Making the most of frayed nerves, living away from home for the first time, and room-temperature roasted chicken, it's Contributing Author rollerboogie with Part Two of his miniseries, "My Life in Jazz"…
We all enjoy the summer in different ways. Contributing Author Jon Deutsch is here with his particular version of fun in the sun - prepping for another of his awesome Friday Flash Review. Check it out, and nominate your fave…
It's been a great ride - a series spanning 60 years of personal life-milestones and musical memories from Contributing Author Chuck Small. Join him for a last look at the past, the present - and beyond…
Lend him a tenor: Contributing Author and colluratura aficionado Bill "Virgindog" Bois is back with this week's new episode of Theoretically Speaking. Bonus points to Laurel, who gets it…
Returning after too long of a while: it's Contributing Author and good friend Both Grouse, with a thought-provoking question for the music lover inside you…
In this penultimate episode of his life-milestones and music series, Contributing Author Chuck Small takes us back to his personal decade that starts in the year of the final Concorde flight, Finding Nemo, and the launch of iTunes…
”His spirituality as described was thoroughly naturalistic, reflecting what I would call a pantheistic reverence for the world and the living things that inhabit it."
It's the latest from Contributing Author and Resident VanguardPhylum Of Alexandria…