Always at the ready with a fun idea: it's Contributing Author and Nomenclator Extraordinaire Lovethisconcept, who brings a delightful new bracket contest to our commentariat. OK, Love - take it away, and may the best name win…
« more...»Always at the ready with a fun idea: it's Contributing Author and Nomenclator Extraordinaire Lovethisconcept, who brings a delightful new bracket contest to our commentariat. OK, Love - take it away, and may the best name win…
« more...»The goal wasn’t to convey any particular message through a particular painting, but instead to invite citizens to investigate, to interpret, to converse, and even to disagree.
It's the debut of a brand new series from friend and Contributing Author Phylum Of Alexandria…
Contributing Author, Twitch Broadcaster, and Totally A Gangster Of Love DJ Professor Dan is back, and ready to share what was happening musically around this time, 50 years ago…
« more...»"I see my involvement with Factory somewhat as a laboratory experiment in popular art." Contributing Author JJ Live At Leeds gifts us with an amazing, detailed, and engaging historical look at the storied Manchester UK record label, Factory Records.…
« more...»Attention, all ace respondents: Contributing Author and Master of Pondery rollerboogie is back with Round Two of Four Musical Questions. His ever-enquiring mind wants to know what you think…
« more...»For those of us who have known a passion and interest in music: you may sometimes wonder if this gift is a function of nature or nurture? In a sweet tribute, Contributing Author Chuck Small just may have the answer…
« more...»Contributing Author, Twitch Broadcaster, and Björk Fanboy DJ Professor Dan is back, and ready to share what was happening musically around this time,30 years ago…
« more...»You say that you're up for a road trip to the Land Of The Rising Anmitsu? Then you're in luck - because friend and Contributing Author Phylum Of Alexandria has your golden ticket…
« more...»Splitting the difference - and heading straight to his own version of a Monserrat mystique - it's Contributing Author
Stobgopper, who's back with a particular observation... of perhaps compulsive proportions…
It's a triumphant yet bittersweet moment: Contributing Author Chuck Small returns for this final episode of his tremendously entertaining series that jogged our memories, and helped us all to recall... Who sang that ? Get ready as Chuck wraps it all up with Volume 9…
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