From Carnaby Street to Haight-Ashbury, you'll not find a hipper hippie than our own Contributing Author Bill "Virgindog" Bois. In this episode of Theoretically Speaking: Music Theory For Non-Musicians, Bill wraps up the unique genre of psychedelia.
Bonus points for the electric jug reference…
Well, sure - maybe Contributing Author JJ Live At Leeds is a little bit older, a little bit deafer, and could use the occasional afternoon nap. But make no mistake: When it comes to fondness for live show memories, nobody is a greater nostalgist…
Energized by your hearty response to the Halloween Spooky Song Contest, it's Contributing Author lovethisconcept, who's back - this time with a Yuletide poll…
The legend lives on, from The Boo Birds on down... OK, sports fans, it's Contributing Author dutchg8r, with a post game wrap up on the ever- endearing Phans From Philly…