
Hand Me That Thesaurus – It’s Time For Singonyms !


There’s a quiz show over here:

Richard Osman’s House Of Games.

Over the course of five shows, it pits four celebrities against each other in a series of games that can be loosely defined as general knowledge…

…with a twist.

One of those games is Singonyms:

In which the contestants guess the song from seeing the lyrics. Except:

The lyrics are completely changed while retaining the same meaning. I thought I’d have a go at coming up with my own Singonyms. 

Some came easier than others.

  • I would like to thank the Thesaurus writers of the world for their invaluable assistance in compiling these.
“Why, thank you, good sir JJ!”
“I’m gratified, pleased, gladdened, humbled, touched, blessed, beholden, indebted, and tickled pink that you think I got the rizz.”
  • I would also appreciate it if songwriters could stop using the word ‘baby.’

As well as being a little creepy, it demonstrates a lack of imagination and is really annoying at having to find ever new alternative words to it.

For a readership of music aficionados, this shouldn’t be too hard – but see how you get on. I’ll be back later with the answers. 

And feel free to take up the challenge to come up with your own. 

I traversed the arid sandy lands astride an untitled equine
There was pleasure to be had in the lack of precipitation

The arid sandy lands affect the memory of what you’re called
As people are not present to provide discomfort

{melodic filler}
{melodic filler}

During daylight hours perspiring in the road

The fugitive ideal that every citizen of the United States should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard word, determination and initiative 

During hours of darkness driving past large houses of renown within self immolation vehicles Bouncing out of barred enclosures that are a feature of the road numbered between 8 and 10

Shiny metal rings, propellant administered, walking across the boundary
Hey, infant the conurbation tears out your spine

Representing a threat to life, a hara-kiri rebuke
It is imperative to depart in our adolescence

As vagrants such as we are, newborn, our birth was with the intention of sprinting

Emerging from an uninhabited region
By any means finding my way out

There was no indication of my disorientation
Before coming upon thee
Defeated, unfinished

Bamboozled me, making me down plus disconsolate
However thou compelled myself towards sensations

Damn right, compelled myself towards sensations
Gleaming as well as fresh

Hmm, akin to a person with their virtue intact
Handled in a way that’s a wholly new experience

Akin to a person with their virtue intact 
While our life giving organs thump side by side

Collect your firearms, fetch your buddies
There’s merriment in defeat and make believe
The lady is stupefied but confident
Whoops, I am familiar with vulgar language

Hi, greetings, howdy, what depth
Hi, greetings, howdy, what depth
Hi, greetings, howdy, what depth

Hi, greetings, howdy

In the dark, it is safer
The gang is all here, perform please
My intelligence is lacking and I’m infectious
The gang is all here, perform please

Purchasing baked goods sold by a chap from the Belgian capital
193.04 centimetres tall while totally ripped
Posing him a question “parlez-vous Anglais?”
A grin was proffered by him along with a sanga containing a thick black yeasty extraction.
The man enunciated;

“This cobber originates in the country way below
There the amber nectar pours forth while Bruce’s barf
Is the sound audible, is the sound audible of airborne rumblings?
Its best to make yourself scarce, its best to go to ground, alright

Operate that

Construct that

Undertake that

Compels ourselves





Operate that more proficiently, construct it to a higher quality

Undertake that with rapidity, compels to indestructability

Increase over eternity, one 60 minute period after another

Labour endures forever

One’s flavoured dairy drink attracts young men within this enclosure

Also they vocalise, that’s superior to others

Certainly that’s superior to others

Instruction will be provided, though there will be a demand for payment

So, a helmeted French EDM duo are performing where I dwell, I dwell

I will exhibit the cords child, exhibit the cords 

There’s a coach and caravan outside where I dwell, I dwell

I will exhibit the cords child, exhibit the cords

A substantial amount of alcohol has been purchased to accentuate where I dwell, I dwell

The entirety of the household goods are stored in the car port

So, a helmeted French EDM duo are performing where I dwell, I dwell

They must be positioned appropriately youngster, positioned appropriately

Punt that

Released from slumber not punctual enough for your education establishment, fella you’d rather not attend

Asking your mother, kindly? Though the answer remains a negative

It’s a no show for a couple of lessons, with a lack of after school assignments

Yet the educator addresses the form as though they take you to be a halfwit

It is imperative to maintain the struggle in order to carouse

Twenty-four seven, aiming to usurp you

Double crossers (double crossers)

(Beaming at ones visage)

Perpetually, aiming to usurp you

Double crossers (double crossers)

Men as a whole that are in a loving relationship, affirmative, affirmative

So those men as a whole should take guard, affirmative affirmative.

