have no idea what the nominees are. And here’s where you come in:
This time around, we’re going with the unified theme of 90s Alternative Songs From 1994:
Choose ONE of the following three songs for which you’d see to read a mini-review. Tell us which one is your favorite in the comments…
… And be surprised later on the week when our newest scribe pops back in, to share their review of the winning tune.
Voting closes on Thursday at 3:00 AM GMT (11:00 PM EST)!
Views: 128
This is kinda like irishbeartx assigning songs to defend. I like it.
Definitely bear-adjacent.
Our mystery New Contributing Author is psyched!
C’mon – we all know it’s Tom.
“Black Hole Sun” is my favorite of the three, but “Buddy Holly” got my vote. It recently started showing up in my YouTube recommendations… not the original, but scores of different ytp mixes (certain instruments or vocals missing or offkey, etc). I think the YouTube algorithm must have realized I had already watched all 5,000+ Steamed Hams videos, and this was the next logical step.
“Crazy Horses” showed up on my algorithm because I like Low. “Crazy Horses”, truly, sounds like it beamed in from alternate universe.
I picked “Buddy Holly”, too. For me, it’s the last great music video before MTV changed their programming. ‘Til today, I still get the same thrill when fake Fonzi starts dancing, if that’s what you want to call it.
This is hard. I love Black Hole Sun and Run Around. I chose the latter because it is a genre that I know less about, and the band is playing in Nashville later this month.
Run-Around kinda bugs me. I know Black Hole Sun pretty well. But I barely know Buddy Holly at all, which is weird. So I’d learn the most there. But, hey, I’ll take any music article!
How intriguing! Looking forward to the unveiling of both the Mystery Author and the song!
Well, I’m glad that I’m with the majority, but I also have an irrational love for harmonica (I always wanted to learn how to play it), is one of the reasons why I like “Run-Around” and the way that John Popper plays it is out of this world.
The love for harmonica isn’t irrational. It’s a great instrument!
“Black Hole Sun” is the more interesting song from the more interesting band, so that’s my vote.
Ha – I get the reference!! Until 11 days ago I’d never heard of Panera, now everytime we get back to the hotel room for a little chill out time before diving back into the heady whirl of Disney there’s an ad on tv telling me how they cut the pepperoni thicker for a better taste.
As for the song, I picked Buddy Holly. I like that and Black Hole Sun equally so it was just a random selection of one of them.
Job done, time to get back to the Magic Kingdom. Eat sleep Disney Park repeat…..
A little on the NSFW side, but perfectly essential Robert Smigel:
I chose “Run Around” so we can get a take of the “jam band” 90s era, and because “But Anyway” is one of the greatest songs EVAH:
I chose Runaround as a substitute for the song I’d really like to see a column about: Hook.
It’s Pachelbel and meta and so much more than it first appears.
mt58 what have you wrought!
I come back from spring break all reinvigorated and refreshed and I
get this as a quiz?
I apologize to all you fans but this was a waste of my time.
I couldn’t access the songs so I had to toggle back and forth from Youtube and the songs hit no response on my radar.
I’ll give the nod to Weezer for “Buddy Holly” for getting the “Happy Days” remembrance right, but, honestly, the songs are just a non-entity for me.
If all goes according to plan, DF, we just might have another edition… with three selections that are in your wheelhouse!
Oooh-wee-ooh, looks like its Buddy Holly,
Oh-oh, for our reviewing du jour…