The Weekend Files: 07.15.2022


Hey, see the stars in his eyes,
And that music in you
Tells you how you can find
(Your way to paradise)

Friday – Thank God It’s Friday

LOVE AND KISSES: Thank God It’s Friday
Songwriter: Alec R. Costandinos
Billboard Hot 100: #22 – July 1978

A big, Friday Hello to all! Welcome to the Weekend Wrap-Up!

Say, it’s been a minute. How about we have a look inside the ol’ Mailbag?

The Official Graphic, Evoking The Concept Of Modern Interactive Communication.
Dad, it’s 2022. No one has licked a stamp since the Bush-43 administration.
We’re gonna need a more up-to-date metaphor.

Hmm. Maybe you’re right. For those of you keeping score with Goodboy, that makes three weeks in a row.

We’ll compromise. It may be the 21st century, but I can’t help it – I’m a sucker for nostalgia. Consider me still squarely on Team Elwood Edwards.

Hey! I’ve got mail!

Actual Letter #1:

I agree, and as some of you may have observed, this has been addressed. Let me know if it’s better.

Actual Letter #2:

Great question! Write about things that interest you! We’re fairly music and arts centric, but your piece can be about anything. (And I’m always happy to help by doing all of the formatting and any desired editing.) Here are a few ideas to get you out from behind that pesky writer’s block:

• Tell us about your favorite song, and what it does for you. Like this.
• Do you have a story to share about things that happened when you were younger? Like this.
• Slice-of-life, everyday things that we all can relate to? Like this.
• Now that live shows are starting up again, tell us about a recent concert experience. Like this.
Deep thoughts? The state of our world in 2022? What you had for breakfast?

It’s all good, it’s all fun, and we look forward to seeing your byline. Hit me up at .

Actual Letter #3:

That’s too bad. I know that it’s not for everybody. I’m just trying to-

Grrrr. It’s OK. I’ve got this one.

How would you like a big ▄▄▄▄ bite on your ▄▄▄ ?

[Publicly: embarrassed. But privately: very proud. Good boy, Goodboy.]

(Cough.) Moving on…

Congratulations to members jmf74 and Chuck Small for their keen talents of observation. They were the winners of last week’s virtual scavenger hunt. Check your email for your prize! If y’all enjoyed playing along, maybe we’ll do it again soon.

And now, here’s our weekly recap of recent cool stuff that you may have missed…

This Past Week’s New Articles

Contributing Author lovethisconcept wrote up a fun piece about the musicians that we love, and what happens when they bring their kids into the family business…

Another chapter in this great series from Contributing Author Ozmoe confirms it: we never want the summer to end….

Tuesday brought us a terrific new article about a lost 80’s cinema classic, from our Contributing Author and film analyst cappiethedog

I showed up on Wednesday

Fridays at = TGIBB – it’s the dozenth (!) infotainmently-awesome episode of Theoretically Speaking from friend Bill Bois

And we wrapped up our regular week with a great new series debut from Phylum Of Alexandria – let the comments flow!

Be sure to hang with us all weekend… drive-by comments here at The Weekend Files, as well as in any of our articles are always welcome.

Thank you in advance for keeping us company – we appreciate you!

Thank you so much for your support and kind comments about the site. I’m impossibly lucky to be able to hang with all of you. Have a great weekend, please be careful, take good care of yourselves and each other…

…and good on you all.

– mt58


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Your grateful host. Good on you all.

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Phylum of Alexandria
Famed Member
July 15, 2022 1:50 pm

Wow, that last email. I have so many questions! But mostly in service to an angry elephant…

Phylum of Alexandria
Famed Member
July 15, 2022 1:53 pm

Are the post hearts working again? Looks like it from my end.

Pauly Steyreen
Famed Member
July 15, 2022 2:32 pm

My heart is usually checked before I see it. If I click it, it goes away. I don’t mind automatically giving hearts to columns I read, but it does seem contrary to the purpose of the heart.

Famed Member
July 16, 2022 12:16 pm
Reply to  Pauly Steyreen

I’ve been conflicted about that as well. Like, how do I know my auto Like Heart is actually legit, or will it go away if I manually click on it?!