So, father vacated the family abode before I was four 

Left barely anything for mother or myself

Just an aged stringed instrument along with a fully drained alcohol receptacle

At present I’m not holding him accountable for hightailing it out of here

Though in terms of cruelty the worst of father’s actions

Prior to departing, was to assign the moniker of Susan to myself. 

Provide yours truly with that, kiddo

Oh yes, oh yes!

The entirety of young ladies proclaim me rather dapper for a pale dude

One, two, three, four, five, five, six

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Views: 475

JJ Live At Leeds

From across the ocean, a middle aged man, a man without a plan, a man full of memories, a man like JJ.

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Famed Member
November 14, 2024 3:30 am

Okay. I’ve been sitting here for ten minutes feeling very inadequate. Kudos to anybody who deciphers three to five of these, or just one. I just know it’s going to be so obvious when you reveal each song’s identity. I just put the fan on. No. That’s not helping.

Famed Member
Online Now
November 14, 2024 6:22 am

I’m 8/12 so far, and I’m not sure that score is going to improve. Number 6 is particularly baffling!

Famed Member
Online Now
November 14, 2024 8:11 am

Is it common for people to do this all the time? I do this in my head all the time, though not likely as skilled as JJ has things spelled out here. I love it.

One of the reasons it’s fun is to deflate the pomp and self-importance of rock/pop music by exposing the mundane topics that we are all shouting at the top of our lungs.

Profanity laden songs are especially fun to poke at using literal synonyms. It can get uncomfortable. And silly.

Famed Member
November 14, 2024 8:50 am

This is cool! I have gotten everything except #7.

Famed Member
November 14, 2024 8:53 am
Reply to  ISurvivedPop

And then I thought about synonyms for the last line and I immediately figured out what #7 was.

Famed Member
November 14, 2024 10:15 am

This is fantastic. I had to work at some of them, but I think I got all of them except #10.

Last edited 4 months ago by rollerboogie
Famed Member
November 14, 2024 12:19 pm

It’s fine. Perfection scares me. And of course, now with that giant hint, I got it immediately

Last edited 4 months ago by rollerboogie
Famed Member
Online Now
November 14, 2024 10:22 am

#6 had me stumped so I cheated. I Googled what I thought the translation might be and found that it’s a group I haven’t listened to much.

This was fun, JJ! Any thoughts about making it a regular series?

Phylum of Alexandria
Famed Member
November 14, 2024 11:01 am

I got em all. 😎

Great job!

Famed Member
Online Now
November 14, 2024 11:45 am


Famed Member
Online Now
November 14, 2024 12:14 pm

OK, I got all of them EXCEPT for #8.
(I knew what #6 was, but couldn’t really remember the name of the song)

Tom in the adjacent cube had to help me with #4.

Noble Member
November 14, 2024 12:38 pm

I got 10 out of 12. Love this!!

I laughed out loud several times as I had to try not to read them like poetry which makes them sound hilarious.

Also, I could imaging the performer The Streets doing several of these in his voice with these lyrics.

Famed Member
November 14, 2024 4:43 pm

#2. (hangs head in shame)

“10th Avenue Freezeout” is my RINGTONE.

Famed Member
November 14, 2024 5:04 pm

Got #6 wrong and missed out on #10 of all things until JJ threw a giant clue at me. Got everything else. This was amazing. Thanks, JJ.

Famed Member
November 22, 2024 5:00 pm

This was so rad – 8/12 correct (fell apart on the last three).

My entry:

I wish to impart knowledge upon you
That I derive pleasure from your pleasure
I desire nothing more than
Happiness and satisfaction for you and your partner

A newer model than I
Is she twisted in the loins like I am?
Would she perform mouth sex on you while watching a live performance?
Does she speak well and true?
Would she produce your offspring?
I am confident that she would raise children in a satisfying manner

Because the emotional bonding you provided and that we shared
Was inadequate for you to expose your thoughts and feelings
And every moment that you mention her legal first and surname
Is she made aware that you impressed upon me
That we would remain embraced until you passed away?
Until you passed away – but still you walk the Earth in good health!

I am present to help you recall
Of the clutter that remained when you departed
It is inequitable to keep from me
The torturous grudge I carry
You, you, you should really be more aware

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