"I don’t think academic study and activism are mutually exclusive, per se.
But the two do exist in real tension with one another..."
Here's a nice Wednesday think-piece from friend and Contributing Author Phylum Of Alexandria …
« more...»"I don’t think academic study and activism are mutually exclusive, per se.
But the two do exist in real tension with one another..."
Here's a nice Wednesday think-piece from friend and Contributing Author Phylum Of Alexandria …
« more...»Our newest Contributing Author comes with a full endorsement from Dr. Meredith Grey. And in her Debut Article, A. Donnachie talks about saying goodbye to the music when the curtain goes down…
« more...»We'll be there for you on November 24…
« more...»Wasn't that a time? Indeed it was. And we're so glad to have Contributing Author Bill "Virgindog" Bois back to tell us about it, as he returns for an all-new season of Theoretically Speaking: Music Theory For Non-Musicians. Bonus points for the "Wimoweh" reference…
« more...»Don't stare so close to me. Contributing Author thegue can relate, and shares another Great "Holy Yikes" Moment In Teaching…
Batter up: And make it snappy... Yo, it's Contributing Author dutchg8r, with a cheese-steak worthy feature on those lovable yet irascible scamps from 215 country…
« more...»He's back - with audio samples for everyone. Join Contributing Author Link Crawford, who has an "outrageously upbeat" take on what's happening, Down In Jingleland…
« more...»Somewhere, Lucille Ball is smiling - because who doesn't love to be name-checked by Contributing Author Chuck Small, who's back to share a dance-worthy K-tel compilation artifact from 1977…
« more...»For your easy-like-Sunday-Morning enjoyment, tnocs.com Contributing Author Phylum Of Alexandria stops by with some essential combinations…
« more...»We're sending a fit and healthy tnocs.com welcome to our newest Contributing Author, Shelby. In her Debut Article, she's been kind enough to bring a little something for everyone in the sh room…