JJ Live At Leeds
Famed Member
July 15, 2022 4:20 pm

They can question the point of it all, they can invoke the spirit of the grumpy old neighbour asking if your mother knows what you’re up to but questioning Goodboy??? That’s a step too far. Seeing that cute little furry face is the new signifier that the weekend is here.

One of the most refreshing things about TNOCS, here and over at SG is the novelty of an online comments section that has a spirit of community and a respectful positive approach. And a lack of people logging on just to say they don’t understand why other people like the thing they don’t like. Turns out they’re going direct to the boss. Can’t win ’em all.

Here in the good old not fully functioning UK the race to be the new supreme being is gathering pace. 11 miscreants put themselves forward. Three failed to actually making it out of the changing rooms and onto the playing field by not getting the backing required to get on the official ballot of 20 Conservative MPs. Rehman Chishti with the notable distinction of failing to secure a single nomination. Seems he’s as anonymous to his fellow MPs as he is to the public. Literally never heard of him til a week ago.

We’re now down to 5. They’re on TV right now having an argument, sorry apparently the word is debate. Primetime Friday night viewing right there. I’ve opted for reading a live blog of the event rather than expose myself to the good vibes. Too much of a good thing and all that.

Further rounds of voting Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday get rid of the least popular each day til only two remain. At which point they have a nice chat over a cup of tea and come to a equitable arrangement. Nah, they turn it over to the Conservative Party members to pick the winner. Conservative Party members are predominantly white men over the age of 60 so we can be assured that the winner will have the whole country behind them. For some reason it will take until 5th September for the old men to make up their minds and the winner announced. Stay tuned…..or not, go out and live your lives, the #1s will have cycled through years by the time it’s all over.

Famed Member
July 16, 2022 12:21 pm

For the past 30 odd years, my brain automatically defaults to this Monty Python sketch when it comes to British elections.

Noble Member
July 16, 2022 5:19 pm
Reply to  dutchg8r

A true classic, and apart from the suits, hasn’t changed a bit. My mind always guess to this bit, though:

On a related note, my son was asking about the whole PM thing, and I tried my best to explain the Westminster system, and he was not OK with how prime ministers are not directly elected, until I asked what he thought a British person might think about the electoral college.

Famed Member
Online Now
July 15, 2022 7:23 pm

I see. Reading the website is a waste of time but writing to complain isn’t. I see. Interesting. The more you know.

Anyway, I plan to spend my weekend selling the basses and other gear I wrote about earlier a couple weeks ago. I’ve just posted an amp and a cabinet on Craig’s List locally because I don’t want to ship heavy stuff like that.

And now to treat the lovely Ms. Virgindog to a Sicilian pizza. Have a great weekend, everybody!

Famed Member
July 15, 2022 9:02 pm

I look forward to what the puppy has to say.

Dance Fever
July 15, 2022 11:02 pm

I’m not even going to respond to the person who questioned the presence of Goodboy. Obviously, they don’t get it.
But my hat is off to everyone who posted this week. It was some of the most concise, coherent observations about our daily lives and it is what I love about what mt58 has created here.
It’s like the (to steal a line from DC Comics) the bizarro world to our present state of the world. People actually present valid arguments about their favorite subjects and instead of being shredded by shark attacks, they are offered reasonable responses, whether pro or con.
Have a good weekend all and see you on the flip side.

Noble Member
July 16, 2022 5:22 pm
Reply to  DanceFever

They’re clearly from an alternate world where pictures of dogs is something that is simply not done on a serious medium like the Internet. The waste of electrons is truly shocking.

Famed Member
July 18, 2022 12:41 am
Reply to  DanceFever

Remember folks, never question Goodboy.

You will incur the wrath of a certain Mr Jonathan Wick.

Baba Yaga loves his doggies.

Famed Member
July 16, 2022 10:03 pm

Re: Letter #1… The larger thumbs are appreciated (especially on mobile).

I’d be most concerned if the thumbs disappeared completely, though. Better get rid of your walnuts just to be safe…

Famed Member
July 17, 2022 9:49 am
Reply to  mt58

Never saw that before. What a riot!

Famed Member
July 17, 2022 9:48 pm
Reply to  mt58

The DVD Show is one of my desert island series, the rewatchability factor is high.

Also, not afraid to admit that I find capri-clad MTM sliding down the pile of walnuts to be very sexy indeed.

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