Contributing Author and Resident Globetrotter thegue shares his wanderlust, and offers up a couple of possibilities for adventure…
« more...» Contributing Author and Resident Globetrotter thegue shares his wanderlust, and offers up a couple of possibilities for adventure…
« more...»It's Friday, so that means that its time for S1:E6 of Theoretically Speaking: Music Theory For Non-Musicians, where we learn very cool stuff from Contributing Author Bill Bois. Bonus points for the Sinatra reference…
« more...»Contributing Author Phylum Of Alexandria with their unique... spin on compiling memories…
« more...»Moldova? MOLDOVA! Take a scenic trip with Contributing Author and Europhile dutchg8r as she recaps the 2022 edition of Eurovision. Spoiler: It was a tough day for Vatican City…
« more...»"Too young to be in Gen X, too old to be in Gen Y..." Contributing Author, Father, and Friend minor major 7th talks about how we define - and defy - generational identity…
« more...»Contributing Author Chuck Small has a Sunday Morning Photo Essay for us, that pays tribute to a beloved friend…
« more...»Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and Monday on my mind…
« more...»Hello, and welcome to I’m mt58, the creator and owner of the site. It’s been 71 days since we launched, and in that very brief time, I have been humbled, gratified, and astounded by the kind participation from commenters, authors and visitors to this destination. My original intent for…
« more...»It's Friday, so that means that its time for S1:E5 of Theoretically Speaking: Music Theory For Non-Musicians, where we learn very cool stuff from Contributing Author Bill Bois. Bonus points for 'The Turtles' reference…
« more...»He won't stop until he gets to the top! It's a debut from Contributing Author Ozmoe, with a fun remembrance and updated listings for upcoming Holiday Weekend Countdowns…
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